Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba

Treaty Commissioner Request Form

400-175 Hargrave Street w Winnipeg, Manitoba w R3C 3R8

[T] (204) 777-1871 [F] (204) 777-1874 [W]

Please complete the following request form to have the Treaty Commissioner of Manitoba address your select audience with regard to the Treaties and the Treaty relationship. Treaty Commissioner Ross’ availability is best determined 4 weeks in advance of your desired event.

Please be advised**; As Commissioner Ross is requested to speak at many different events, some of which the TRCM is unable to predict, we ask that all organizations keep in mind that the Treaty Commissioner’s schedule isalwayssubject to change. In the event that a conflict should arise after confirmation, the TRCM will work to provide an alternate representative to any speaking engagement of which Treaty Commissioner Ross has been committed. Please take under careful advisement that TRCM must review all promotional materials prior to distribution. All publications require approval from the TRCM.

If you have not received confirmation from Treaty Commissioner Ross’ Executive Assistant via email in regard to your event please do not consider the Treaty Commissioner’s attendance guaranteed.

Basic Information

Onsite Contact Name:



Mailing Address:

City: Province: Postal Code:

Phone: ()Fax: ()


Engagement Information

Type of Engagement:


Greetings & Treaty Territory Recognition



1) Date and specified time of Event:

2) Location of Event:

3) Organization Background (please provide website if applicable):

4) Who is your audience and what are its characteristics? (Number of participants; Students,

Educators, Professionals, etc.):

5) Please indicate which topic area of Treaty would you like to have addressed at your event?

a) Historic & Contemporary Issues

b) Spirit & Intent of the Treaties

c) Other or Specific Request:

6)Will Audio/Visual aids available be available to Treaty Commissioner to utilize?Yes No

If Yes, please specify what will be available:

7)Will parking be provided? Yes No

IfYes location & details:

8) If Commissioner is unavailable to you on the date provided, would you be open to the option of a member from the TRCM Speakers’ Bureau in his place? Yes No

If Yes, kindly fill out and submit this form:

*We respect your privacy. Contact information is for internal use only.We do not sell, provide or share personal information with any outside organizations.

**Contact with the Executive Assistant and Speakers’ Bureau Coordinator is imperative in order to book an alternate speaker. In the event that an alternate speaker is unavailable, the TRCM is unable to send a speaker to such event. At that time the TRCM would recommend an alternate date in lieu.

Please return this request form to:

Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba

400-175 Hargrave Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3R8

Fax: (204) 777-1874
