Area showjumping took place on Sunday 31st July 2016 at Meadows Equestrian

Centre. We had 8 team entries ranging in age from 6 to 19, so as you see anyone can take part in showjumping so watch out for training next year.


Lauren Taylor

Annabelle Ennis

James Douglas

Joshua McGlennon

We had plenty of clear rounds on the day but unfortunately occurred a few time penalties that cost us placing’s on the day.

Everyone gained valuable experience, as many had not jumped in a big arena before in a competition setting.


This was a new competition this year, which gave younger members a chance to qualify and go to Scotland to compete with mainland Pony Clubs.


Ellen Douglas

Lauren McGlennon Team 2nd

Holly Robinson

Katie Smith

North Down White

Harrison Blair

Bonnie McCallum

Emma McClenaghan

Jack McGlennon

North Down Black

Ella Heron

Tilly Nield Team 6th

Katie Robinson

Ashleigh Saunderson

A team of 3 (Ellen, Lauren and Katie S) travelled to Scotland for the Championships and although not placed they did North Down proud and gained valuable experience.


We had 3 Novice teams this year trying to gain at a place at the championships.

In total there where 21 teams.

North Down Red

Phoebe Beaumont

Michael Burgess Individually 1st

Samantha Edgar

Archie Wilding

North Down White

Zoe Martin

Kathryn McCaughan

Katie O’Reilly

North Down Red

Felicity Johnston

Rose Gregg Team 2nd

Charlotte Keers

Tola Thompson

North Down Red travelled to Cheshire with one team change where Kathryn McCaughan replaced Charlotte as she was playing polocross on the same day at the championships.

All of the team members jumped brilliantly finishing on a team score of 4 faults, with only one team on zero placing’s where worked out on time in second round of all teams on 4 faults and North Down finished 5th.


Michael also qualified for the championships but did not wish to travel.


North Down had one team at the area competitions.

Cerys Howell

Charlotte De Montmorency

Kathryn McKibbin

Christine McVeigh

This team finished 3rd on the day.

Christine McVeigh finished 2nd individual and competed at the Championships

And although not placed she did North Down proud.

I would like to thank the parents for bringing their children to the training and to the competitions on the day but A VERY BIG THANK YOU must go to Lynne Ireland- Tennis for all her training during the year and especially weeks before

the Areas .
