Fayston Natural Resources Committee

April 10, 2012


Present: Ky Koitzsch, Lisa Koitzsch, Cory Stephenson, Gene Fialkoff, Stan Button


Ky: Continue work on barn restoration

Gene: Find out who will be hosting next tri-town conservation meeting

Stan: Help Ky work on additional support in barn foundation

Cory: Draft a notice for the Valley Reporter and the Fayston elementary school re: May 5th McCullough Barn Raising

Contact Kristen Sharpless and invite her to June 12 meeting

Lisa: E-mail Select Board for update on Guidelines’ revision

Draft a Project Submission Form

Attend Forest Wildlife & Communities Steering Committee meeting

1. Minutes

The minutes from 3/20/12 were reviewed. Ky moved to approve the minutes, Cory seconded, and all present unanimously approved them.

The minutes from 2/16/12 were reviewed. Ky moved to approve, Gene seconded, all approved.

2. Meetings Schedule

All remaining meetings for 2012 will continue to be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the office of Alces Post & Beam, 441 Mad River Park, Waitsfield, unless otherwise notified.

May 8, 2012

June 12th, 2012

July 10th, 2012

August 14th, 2012

September 11th, 2012

October 9th, 2012

November 13th, 2012

December 11th, 2012

3. McCullough Barn Update

Ky showed FNRC members the great progress being made on the restoration of the beams, posts and knee braces in the Alces Post & Beam workshop. Mike Quenneville has been helping with the milling of new barn siding. FNRC decided to schedule the barn raising for the weekend of May 5th and 6th. On Friday, May 4th, the Alces crew will assemble the structure so that Fayston school children can observe. Most of the raising will take place on Saturday the 5th. Sunday the 6th will be a community work day and potluck. Stan offered the use of his tractor to help place a few more supports in the foundation before the raising. Cory will write a notice for placement in the Valley Reporter.

4. Fayston Conservation Reserve Fund

The Select Board was presented with the Fund Guidelines at FNRC’s last meeting and will be making a few changes to the introduction specifically in terms of fund set-up and investment. Lisa will follow-up with the Select Board to see if they have completed their revisions. When the revisions are complete, we will put a notice in the paper and on the Town website so that Fayston residents will get a chance to read the Guidelines. Lisa will draft a Project Submission form before our next meeting. We will need to meet with the Select Board in November to discuss funding for the Conservation Reserve Fund in 2013.

5. Chase Brook Town Forest

Cory will invite Kristen Sharpless of Audubon-VT to our June 12th meeting to discuss her possible involvement in the creation of the Chase Brook Land Management Plan. Waitsfield’s Scragg Forest Management Plan (created by Kristin) can be found on the Town of Waitsfield’s website.

6. Tri-town Conservation meeting

Gene will track down which town is supposed to be hosting the next tri-town conservation meeting in September or October. If Fayston has to host, then a possible location would be the Knoll Farm.

7. Forest Wildlife & Communities

Lisa will attend the next Steering Committee meeting to provide an update on the Fayston Conservation Reserve Fund.

8. Next FNRC meeting will be on Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 at 7:00pm at the offices of Alces Post & Beam.