On-the-Go Games:

  1. Clapping game -- as modeled.
  1. Wa! –
  1. Look up / Look Down – look intentionally at one other person in group. If eye contact is made, celebrate, then leave group. Good way to break into pairs. Repeat until everyone has a partner.
  1. Raise hands (who knows who best). Back to back not touching. (Who would win a 100 m race? Who spends the most time on their phone? Who wakes up earlier on a school day? Who is more likely to get a lunch DT? …) If both raise or neither raise hands, they are out. If only one of the pair raises hands, they stay in. People who are out can help the facilitator with ideas and group monitoring.
  1. Sticks – Start with two fingers. Touch a hand to ‘give’ fingers to opponent. Five or more fingers and you lose your hand.
  1. Hinky Pinky – Give clues to guess the rhyming answer (an upset father = sad dad)
  1. Behind the Green Glass Door: Words with double letters are behind the doors; words without are not. (Feet but not toes. Book but not pages; moon but not sun) Students have to discover the rule
  1. “One Duck, Fell In, The Pond, Kerplunk. Students go around in circle saying parts in order. One Duck – Fell In – The Pond – Kerplunk –The second time around, students say the part twice. One Duck – One Duck – Fell In - Fell In ... The third time around, they say it three times. One Duck – One Duck – One Duck -- Fell in-- fell in- fell in …
  1. “I’m going on a picnic” – invite people to picnic, but can only come if they bring certain things. Pre-determine a pattern of what they can bring. Ex: Can only bring things (and join picnic) if what they want to bring starts with the same letter as their name – “Watermelon/Whitney okay, Salsa/Amari not okay.

AOP – Complete an Awareness of Process

What did we do? (What was the task? What strategies did we use? How did we determine the strategy? Were we successful?)

Why did we do it? (What was the purpose? How does this connect to what we are learning/doing? Is this related to a larger theme?)

How can we apply this to what we do in our classroom/community? (What skills did we use that could help us with other work?)