Two centuries ago China was seen as a ___ of mystery and wasteland. It’s only ___ COMBINE, FAME

export was tea. However, over the years ___ in China has changed. Many have noted the LIVE

change in Chinese ___ especially the ___ of its people. A ___ of the West and the East SOCIAL,TREAT,MIX

is now found in modern businesses. The ___ of weapons and the growth of its army have PRODUCT

made China a world power. But urban development has been ___ to the Chinese. Thousands HARM

of ___ peasant farmers have been attracted to the new cities. Their ___ of the land is LUCKY, KNOW

forgotten and many die homeless. China’s future is ___. No one knows what will happen next. PREDICTABLE

In today’s world people seem to be very _____ and suffer from stress. The stress is often ANXIETY

_____ and some people need to seek medical _____ in order to recover. However, a more HARM, TREAT

_____ solution is for people to learn to relax. This can be achieved through a _____ leisure EFFECT, VARY

_____ such as sport, reading, music or even gardening. _____ is placed on people ACTIVE, EMPHASISE

spending time doing things that they enjoy, the ultimate aim being _____. Unfortunately some RELAX

people find this _____ and therefore need to take drugs prescribed by their doctor. These drugs POSSIBLE

are called _____. They calm people down, but can be dangerous if taken for long periods of TRANQUIL

time. Alternative methods are much _____ and have no side effects. SAFETY


An _____ bomb attack in West London has injured 18 people. The victims were mostly __ EXPECTED,VISIT

to the area’s popular market which was ___ as usual. The police expressed their _____ CROWD, ANGRY

about the bombing because they have received a _____ call earlier, but the caller had suggested WARN

that the bomb was in a _____ different place. The _____ shocked the residents of the COMPLETE,EXPLODE

area and several shops had ___ windows. Only three people suffered serious ___. The BREAK, INJURE

bombing was probably a _____ to the arrest of three men suspected of _____ in the REACT, INVOLVE

bombing of a premises in Sheffield.


London is the capital city and main _____ centre of the United Kingdom. Its _____ INDUSTRY, DEVELOP

began with the Roman invasion in 45 AD. It is now popular with _____ who visit the city FOREIGN

In order to see many of its _____ buildings and tourist _____. It is also popular for its shop. FAME,ATTRACT

in the _____ part of the city. Apart from _____ and business, London is known for being the CENTRE, TOUR

United Kingdom’s _____ heart. It is also home to one of the country’s most important ___ POLITICS, RESIDE

the Queen. Although London is a big city, it would be _____ to say that it’s an unhealthy CORRECT

place to live, since attempts to reduce _____ levels have been quite successful. POLLUTE


Bartolomeo Rastrelli’s magnificent _____ the State Hermitage Museum is a symbol of CREATE

St. Petersburg, _____ one of the _____ collections of art in the world, with _____ BOAST, RICH, NUMBER

items. Peter the Great launched the ____ in 1697 – six years before the city of St. Petersburg COLLECT

emerged – after ____ several maritime _____ on a journey to Holland. With time the PURCHASE, PAINT

Hermitage _____ the tremendous private collection of Catherine the Great, who _____ ABSORB, BUILD

the Hermitage, as well as collections of other members of the royal family. _____ the museum’s EXPLORE

collection which includes _____ from ancient times to the present day, could well take weeks. MASTER

To visit all _____ rooms would make a journey of up to 20 kilometres. EXHIBIT


Predicting the weather has always been ___ to our lives since ___ changes can IMPORTANCE, CLIMATE

seriously affect crops and therefore the ___ of food. Today, forecasters use modern PRODUCE

technology in order to increase their _____. Knowing what the weather will be like is not ACCURATE

only interesting to farmers, it is also relevant to sports enthusiasts such as ____ and people who SKI

live in ___ areas. Despite improvements in forecasting, the weather often remains __ MOUNTAIN, PREDICT

and this has given forecasters a bad reputation. However, the climate is often so ___ that CHANGE

even experts with the latest ___ find it impossible to make accurate forecasts. Until further EQUIP

___ are made in this field, it is likely that forecasters will be ___ to be 100% certain DEVELOP, ABLE

of tomorrow’s weather.


All students throughout the world sit for ___ at some points in their lives. If students are EXAMINE

___, they get a formal ___ that enables them to get a job or continue with further SUCCESS, QUALIFY

___. Most formal testing involves a ___ of techniques, but the most common form requires EDUCATE, MIX

students to show that they have a detailed ___ of the subject area. Students who do not pass, are KNOW

not considered as ___, they simply need more time to study. Some of them are simply ___. FAIL, LUCKY

The ___ who pass do so because they have made a good ___ on the examiner and have MAJOR, IMPRESS

also succeeded in showing their ___. INTELLIGENCE


Tennessee Williams was born in 1914 and spent his ___ in ___ Mississippi. His real name CHILD, EAST

was Thomas Lanier Williams, but like many people in the ___ of fame, he adopted a pen-name. PURSUE

During his ___ he worked in various ___ including a period as a shoe salesman. However, YOUNG, OCCUPY

it was, of course, as a ___ that he became famous. His best work was based on the ___ DRAMA, LIVE

of southern American society with its pretence of well-mannered and ___ behaviour. His most ELEGANCE

famous ___ include “A Street Car Named Desire” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”. Both display a ACHIEVE

___ of social awareness and emotional tension. Many ___ films have been made, COMBINE, SUCCESS

based on his plays.


In 1912 Dale Carnegie was an _____ actor living in New York City. _____ to change his EMPLOY, TRY

Luck, he talked the director of a YMCA into letting him teach a night course in public _____. SPEAK

With that job, Carnegie took his first step towards a _____ career as America’s master of PHENOMEN

persuasion. His comforting message to the socially _____ was that _____, fear and lack of SKILL, SHY

confidence could all be overcome. He _____ that people to be liked and that anyone could be TEACH

by a warm and genuine smile. His book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” _____ BECOME

the first paperback to sell a million copies, and it is still in print in dozens of languages.


In Britain there are 12 national _____ newspapers and most people read one of _____ every day. DAY, THEY

Daily newspapers are ____ on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are PUBLISH

_____ than daily newspapers. All the Sunday newspapers are _____ . Most national LARGE, NATION

newspapers in Britain express a _____ opinion, most of the right-wing, and people POLITICS

_____ the newspaper that they read according to _____ own political _____. CHOICE, THEY BELIEVE


Image is important in many professions, but some jobs put more emphasis on _____ than others. APPEAR

Nobody knows this more than Jodie Keller, make-up _____ for Vogue magazine. “My work involves ART

covering up tiny holes as well as completely transforming faces,” explains Jodie. “For me the ____ATTRACT

of the job is its constant _____ - each photo shoot presents a new challenge. It can be demanding VARY

at times, but the stylists are very _____ and the models usually patient. This work I do is very HELP

_____ and I’ve made up _____ faces. All in all it’s a _____ career! CREATE, COUNT, WONDER


One of the most ____ functions of the Internet is its ____ function. The Internet keeps VALUE, INFORM

people informed about current events, as well as about the ______in science and LATE, ACHIEVE

culture. You can even find out how to pass form the ____ station to the house of your girlfriend, GROUND

who ____ moved to London. Recently a system of ____ learning became RECENT, DISTANT

____. You can study foreign languages and even study in universities. Individual POPULARISE

____ program can be developed ____ for you. The Internet is also ____ in EDUCATE, SPECIAL, WIDE

business. Thanks to the Internet, we have rapid ____ with partners from all corners of the CONNECT

world. You can even conduct ____, hear and see your contacts, and ____ graphic NEGOTIATE, CHANGE

and textual information.


I knew I would have to _____ my driving test as soon as I saw the _____. He didn’t even TAKE, EXAMINE

say “Hello” and seemed very _____. L was a little bit late I suppose as I had slightly FRIEND

_____ how long it would take me to get there. As usual in this _____ city all the buses ESTIMATE, CROWD

were packed and I had had to wait more than twenty minutes before a _____ would let me get CONDUCT

on a bus. I knew apologizing would be _____ so I just got in the car. _____ I wasn’t feeling USE, LUCK

particularly nervous but this horrible man stared at me in _____ as I began to drive off. I put the BELIEF

car into gear, but it went _____ so fast I couldn’t believe it – straight into a wall. I was so EXPECT _____ when he told me I had failed that I thought I might cry. APPOINT


A businessman sacked his own son because of _____, incompetence and _____. Stuart LAZY, HONEST

Bidwell received dozens of letters of _____ about his work during the ten years he was his COMPLAIN

father’s _____. “He got _____ warnings,” said Stephen Bidwell, Stuart’s father, and the EMPLOY, NUMBER

_____ of the company. “He was absolutely _____ at his job and he didn’t even have the MANAGE, USE

right ____”. Eventually he was asked to hand in his _____ after being caught making QUALIFY,RESIGN

phone calls to a girlfriend in Australia. His ____ to resign forced his father to sack him, __ __ REFUSE,FAIR

according to Stuart, who is now suing his father.


Many people find their work rather _____. I get a lot of ____ from my job. Advertising can BORE, SATISFY

be very _____ because you have to think of new ways to attract people’s _____. The best CREATE, ATTEND

way to do this is by surprising them._____ is boring and people soon get fed up with an FAMILIAR

_____ they have seen many times before. _____ they want to be shocked. Apart ADVERTISE, CONSCIOUS

from _____, the other really important _____ of a good campaign is ORIGINAL, CHARACTER

_____. After all if people don’t remember what was being advertised, they won’t buy MEMORABLE

the _____. PRODUCE


In my family we don’t worry about ____. I suppose you could say I’m rather _____. I only FIT, HEALTH

eat junk food and I never do any exercise. I’m not very ____ and I’m completely _____ at ENERGY, USE

sports. My two sisters are not _____ to me when it comes to leading active lives. Neither of them SIMILAR

has played any kind of sport since _____. What they lack in sporting ability, they make up for in CHILD

_____. They are two of the _____ people I know. One of them works as a research INTELLIGENT, CLEVER

_____ and the other designs electronic equipment like _____ and mobile phones. SCIENCE, CALCULATE

They have both done extremely well in what are very ____ professions. COMPETE


Events like city marathons are _____ popular. You don’t have to be a _____ person INCREASE, COMPETE

To take part in _____, though you do need to be fairly _____ and reasonably fit. You ATHLETE, ENERGY

Can build up fitness by jogging. It’s not the _____ that matters, but how long you jog for. You DISTANT

can improve your _____ gradually over a period of weeks. In _____ for a long race PERFORM, PREPARE like a marathon it’s _____ to run more than a couple of kilometers most days. ____ NECESSARY, SUCCESS

marathon runners work on the _____ aspects of running long races. Mental _____ PSYCHOLOGY, STRONG

is just as important as being physically fit.


Our local _____ association held their annual _____ last week. Since I had recently NEIGHBOUR, MEET

been chosen as our street’s _____ I had to go along. The new president of the association REPRESENT

made a long, _____ and very boring _____ about plans to build a shopping center in the REPEAT, SPEAK

area. All the time he was speaking there was this _____ going on at the back of the room. An MUTTER

_____ started between two groups of people _____ after he finished speaking. One ARGUE, IMMEDIATE

group were in complete _____ with the president while the others claimed his report was full of AGREE

___ . By the end of the evening ___ seemed to have broken down completely. ACCURATE, COMMUNICATE


I have to bring a matter to your _____. Unfortunately we have received a lot of ____. ATTEND, COMPLAIN

from customers about late _____ of parcels. I have come to the _____ that the new DELIVER, CONCLUDE system we introduced last month is a complete _____ . This seems to be due to a _____ of FAIL, COMBINE

factors, but one of the most important ones is that some _____ are not very responsible. EMPLOY

The union _____ say it’s not the workers but the _____ who are at fault. What is REPRESENT, MANAGE