Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund

2009 Arts Toolbox Award Application

Deadlines: March 6, 2009 – 5:00 p.m.

June 26, 2009 – 5:00 p.m.

October 9, 2009 – 5:00 p.m.

All character limitations include spaces.


Organization Name: / Artistic Discipline: (Choose One)DanceLiterary ArtsMedia ArtsMulti-DisciplineMusicTheatreVisual ArtsOther
Mailing Address:
City: / Zip Code: / County: (Choose One)BarrowBartowButtsCarrollCherokeeClaytonCobbCowetaDeKalbDouglasFayetteForsythFultonGwinnettHallHenryMorganNewtonPauldingPickensRockdaleSpaldingWaltonOther
Staff Leader: / Phone: / Email:
Title: / Year Leader Started:
Board Chair: / Phone: / Email:
Request Contact: / Phone: / Email:
Website: / Year incorporated:
Tax ID: / Current Year Operating Budget (Expenses): $
DUNS #: / Organization pays one full-time salaried employee? (Choose One)NoYes
Organization is registered with the Georgia Secretary of State as a nonprofit? (Choose One)NoYes
Counties served by organization: (Primary County)BarrowBartowButtsCarrollCherokeeClaytonCobbCowetaDeKalbDouglasFayetteForsythFultonGwinnettHallHenryMorganNewtonPauldingPickensRockdaleSpaldingWalton; (Secondary County)BarrowBartowButtsCarrollCherokeeClaytonCobbCowetaDeKalbDouglasFayetteForsythFultonGwinnettHallHenryMorganNewtonPauldingPickensRockdaleSpaldingWaltonOther GA Counties; (Other Counties)BarrowBartowButtsCarrollCherokeeClaytonCobbCowetaDeKalbDouglasFayetteForsythFultonGwinnettHallHenryMorganNewtonPauldingPickensRockdaleSpaldingWaltonOther GA Counties
Request: What is the issue for which the organization is requesting Toolbox support? (200 characters)
Describe the mission and summarize the history of the organization (1,000 characters)
Who does this organization serve? What is the total audience number served in the last year? (500 characters)
Financial Snapshot / Date on which applicant’s fiscal year ENDS:
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Assets/Fund Balance / Current Fiscal Year To Date
$ / Last Fiscal
Year End
$ / Two Year Prior Fiscal Year End
$ / Three Year Prior Fiscal Year End
Is the organization currently carrying any debt? (loans, accounts payable, lines of credit, etc.): (Choose One)NoYes / If yes, what is the total amount of debt carried? $
List all public funders from which the organization has received funding in the past three years. Include national, regional, county and city funders and list most recent year of funding. (500 characters)
Staff details (please list your top paid staff positions):
Staff leader: / Title(s): / Email: / (Choose One)Full-timePart-time
Paid weekly hours:
Name: / Title(s): / Email: / (Choose One)Full-timePart-time
Paid weekly hours:
Name: / Title(s): / Email: / (Choose One)Full-timePart-time
Paid weekly hours:
Name: / Title(s): / Email: / (Choose One)Full-timePart-time
Paid weekly hours:
Number of current board members: / Number of non-board, active volunteers:
Authorizing signatures: Typing in your name acts as your signature and acknowledges that you have reviewed the guidelines associated with submitting a Toolbox Application to the Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund.
Staff Leader: / Date:
Board Chair: / Date:

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Applications are due by email () by 5:00PM on the day of the deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. If a required attachment exists only in a printed format, it may be mailed (postmarked) on the day of the deadline.

Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund

50 Hurt Plaza, SE, Suite 449, Atlanta, GA 30303

404-688-5525 /

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TOOLBOX QUESTION 1: What does the organization do? Please describe what the organization produces, presents and/or provides.
TOOLBOX QUESTION 2: What is the organization's highest priority management or organizational problem or challenge to address through the Toolbox Award? Describe the current situation that is causing the organization to make this request.

(2000 character limit per question)

TOOLBOX QUESTION 3: How does the organization think consulting or other services can help to address this issue? What resolution does the organization hope to reach?
TOOLBOX QUESTION 4: What outcomes does the organization hope to achieve through assistance from the Toolbox program? What impact does the organization hope it will have on its work? Be specific.

(2000 character limit per question)

TOOLBOX QUESTION 5: Describe any work that has taken place at the organization regarding this issue (e.g. preliminary work, previous consultants, staff or board committee work, training, etc.)
TOOLBOX QUESTION 6: Are there any existing (perceived or real) barriers to resolving or addressing this situation at the organization?

(2000 character limit per question)

TOOLBOX QUESTION 7: When will the organization (board, staff, volunteers, etc.) be ready to invest the necessary time and energy to begin working on this problem or challenge? Be specific.

(2000 character limit per question)

SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: In addition to filling out the application and answering the questions, please email digital copies of the following materials:
1.  A copy of your current (or most recent) strategic/business plan if you have one. (In Microsoft Word or PDF format)
2.  A list of your board of directors, including professional affiliations, titles, addresses, email addresses, and board committees. (Preferably in Microsoft Excel format)
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION: Submit your application via email to . A complete application includes:
1.  A completed application form, including answers for questions 1-7;
2.  Board of directors list; and
3.  Strategic/business plan (if it exists)
ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION: Although not required with your application, the Arts Fund may request copies of:
1.  A copy of your IRS 501(c)(3) letter; and
2.  Evidence (FICA, salary payments, W2 form or other) of at least one employee position (administrative or artistic) that has been staffed full-time (at minimum wage or above) for a minimum of one year.

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