Name(s) ______

My Civil War Primary Source Fact Page

Teacher Note – Copy this page in two different colors. One color will represent the Northern event and one color will represent the Southern event. (Ex. - North page is blue, South is grey.)

Students – Choose the (1) primary source item from your time period Primary Source Folder that you think represents the most important person, place, or event of the 5 choices available per time period. Then fill out the form below. When this page is filled in, place it on the timeline in front of the class.

Location(North or South)
Time period (dates)
Title or Topic
What does it show?
* Person
* Place
* Event

1. Which ‘Historical Person, Place, or Event’ do you think should be considered the most important of the five choices in that time period category? (Ex – ‘1860-1861’)

2. Why do you believe the Historical Person, Place, or Event is the most important?

Support your choice.

This page can be used with Utah Social Studies 5th Grade Standard IV Objective 3.


Name(s) ______

Timeline During the Civil War

In the box(es) below, write details from your research of the topics in the Primary Source folders. Present this information to the class.

*Teacher options:

1. If you assign this to individuals or to small groups, they can just fill in one of the boxes.

2. If you want to assign this to small groups, have them research 1 topic from the Primary Source folders. Together the group will summarize that 1 topic in the correct space below. Then the teacher will regroup the students into different groups using the Jigsaw method, so that you have at least 6 students (1 from each time period) in the new group. The teacher gives each student representing a time period 1 minute to present their topic summary to this new group. As the other student listen, they fill in the blank time periods. Thus, when the group is finished, this chart is filled in.

1. 1860-1861 / Topic ______
2. 1862-1863 / Topic ______
3. 1864-1865 / Topic ______
1. 1860-1861 / Topic ______
2. 1862-1863 / Topic ______
3. 1864-1865 / Topic ______

This page can be used with Utah Social Studies 5th Grade Standard IV Objective 3.


Name(s) ______

Determining Importance of Historical People, Places, or Events

During the Civil War

Use this page with the Primary Source folder you received in this lesson. (See Instructions on the lesson plan.)

After the presentations, select 1 topic from each time period to include in the chart.

(Ex. – 1 topic for the north, 1 for the south, then one of those two as your overall choice.)

What is the Most Important? / In the North / In the South / Overall
1. 1860-1861
2. 1862-1863
3. 1864-1865

This page can be used with Utah Social Studies 5th Grade Standard IV Objective 3.

Pg. 3

Name(s) ______

Determining Importance of Historical People, Places, or Events

During the Civil War

Circle the primary source item in each box below that you feel represents the most important choice.

1. 1860-1861 / North
2. 1862-1863 / North
3. 1864-1865
Lincoln’s Election
Lincoln’s Inauguration
First Battle of Bull Run
General George B. McClellan
Blockade of South / U.S.S. Monitor
Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Shiloh
Gettysburg Address
Antietam / Ulysses S. Grant
Massachusetts 54th (All Black unit)
Sherman’s March
Lincoln’s Reelection
Lincoln’s Assassination
1. 1860-1861 / South
2. 1862-1863 / South
3. 1864-1865
South Carolina flag
Map of Southern States
Picture of Jefferson Davis
First Battle of Manassas
Virginia Divided / Robert E. Lee
Robert Smalls
Jeb Stuart
Battle of Gettysburg / Burning of Atlanta
John Wilkes Booth
Ford Theater

This page can be used with Utah Social Studies 5th Grade Standard IV Objective 3.


Name(s) ______


Write the dates on the timeline below. Then transfer the most important event, of the 6 per time period, to the correct date on the timeline. (Ex. – ‘North 1860-1861’. If you feel the most important Historical topic for that time period is the ‘First Battle of Bull Run”, you will fill out pg. 5 below. Next, when the teacher calls out “1860-1861” you will take your paper to the front to put on the class timeline.)

You can also chart the events yourself, on this individual timeline. Look at the timeline in front of the class. Decide which primary source you feel represents those events you think were the most important for both the Northern and the Southern States. On your individual timeline write either the northern event or the southern event. Write it on your timeline. Then write a paragraph that supports your choice.

Northern Events
Southern Events

1. Which ‘Historical Person, Place, or Event’ did you choose?

2. Why did you choose that as the most important? Support your choice.

This page can be used with Utah Social Studies 5th Grade Standard IV Objective 3.
