University:Name of Program Director:
Date of Review:
Sites Participating in this Program:
Program Website / URL:
Standard B4
"There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the Royal College specialty training requirements."
Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of interuniversity affiliations may be negotiated. It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an interuniversity affiliation.
1. Teaching Faculty
List by teaching site the members of the teaching faculty who have a major role in this program, including members from other departments. In indicating a subspecialty, use as a criterion whether he or she is considered by colleagues as a subspecialist and functions academically and professionally as one.
Teaching Site / Name / University Rank / Specialty Qualifications / Subspecialty(If any) / Nature of Interaction with Resident (e.g. clinical, teaching, research)
What percentage of faculty listed above have been practising in the specialty/subspecialty:
< 15 years %
> 25 years %
2. Clinical Anesthesiology
Hospital / Approximate Number of Anesthetic Procedures Per Year for Each Group of PatientsAdult Surgical 1 / Pediatrics / Obstetrical / Cardiac / Major Vascular Surgery / Thoracic / Neurosurgical
1 Under Adult Surgical include all procedures other than the special groups noted; for example, include dental surgery, general surgery, gynecology, orthopedic surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, plastic surgery, peripheral vascular surgery and urology.
a) Describe any other classes of patients of importance to the training of residents, such as major trauma, special plastic procedures, etc. In addition, mention any special units or services not included in the above figures that provide opportunities for clinical experience on a mandatory or elective basis.
Hospital / Summary of Technical Procedures:Numbers Per Year (Overall Program)
General Anesthetics / Nerve Blocks / Other
Epidural/Spinal / Other Regional / Pain Control
b) Give the approximate number of anesthetic procedures that would be handled by each resident in the course of training. The following or a comparable breakdown is suggested:
General anestheticsRegional anesthetics
Emergency cases
Day care case
IV Sedation (monitored anesthesia care)
Miscellaneous diagnostic procedures
3. Operating Room Teaching
a) Comment on the availability of qualified and motivated teaching staff to ensure that all residents receive active clinical teaching in the operating room.
b) Indicate whether there is systematic instruction in regional anesthesia, including one month (or equivalent) rotation for chronic pain management.
c) Indicate whether there is systematic instruction in obstetrical anesthesia, and resuscitation of the newborn.
d) Indicate whether there is systematic instruction in pediatric anesthesia.
e) Indicate whether there is systematic instruction in the preoperative assessment and post-anesthetic care of patients of all ages.
4. Consultations
Indicate for each hospital the number of requests for consultations per year in each category.
Hospital / Pre-operative Consultations / Respiratory Support/ICU Care / Pain ManagementIn-patient / % seen by residents / Out-patient * / % seen by residents / # of consults / % seen by residents / # of consults / % seen by residents
* Includes patients seen prior to same day admission.
Indicate how resident experience, both in-patient and out-patient consultation experience, is assured.
5. Internal Medicine
Describe the role of the department of medicine in the Anesthesiology residency program. Comment on the availability of appropriate rotations in Internal Medicine that provides experience to subspecialties of special importance to residents. Indicate at what stage of the program the Internal Medicine is ordinarily taken.
6. Critical Care Training
List the hospitals that provide Critical Care experience for residents in this program, and describe the arrangements for teaching and supervision.
If a significant portion of the training in Critical Care Medicine is taken under the aegis of the departments of Medicine or Surgery, indicate the measures taken to ensure that this training meets the needs of residents in anesthesiology.
7. Emergency Care
Describe the resources available and the arrangements for training residents in the emergency aspects of this specialty.
8. Basic Sciences
Describe how instruction in the sciences (physics, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology), basic to an understanding of clinical anesthesiology, is integrated with the clinical program. Indicate the areas where residents receive such instruction.
9. Information Resources
a) Do residents have free 24/7 access to on-line libraries, journals and other educational resources? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain.
b) Do residents have adequate space to carry out their daily work? Yes No
c) Are technical resources required for patient care duties located in the work setting? Yes No
d) Do facilities allow resident skills to be observed and do they allow for confidential discussions?
Yes No
10. Summary of Adequacy of Resources
Comment on the adequacy of resources in the overall clinical program, with particular reference to the relationship of such resources and the number of residents dependent upon them. Identify any areas where deficiencies of staff, suitable patients or essential facilities are adversely affecting the training of residents, indicating measures under consideration to correct such deficiencies.
Editorial revisions - February 2012