Greetings Emmaus and Chrysalis Families!

Well, we made it through the Ice Storm of 2009. I hope everyone’s power and lives are back to normal. With this storm came power outages, and all the modern conveniences we take for granted came to a halt – such as the February newsletter. This is submitted electronically, and at that time, was unable to get published.

Back to the storm for a minute, even through the inconveniences and the cold, did you see the magnificence of God’s handiwork? The beauty of it…..the silence of it…. all of it was breathtaking. It made me stop and remember who is in control of everything…..the world, the weather, our families, our finances, our lives. It was a time for me to stop and ask God’s forgiveness when I take all my blessings for granted, and to thank Him for being faithful and taking care of me again. God is so good!

I want to welcome the new Butterflies from Chrysalis #43. Our family keeps growing! Please come and share in our Gatherings whenever possible. I want to thank Doug Bagley and LeAnn Yarbourgh for a job well done. Thank you for listening and giving your time to the Lord. I ask the community to start praying for the fall Chrysalis #44 lay directors. Joanie Turner will lead the ladies, and Tommy Irwin will lead the guys.

Formations are being held at the time of this writing for Men’s Walk #110 and Women’s Walk #111. Keep Larry Russell and Colleen Bagley covered up and over with prayer. Pray for the team and the talks the pilgrims will be hearing. Pray for the pilgrims and their families. Pray for good sponsors. Remember how you felt that Thursday night? This can be a very difficult time for some to leave their families, so let’s do everything we can to help alleviate that anxiety. Come support them with your attendance at sendoff, Candlelight, and closing. Let’s just love all over them!

Don’t forget to bring 2-liter drinks and agape to the campground. Remember to sign the 72-hour prayer charts and the speakers’ chart. Remember we need servers for the meals too; HOWEVER, one day will be a little different. On Saturday on the Women’s walk, servers are needed for supper only.

Please make plans to attend Gathering at Memorial United Methodist on Saturday, March 7, at 7:00 PM. We will be dedicating the men and women’s teams during this time, along with worshipping in song, fellowship, and Holy Communion. I look forward to seeing my family there!

Behind the Cross,

Wanda Jean Elliott

Walk #47

Table of Deborah

Prayer Time


  • Military Service Men and Women
  • Nicaraguan Community
  • Emmaus & Chrysalis Families
  • Emmaus & Chrysalis Sponsorship
  • Emmaus Lay Directors (Spring 2009)
  • Larry Russell (Men’s Walk #110)
  • Colleen Bagley (Women’s Walk #111)
  • Chrysalis #44 Directors

Men’s Walk 110 Team Members

Les Abston / Larry Anderson / Tracy Arflin
Bob Bivens / John Bland / Keith Bond
Marcus Boone / Danny Branstetter / Tom Brumfield
Tim Cardin / Homer Carter / John Chadbourne
Tom Cox / Carlus Cox Sr / Tom Crittenden
Billy Curle / Chuck Darland / David Dozer
Randy Dykstra / Tommy Fulkerson / Daryl Gardner
Adrian Gossett / David Green / Tom Hall
Dave Harper / Garland Hawkins / Simon Heighway
Taylor Kindervater / Art Leach / Lonnie Lemons
Troy Long / Glen MacPherson / Jim Murray
Kevin Oldham / Mike Payne / Tony Phillips
Doug Powell / Larry Russell / Bill Rymer
Johnny Scott / Chris Shaw / Jim Shaw
Doug Shepherd / David Smith / Allen Tipton
Raymond White / Charles Young

Women’s Walk 111 Team Members

LaTina Adams / Colleen Bagley / Emily Bagley
Ernie Bagley / Chasity Benningfield / Pam Bolton
Janaye Bond / Judy Boone / Sabrina Brock
Tiffany Brock / Shelia Calbert / Janet Carden
Diane Clemens / Pauline Crittenden / Linda Funk
Amy Genett / Scott Gillum / Cindy Givan
Janie Gossett / Lori Hart / Ellen Harvey
Debbie Hay / Connie Hensley / Wayne Hensley
Becky Higdon / Tina Higdon / Brooke Hoagland
Heather Holthouser / Coleman Howlett / Sandy Kidd
Meg Langford / Traci Life / Sandra Lockard
Mitzi Lynch / Rebecca Mauzy / Becky McGlone
Judy McKenzie / Linda Miller / Brenda Myers
LaTosha Price / Tina Rudder / Bettye Russell
Peggy Salmon / Aleta Smith / Gwynn Smith
Tricia Smith / Michelle Taylor / Pauline Wiley
Heather Wilson

Continuing your Journey: Fourth Day

As the New Year begins, take a moment to reflect on your journey. In living our Fourth Days, we are encouraged to continue to grow in relationship with Christ and live as faithful disciples in all of life. How will you carry out these three core teachings in 2009?

  • Piety: Giving our Hearts to Christ
  • Study: Giving our Minds to Christ
  • Action: Giving our Hands to Christ

Link ::

Elizabethtown Emmaus Online

There is a wealth of information about our Emmaus Community available on the Internet 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Visit to get the most current information on:

  • Events
  • Reunion Groups
  • Upcoming and Past Walks
  • Current and Past Newsletters
  • Volunteer Forms and Applications
  • And Much, Much More!

Mark Your Calendars

March 7th / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC
March 12th / Men’s Walk
110 Sendoff / 7:00 PM / Campground
March 14th / Men’s Walk
110 Candlelight / 8:00 PM / Memorial UMC
March 15th / Men’s Walk
110 Closing / 5:00 PM / Campground
March 19th / Women’s Walk 111 Sendoff / 7:00 PM / Campground
March 21st / Women’s Walk 111 Candlelight / 8:00 PM / Memorial UMC
March 22nd / Women’s Walk 111 Closing / 5:00 PM / Campground
April 4th / Board Meeting
Gathering / 6:00 PM
7:00 PM / Memorial UMC