M. Virginia Cunningham Elementary


Paul Zona Jr., Principal

Attached is the M. Virginia Cunningham Home School Compact for the school year 2014-2015. A group of parents, teachers, and administrators came together to review and revise a unique document that represents the educational goals, expectations, and shared responsibilities that define all of our roles as partners in your children’s education. We believe that by communicating what is necessary to achieve or surpass high standards: our students will be better prepared to excel throughout their educational careers.

This compact incorporates the unique ideas and activities of Cunningham Elementary. Teacher/School responsibilities describe how the faculty will provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and caring learning environment, teach to the grade level expectations, assign appropriate homework, and foster a welcoming atmosphere for parents/guardians, families, and students.

Parent/Guardian responsibilities indicate some ways that parents/guardians can support their children’s learning by monitoring their attendance and home work, becoming involved in school activities, sending their children to school on time and prepared to learn, and communicating with teachers.

Student responsibilities include what is important for student to do in order to perform to the grade level expectations. For example, a student should ask for help when needed, complete homework thoroughly and accurately to the best of their ability, and resolve conflicts in a positive, peaceful way.

As Principal, my role is to represent all staff members of Cunningham and to affirm our commitment to this compact.

By signing this agreement with your child and his/her teacher, you are showing your child that education is important to you and that you agree with our commitment to provide the best possible education for all of the students at Cunningham Elementary.

A copy of this agreement will be returned to you for your records once all signatures have been obtained.

Thank you,

Paul Zona Jr.

Principal of Cunnningham Elementary

M. Virginia Cunningham Elementary

(401) 729-6262

Paul Zona Jr., Principal

Home/School Compact 2014-2015

We, the M. Virginia Cunningham Elementary Community, developed this compact to empower each child to achieve his/her full potential by strengthening the partnership between the home and the school.

The Mission of Cunningham Elementary, as a culturally diverse school with a dedicated faculty, staff, and actively involved parents, is to prepare all children to develop academic skills, cultural awareness, social responsibility, and a positive attitude through standards based education; which will enable them to reach their full potential as self directed and life-long learners.

As a student, I, ______, believe that I can learn and achieve high standards. I will:

* Complete my homework, thoroughly, and accurately to the best of my ability

* Read or be read to at least 15 minutes each day

* Show respect for myself, my school, and others

* Come to school each day on time, prepared, and ready to learn

* Ask for help when needed

* Resolve conflicts in positive, peaceful ways

As a parent/guardian I, ______, believe that my child can learn and achieve high standards. I will:

* Assist, check, and monitor homework

* Encourage my child to talk about their school day

* Encourage family daily reading and limit television/video games

* Communicate with and support my child’s teacher

* Get involved in the school

* Send my child to school regularly, on time, prepared, and ready to learn

* Help my child resolve conflicts in a positive way

As a teacher, I, ______, believe that each childcan learn and achieve high standards. I will:

* Foster a welcoming atmosphere for parents, students, and families

* Teach to the New Standards

* Assign homework that reinforces the day’s lessons

*Continue efforts to develop professionally

*Provide a safe, pleasant, and caring learning environment

*Communicate with parents in a variety of ways

* Instruct and encourage students to resolve conflicts in positive ways

As Principal, I,______represent all at Cunningham Elementary staff in affirming this compact.