Alamosa Area, Colorado Print date: 04/19/2004

Table N.--Construction Materials

(The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need

for onsite investigation. See text for definitions of terms used in this table. Absence of an

entry indicates that no rating is applicable.)


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

AaA: | | | |

Acacio------|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

AaB: | | | |

Acacio------|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

AcA: | | | |

Acacio, saline------|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Am: | | | |

Alamosa------|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | excess salt

| | | |

An: | | | |

Alamosa, saline------|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | excess salt

| | | |

Ar: | | | |

Arena------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

As: | | | |

Arena, drained------|Fair: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| shrink-swell | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| thin layer | | | small stones

| | | |

CmF: | | | |

Comodore------|Poor: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| large stones | large stones | large stones | slope

| slope | excess fines | excess fines | small stones

| depth to rock | | | depth to rock

| | | |

Rock outcrop------|Poor: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| depth to rock | excess fines | excess fines | slope

| | | | depth to rock

| | | |

CoE: | | | |

Corlett, hilly------|Good |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| | | too sandy | excess salt

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

CpB: | | | |

Corlett, undulating-----|Good |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| | | too sandy | excess salt

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Hooper, undulating------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Arena------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

CsA: | | | |

Costilla------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | small stones

| | | |

CtE: | | | |

Cotopaxi, hilly------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| slope | | too sandy | slope

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Du: | | | |

Dune land------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| slope | | too sandy | slope

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

GgA: | | | |

Graypoint------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Gravelly land------|Fair: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| large stones | large stones | large stones | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Marsh------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Gn: | | | |

Gunbarrel------|Good |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| | | too sandy | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

GP: | | | |

Pits, gravel------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

Gs: | | | |

Gunbarrel, saline------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Marsh------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Ha: | | | |

Hapney------|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| | excess fines | excess fines | excess sodium

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

Hm: | | | |

Homelake------|Fair: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Fair:

| wetness | excess fines | excess fines | small stones

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

Ho: | | | |

Hooper------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Hp: | | | |

Hooper------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Arena------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Marsh------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

Hs: | | | |

Hooper, occasionally | | | |

flooded------|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | excess sodium

| | | | excess salt

| | | |

Aquic Natrargid------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

IW: | | | |

Intermittent water------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

La: | | | |

LaJara------|Poor: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | wetness

| | | |

Vastine------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Le: | | | |

Laney------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | excess salt

| | | |

Ls: | | | |

LaSauses------|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | excess sodium

| | | | excess salt

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

LtC: | | | |

Littlebear------|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| | excess fines | excess fines | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

Lu: | | | |

Loamy alluvial land-----|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Fair:

| wetness | | too sandy | area reclaim

| | | | excess salt

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

Ma: | | | |

Marsh------|Fair: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | excess fines | excess fines | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Mc: | | | |

McGinty------|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Fair:

| | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Mg: | | | |

McGinty, saline------|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Fair:

| | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Mn: | | | |

Medano------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | too sandy

| | | |

Mo: | | | |

Mosca------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | excess sodium

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

Ms: | | | |

Mosca, wet------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | excess sodium

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Marsh------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

MtD: | | | |

Mount Home------|Poor: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| large stones | large stones | large stones | area reclaim

| | excess fines | excess fines | small stones

| | | |

Saguache------|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| large stones | | | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

No: | | | |

Nortonville------|Fair: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Fair:

| wetness | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

Vastine------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Pe: | | | |

Peat------|Poor: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | excess humus

| | | | wetness

| | | |

Sa: | | | |

San Arcacio------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

Sc: | | | |

San Arcacio, saline-----|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Arena------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Sd: | | | |

Sandy alluvial land-----|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Se: | | | |

San Luis------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | area reclaim

| | | | excess sodium

| | | | excess salt

| | | |

Marsh------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Sf: | | | |

San Luis, drained------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | area reclaim

| | | | excess sodium

| | | | excess salt

| | | |

SlB: | | | |

San Luis, undulating----|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | area reclaim

| | | | excess sodium

| | | | excess salt

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

S1B: | | | |

Corlett, undulating-----|Good |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| | | too sandy | excess salt

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Marsh------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Sm: | | | |

San Luis------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | | too sandy | area reclaim

| | | | excess sodium

| | | | excess salt

| | | |

Gravelly land------|Fair: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| large stones | large stones | large stones | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

SpB: | | | |

Space City------|Good |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| | | too sandy | too sandy

| | | |

SrB: | | | |

Space City, alkali | | | |

substratum------|Good |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| | | too sandy | excess sodium

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

StE: | | | |

Space City, alkali | | | |

substratum, hilly------|Good |Probable |Improbable: |Poor:

| | | too sandy | too sandy

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

StE: | | | |

Hooper, hilly------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

Hooper, hilly------|Good |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| | | | area reclaim

| | | | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | |

UrF: | | | |

Uracca------|Poor: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| large stones | large stones | large stones | area reclaim

| slope | excess fines | excess fines | large stones

| | | | too sandy

| | | |

Va: | | | |

Vastine------|Fair: |Probable |Improbable: |Fair:

| wetness | | too sandy | area reclaim

| | | | small stones

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

VgA: | | | |

Villa Grove------|Fair: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Fair:

| shrink-swell | excess fines | excess fines | small stones

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

VlA: | | | |

Villa Grove, saline-----|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| | excess fines | excess fines | thin layer

| | | |

Fluvaqent------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Table N.--Construction Materials--Continued


| | | |

Map symbol | Roadfill | Sand | Gravel | Topsoil

and soil name | | | |


| | | |

VlB: | | | |

Villa Grove, saline-----|Good |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| | excess fines | excess fines | thin layer

| | | |

Fluvaqent------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

W: | | | |

Water------| --- | --- | --- | ---

| | | |

Wa: | | | |

Wet alluvial land------|Poor: |Improbable: |Improbable: |Poor:

| wetness | excess fines | excess fines | excess salt

| | | | wetness

| | | |

ZnA: | | | |

Zinzer------|Good |Probable |Probable |Fair:

| | | | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

ZnB: | | | |

Zinzer------|Good |Probable |Probable |Fair:

| | | | excess salt

| | | | small stones

| | | | too clayey

| | | |

ZoA: | | | |

Zinzer, saline------|Fair: |Probable |Probable |Poor:

| wetness | | | area reclaim

| | | |
