Name ______Date ______

Homework Sheet Week 26

“Mole and the Baby Bird”

SpellingAmazing Words: To Build Oral Vocabulary

  1. mouth1. freedom- When you have freedom, you are
  2. house able to move around or do things without
  3. found being held back.
  4. our2. miserable- If you are miserable, you are very
  5. out unhappy.
  6. cloud3. selfish- If you are selfish, you think only of
  7. ouch yourself and not of others.
  8. shout4. dawn- Dawn is the early morning when it
  9. round starts getting light.
  10. count5. scaly- If something is scaly, it is covered with

scales or flakes.

bonus: should6. speckled- If something is speckled, it has

loved small dots or patches that are more than one


  1. fond- If you are fond of something, you like it

a lot.

8. proper- Proper means “correct.”

9. scarcely- Scarcely means “hardly.”

Correct & Rewrite the following sentences.

  1. please poot the cup hear?
  1. we will go to England
  1. may we go two the stoor
  1. we nead to by milk


Mole and the Baby Bird

By: Marjorie Newman

Illustrated by: Patrick Benson

Animal Fantasy

Vocabulary: loved, wood, should, door

Read the words- (Mole loved the baby bird he found. He put it in a cage made of wood. What should Mole do? Should he keep the baby bird, or should he open the cage door and let the bird go?)

What can Mole learn from a baby bird?

Mole found a baby bird. It had fallen out of its nest.

Mole waited and waited: but no big bird came to help it-so Mole took the baby bird home. He made a nest for it. “Look!” he said to his mother. It’s very, very hard to take care of a baby bird,” she said.

“They usually die,” said his dad. “My bird won’t die,” said mole. His friends helped him find food for the baby. His mother showed him how to feed it. Mole fed it whenever it chirped. And the bird didn’t die! It grew. “It’s my pet bird,” said Mole. “It’s not a pet bird. It’s a wild bird,” said his mother.

The bird fluttered its wings. “Your bird is trying to fly,” said his mother. “No!” cried Mole. “It mustn’t fly!” Mole found some wood and some nails. He borrowed his dad’s toolbox. “What are you making?” asked his dad. “I’m make a cage for my pet bird!” said Mole.

“It’s not a pet bird. It’s a wild bird,” said his dad. “You should let it fly.” “No!” cried Mole.

He put his bird into its new cage. The bird was sad. Mole’s mother was sad too. But Mole kept his bird, because he loved it. Then-Grandad came to visit. He looked at Mole’s pet bird. Presently Grandad said, “Let’s go for a walk, little Mole.”

Grandad took Mole to the top of a high hill. Mole looked down at the trees far below. He felt the wild wind trying to life him. “Wheee! I’m flying!” cried Mole. “Nearly,” said Grandad.

When Mole got home he looked at his bird. It was sitting very still in its cage in Mole’s dark underground room. “Birds are meant to fly,” said Mole. He opened the cage door, and he let his bird fly away because he loved it. Then he cried.

The next day Mole went into the forest. He saw his bird flying, soaring, free. And Mole was glad.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Why does Mole think the baby bird needs help?
  1. What does Mole do first for the baby bird?
  1. Why does Mole think the baby bird is his pet?
  1. Why doesn’t Mole want the bird to fly?
  1. If the baby bird was your pet, would you let it fly?
  1. How would you feel if you stood on a tall hill and looked down?

Read the story: This is a one-minute fluency self-check test”

Get someone to time you for one-minute and see how many words you can read within that minute. (please remember that isn’t always important-about how many words you can read in one minute if you can’t retell what you have read)

Snout, the Dragon

There was once a dragon. His name was 8

Snout. He lived in a cave, and he was a real 19

grouch. The other animals did not like Snout27

because he would shout at them when they played.36

One day Tiger and Camel played kickball.43

Snout shouted, “Go away!” Fire came out of his52

mouth. The lizards ran away.58

The next day, the lizards played baseball.65

Snout shouted, “Go away!” Fire came out of his 74

mouth. The lizards ran away.79

Then a brave mouse jumped on Snout’s head87

and said, “Why are you such a grouch?”95

Snout said sadly, “The animals do not ask me 104

to play with them.” 108

So the animals asked Snout to play with 116

them. Now Snout is not a grouch any more. 125