Rocketship Top Ten

This tool serves to highlight the key teacher actions we prioritize for all Rocketship teachers because these ten actions lay the foundations for a successful Rocketeer classroom by creating an environment that is efficient, focused on the achievement of all students, and reflective of Rocketship culture. Rocketship teachers must become proficient in these ten areas before prioritizing other areas of teacher practice to focus on with their coach. We use the descriptions contained in the Vision of Excellence below to deepen our understanding of the Top Ten.

Teacher Actions / Rating
DNME (1) / ME (2) / EE (3)
Internalizes and implements classroom procedures, rules, consequences, rewards and behavior tracking systems outlined in the Rocketship Top 100
Sweats the details to ensure smooth, predictable, and effective outcomes in everything that is done.
Implements all components of Strong Voice (economy of language, do not talk over, do not engage, square up/stand still, quiet power, self-interrupt, and “register”) as necessary to maintain a commanding, respectful, and purpose-driven presence
Designs intuitive procedures regarding instructional routines, student organization and transitions (Change the Pace, Brighten Lines, All Hands, Every Minute Matters, Look Forward, and Work the Clock) that ensure that every minute in class is effectively used
Ensures that 100% of Rocketeers follow 100% of the directions and procedures 100% of the way 100% of the time
Responds to significant breaches in classroom culture swiftly and fairly and creates a “teachable moment” to reinforce the desired culture
Designs student work displays, tracking systems and incentive systems that all work to reinforce the message that through hard work and persistence, all goals are attainable for all students
Crafts daily objectives that meet the following criteria:
  • Measureable: Teachers can discern whether students have mastered the objective or not
  • Manageable: The objective is “bite-sized” enough to be covered in one lesson but not so small that is allows for any down time
  • Meaningful: The objective is tied to a broader goal and purpose

Create a lesson plan with all five standard lesson components: opening, direct instruction, guided practice, independent practice and closing
Is regularly implementing differentiated instruction (i.e. 1 hour per day of Guided Reading or targeted math board/math meeting)