Upcoming Dates

Wednesday 16th November / Novena of Mercy at 7.30pm Christ the King Church
Friday 25th November / Bring & Buy Sale
Sunday 20th November / Do This In Memory of Me
Christ the King Church 12noon

Dates for future notice:

Confirmation 23rd March at 3 o’clock in Christ the King.

Holy Communion 21st May at Mountfield 10 o’clock.

Month of Remembrance

As we celebrated the feast day of All Soul’s on November 2nd we ask that you prayer for any family members or friends who have passed away and are in Heaven. May they Rest In Peace.

St Brigid’s Primary School

4 Lenagh Road,



Co. Tyrone,

BT79 7PT

Tel: 028 80771327

Principal: Mrs Rosena Tracey

Principal Welcome

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, as Mrs Rosena Tracey. It has been lovely to meet all the pupils and I am looking forward to getting to know all the children and yourselves as parents in the coming weeks.

Principal Awards

Well done to all the award winners this month who received a Principal’s Award for all their hard earned work.

Year / Pupil / Achievement
1 / Peter McCullagh / For a super effort with his sounds and positive approach to his work.
2 & 3 / Ciara McCrossan / For her enthusiastic approach to Mental Maths and her kind, caring nature.
4 & 5 / Carla Heaney / For her positive approach to all her tasks and always showing lovely manners.
6 & 7 / Jakub Smolarek / For his lovely pleasant personality and enthusiasm for learning.

Congratulations to all those pupils who achieved their 100% attendance this month. They are now 1/3 of the way to achieving their full 3 months attendance. We look forward to acknowledging our pupils who achieve 100% attendance for next month with a homework pass.

Cash for Clobber

A total of £100 was received from ‘Cash for Clobber’. Thanks to all those who brought in clothes. This will help towards resources for our children.

Novena of Mercy

Fr McFaul has invited our school to be part of the Novena of Mercy on Wednesday 16th November in Christ the King Church at 7.30pm. Please see attached a detailed note.

Internet Safety

As part of our e-safety and Child Protection Policy, we are required to ensure children are knowledgeable of safe use of the Internet. We work with our local cluster group to provide training on this.

Pupils information session Years 5, 6 & 7 9.45am to 11.45am in the Dean Maguirc College on Friday the 18th November.

Bring & Buy Sale

Our ever popular Bring & Buy Sale will be taking place on Friday 25th November. Simply bring any unwanted toys or household items to the sale and in turn you have the opportunity of bagging yourself a bargin. All items MUST be in good condition and in working order. Any money raised will go towards School Funds. Everyone is welcome to attend, come along from 1pm to 3pm.

Progress Meetings

We hope your child has settled well into school at this stage. Parent Teacher Meetings will be held week beginning 14th November 2016.

After School Clubs

After school clubs up until H

Tuesday: Ceili Dancing Club (Years 3-7) Beginning Tuesday 15th

Wednesday: Film Club (All Years) Beginning Wednesday 9th

Wrap Around Care

Wrap around care continues to be of service up until 5.30pm except for Fridays, which ends at 4.00pm.

Outstanding Monies

Anyone who has not yet paid their music or milk for Term 1 then please do so at your earliest convenience.

Milk - £4.10 per child

Music £3.50 per child

The costs for up until Christmas are as follows;

Milk – £3.50 per child

Music - £3.00 per child.

*Please ensure that these amounts are paid in order to assist with running costs as Mrs Sweeney is to be paid each week and Milk is to be bought in each week.

Healthy Eating

As we all know healthy eating plays a major role in the well-being of us all. Here at St Brigid’s we follow a healthy eating policy to help maintain a healthy life for our children. Please ensure that your child takes a piece of fruit with them for their snack each day.

Christmas Play

This year’s Christmas Play is set for Tuesday 13th December. More details to follow.

Annual Diocesan Mass

The Annual Diocesan Mass for deceased children and young people will take place in Saint Eugene's Cathedral, Derry on Sunday 13th November at 7pm. All are welcome.