2005 Listening Comprehension Test

Mid- term: Fall Semester

Instructions:This is the English Comprehension Test. There are forty questions on this test. You will hear statements, questions and responses, short dialogues. You will hear them only once. Please listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question on your answer sheet.

Part One Statement: Choose the answer that is closet in meaning to the sentence given.

1.  His behavior has been kind of strange.

a  He acts kind strangely.

b  His behavior has been terribly strange.

c  His behavior has been somewhat strange.

2.  She was baby-sitting her younger sisters.

a  She was taking care of her younger sisters.

b  The seats were taken by her babies.

c  She sat with her younger sisters.

3.  Jimmy is such a creep.

a  He can move quietly and slowly.

b  He is an unpleasant person.

c  Everyone likes him.

4.  People are like sheep.

a  People usually do what others do.

b  Most people like sheep.

c  Many people are as gentle as sheep.

5.  They’re both going to die of malnutrition.

a  They both will die from unbalanced diet.

b  They both will die from overeating.

c  They both will die from lack of energy.

6.  The subjects will do what a leader tells them.

a  The leader will bring up the subject.

b  The leader will tell them to focus on the subject.

c  The people in the experiment will obey their leader.

7.  The girls will melt when you wear it.

a  Girls will dislike you

b  Girls will be crazy about you

c  Girls will hate you

8.  There is a vacancy for a sales position in this company. This company has…

a  a job opening

b  a vacation

c  a good reputation

9.  She won’t put on a show for you as her future employer. She won’t…

a  show you her work

b  ignore you

c  act in a particular way for you

10.  The saleswoman’s approach was unique. She is…

a  universal

b  special

c  grateful

Part Two Question and Response: Choose the best response.

11.  I was wondering….Would you like to have coffee sometime this weekend?

a  That’s too bad.

b  How are you doing?

c  Well, actually, I have to study this weekend.

12.  I don’t know if you remember me. My name is Joanna Peterson.

a.  How are you doing?

b.  Joanna, nice to meet you.

c.  Sure I remember you. We were in the same biology class last semester.

13.  Where shall we meet for dinner tonight?

a.  Sounds good to me.

b.  I’d love to go.

c.  Let’s meet at the Rainbow Restaurant.

14.  You told me you wanted to ask Kathy out. How did it go?

a  Maybe some other time.

b  Sounds good to me.

c  Don’t ask.

15.  Can you make a witch to show me what she looks like?

a  I need to hang them out on the wash line.

b  Sure. She’s pretty much like an old woman.

c  I have no shares in this company.

16.  Ok, here’s our first subject. Will he touch the box?

a.  No, he won’t. He looks talented.

b.  Yes, he will. He’s a tough guy. He doesn’t look obedient.

c.  Yes, he will. He’s the subject we are looking for.

17.  As we all know, pandas are an endangered species.

a.  So, they are dangerous now.

b.  This means they are specific animals.

c.  Then, they will become extinct if we don’t protect them.

18.  Laura, will you marry me and move to Tainan?

a.  Yes, darling, I need a reality check.

b.  Of course, darling. What took you so long to ask?

c.  No, I’m sorry to hear that.

19.  How do you know most people will obey the sign?

a.  I don’t, but I think the experiment will confirm my predictions.

b.  Most people will predict obedience.

c.  Most people are like sheep and won’t obey the sign.

20.  What is one thing most customers like to do in supermarkets?

a.  Categorize products.

b.  Sample the fruit.

c.  Do experiments.

21.  These boots do not fit. May I exchange them?

a.  Sure. Are they too tight or too loose?

b.  I don’t like boots, either. I prefer sneakers.

c.  Keep the change, please.

22.  Would you like to see them in another size?

a.  I think I will take that leather jacket.

b.  Maybe size eight, please.

c.  I’ll check.

23.  Winter is coming. I think I should buy a new coat.

a.  Sorry. I can’t afford it.

b.  You should buy those made of wool.

c.  They do not fit.

24.  How can I help you?

a.  I have no idea, either.

b.  Just a minute.

c.  Well, I am thinking about buying a necklace for my girlfriend.

25.  It is not that easy to get a good job nowadays.

a.  No one says that it is very difficult.

b.  A good job will find you if you are prepared for it.

c.  You should not complain about it again and again.

Part Three: Short dialogue: After listening to a short dialogue, please choose the best answer to each question.

26.  W: Statistics show that today, 46 percent of the workforce in the United States is


M: What’s more, more and more women are becoming top executives, both in the United States and around the world.

W: Indeed, more and more women are breaking the glass ceiling.

Q: What does the woman mean?

a  46 percent of the top executives are female.

b  46 percent of the female workforce is in the United States.

c  There were fewer female executives.

27.  M: Are you sure you are working this weekend?

W: Yes, I am sorry. Maybe some other time.

M: We hate to go without you though.

Q: What is true about the man?

a.  He hates the woman’s company.

b.  He wishes the woman could go with them.

c.  He is not sure if the woman wants to go with them.

28.  M: Do you think romance and work can be a great mix?

W: I don’t think an office romance often ends up well.

M: I am of the same opinion. It probably works only for those who hate being apart.

Q: How do the man and the woman agree on this topic?

a.  The woman shares a different view.

b.  They agree with each other.

c.  The man is not interested in the topic.

29.  W: Would you care for some of my dessert?

M: No, thanks, I can’t take another bite.

W: That’s too bad. I was hoping you could help me finish mine.

Q: How does the man feel?

a  He doesn’t care for desserts.

b  He can’t finish his dessert.

c  He doesn’t feel like having more.

30.  W: OK, everything’s all set. Here you go.

M: Thanks Jill. You’re really my angel.

I’ll return the favor sometime.

Q: What does the man mean?

a.  He’ll send the woman her favorite food.

b.  He’ll return the stereo someday.

c.  He will do something for the woman next time.

31.  M: Now, just glue the ends together and a tissue box is ready for use.

W: Wow! That’s really amazing.

Q: What are the two speakers probably doing?

a.  The man is giving the woman some instructions.

b.  The man is showing the woman some magic.

c.  The woman is arguing with the man.

32.  W: Tim, watch out! You just ran the light.

M: Did I? Don’t tell me there’re policemen nearby.

Q: What does the man imply?

a.  He’s worried he may get a ticket.

b.  He wants the woman to tell him how to fix the light.

c.  He’s always been a careful driver.

33.  W: How’s your experiment going?

The data I got doesn’t agree with what our professor gave us.

M: My data is quite the opposite, too.

Q: What does the man mean?

a.  He didn’t finish the experiment required by the professor.

b.  His experiment result was not quite accurate.

c.  He didn’t like the experiment.

M: Here comes a young woman. Her dress looks quite expensive.

I’d say she won’t take the twenty-dollar bill on the ground.

W: No. I think she will. We’ll see.

M: This is incredible. How did you know?

W: She’ll definitely need money to buy expensive clothes.

34.  Why does the man think the young woman won’t take the money?

a  She’s honest.

b  She’s rich and probably doesn’t need any more money.

c  She has a lot of clothes and doesn’t need to buy any.

M: Hello, Ms. Walters. What’s up?

W: Mr. Anderson I don’t know what to do with your little Andrew. He never listens to me. When I ask students to be quiet, he keeps talking. When I tell them to sit down, he’s the only one running around in the classroom.

M: He doesn’t listen to me, either. Only his mother can keep him quiet.

35.  What is the profession of Ms. Walters?

a  the principle of an elementary school

b  a school teacher

c  a babysitter

M: Hello?

W: Hi, Jack. Are you feeling okay?

M: I haven’t been feeling well for about a week. Now I think I need to see a doctor. Would you like to come with me?

W: Sorry, I think I better not procrastinate doing my assignment for tomorrow.

When you get better, we can go to the movies.

36.  Why did Jack’s friend call him?

a  to make fun of him

b  because he wants to go to the movie

c  to check on how he is feeling

M: What would you like to eat?

W: I think everything looks good.

The spaghetti seems less expensive than the chicken salad. On the other hand, the meatball sandwich also sounds good.

M: Hmmm, I think the chicken salad is not bad and it’s healthier.

W: Well, I have a limited budget so I think I’ll choose the cheapest on the menu.

37.  Why did the woman order spaghetti?

a  Because she liked dish.

b  Because it was the cheapest.

c  Because it was healthy.

M: I need help in finding a nice shirt.

W: Okay, how about this green shirt?

M: That looks nice, but do you think it might be too expensive?

W: How about the white shirt? It’s much cheaper.

M: I think the green shirt fits much better on me. Can I try it on?

38.  What should the customer try on?

a  a green shirt

b  a white shirt

c  no shirt

M: Do you know that elephants are the heaviest mammal in the world?

W: Really! I also heard from the zoo keeper that hippopotamus and rhinoceros are the second largest land mammals in the world.

M: Wow! Come here and see this! Do you know that it is a fact that whales are the heaviest water mammal in the world?

39.  Where does the conversation probably take place?

a  in a forest

b  in a zoo

c  In a department store.

M: Do you like baseball caps?

W: Yes, I do. I know your store has medium and large hats.

However, I can’t wear any of them. They are too big.

M: Maybe you can take a look at a different store.

40.  Why did the store manager suggest the customer to look at a different store?

a  To give the customer more choices.

b  Because the store does not have her size.

c  Because the store manager was being nice.

Answer key

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. b

11. c 12. c 13. c 14. c 15. c 16. b 17. c 18. b 19. a 20. b

21. a 22. b 23. b 24. c 25. b 26. c 27. b 28. b 29. c 30. c

31. a 32. a 33. b 34. b 35. b 36. c 37. b 38. a 39. b 40. b