This File was sent to me in reference to the common issue of the Stenotic nares (Snorting of the shih tzu nose).

I have found that way too many Shih Tzu owners are quick to follow some Veterinarian’s prognosis to have surgery to correct this condition At a Very Young age, before 6 months of age when it is not causing the puppy any immediate Health risk’s, only that may in the future if it worsens.

Not to say that we know better than the Vet but, we have probably seen as many shih tzu as most and spent more of their life time with them. A good breeder will continue to follow-up with each pup even after it has been placed in it’s new home. We monitor it’s health and well being so we note how many pups that have had conditions that are long term not correcting themselves, this giving us the knowledge needed to properly diagnose each litters/pups with issues like Stenoic Nares.

Please read this from an expert in the Shih Tzu and small breed. “UNLESS A LIFE TREATENING HEALTH PROBLEM EXISITS” One very important thing to take into consideration before having any surgery is that the shih tzu puppy under 6 mos. are very small, not weighing very much, the Anastasia alone can cause death to a small puppy as the shih tzu do not tolerate some types of Anastasia.

If your puppy is thriving , eating and gaining weight, playing, breathing thru his/her nose and it continues to improve each week, then please wait it out, 80% of puppies born with it , grow out of it in time as the nose continues to open as the puppy grows. This is known by most breeders with their years of experience as well.

I hope this helps educate all the readers and shih tzu owners some what on this issue!!

If not, please contact me, I will try to answer anyones questions and concerns on these issues.


Expert: Deanna Isenhour
Date: 8/25/2007
Subject: stenotic nares
We have a 3-month-old shih tzu that has been making snorting and gasping noises and not gaining weight. She was just diagnosed with stenotic nares and COPD as a result. We were told that surgery to widen her nares would take care of this problem. I wonder what you may know about this type of diagnosis and solution.

You can check the internet for stenotic nares in shih tzu and will find information related much different than that to other breeds. Stenotic nares in shih tzu is common and is usually something that a breeder will not even cover in the guarantee of the contract (umbilical hernia is another)usually the shih tzu will grow out of some of this by the time it is 5 or 6 months oldan through the teething stages. Your puppy is having a tough time right now due swelling and teething issues. If your puppy on the other hand has a cleft pallet that is another issue that should be addressed immediately. But if you and the breeder feel the puppy was doing fine, gaining weight, breathing well, active, etc.. and then just recently began having difficulty (teething time).. I would give the puppy some time and see if it improved on its own before scheduling undue surgery. But if the puppy is steadily declining, not eating at all, and has been for some time, lacks vigor, poor health, poor gum color, not playing etc.. then do what is best and have the surgery by all means

.Expert: Deanna Isenhour
Date: 11/2/2007
Subject: Our puppy died after surgery

Our 5 month old puppy died on the recovery table after having a minor nasal surgery to open her airways more. I believe the vet messed up with the anesthesia. Have you heard of this happening before. I'm heartbroken!
I have a few questions as to what type of anesthesia the vet may have used for the procedure. Also, in most cases because shih tzu are prone to being hypoglycemic puppies are usually not on a fasting diet like most adult dogs prior to surgery this way they are able to bounce back. The anesthesia protocol also needs to be adjusted. They don’t seem to recover as quickly if injectable anesthesia is used. Therefore, the vets use gas anesthesia (Sevoflurane) because they fall asleep very quickly and wake up just as quickly. You really need to question the vet on the procedure

About Deanna Isenhour
I can answer most questions on Shih Tzu Breeding, caring for and raising puppies and adult shih tzu's. I familiar with the breed standard and history.