Three Types of Animal Movement

Dispersal of Young

à young animals are pushed out by mature, established, aggressive adults

àcontrol population densities

à often young end p in marginal habitat, experience heavy mortality from predation and accidents

Mass Emigration

à population has peaked due to favorable conditions, followed by unfavorable conditions

à options: emmigrate or starve, hibernate


à two types of migration:

Latitudinal migration: north-south movements

Altitudinal migration: change in elevation

Latitudinal Migration:

à in the south winter bird densities are high

-northern birds who breed up north come down south for the winter

-insects, fruits, and seeds are more prevalent

à in the spring, sunlight triggers hormones which cause northern migration

à habitat change may ensure a balance of nutrients and minerals

à 24 hours for feeding the young makes babies grow faster?

Altitudinal Migration

àjust move up and down the mountain nd you can get the same effect as the latitudinal migrants

àelk in the Rockys ascend for the spring/summer , go for the cool climate

àwhen snows cut off food they head into he valleys for the winter

Mortality Factors

TWO factors that control the population of a species:

àbiotic potiential

àenvironmental resistance or mortality factors

Mortality factors affecting deer

à starvation

·  Winter is critical. Food is extremely limited

·  Herbs, mosses, fungi, seedlings, stump sprouts are covered by snow

·  Buds, twigs, conifers foliage, are on the menu!

·  As population grows, they tend to over browse

·  Eat up to the height of rearing up on hind legs

·  BROWSE LINE: 5 feet up (sign of trouble)

·  Heavy snows can confine and trap the herd

ISSUES: artificially feeding

-if you keep them alive, they will destroy the habitat

-feeding spreads disease

à Predation

Deer predators include: cougars, bobcats, wolves, coyotes, dogs


wolves kill 15 deer per square mile annually (superior national forest)

6000 of 37000 killed one year.

Hunting up there is light; wolves may be keeping the deer at carrying capacity

2450 wolves in the entire state; impact on deer herd is minute

Wolves do not compete with hunters for the deer they want (big bucks)

Wolves kill deer who are at least 5 years old and in poor health (1971 study)

Hunters kill deer 2 years old or less in good health

When deer populations decline, wolf populations decline

Free ranging dogs are a problem for young deer

à Hunting

Major source of mortality for white tailed deer

Illegal hunting and poaching is a problem in some areas

Deer populate rapidly: herd control (natural and hunting) is required so they don’t ruin habitat

Some people want hunting banned

à Disease

Can be a concern for herd populations

White tailed deer: susceptible to epizootic hemorrhagic disease (viral)

Common in SE US and regions in Canada. (high density, no cure)


Collisions with automobiles is a significant problem

PA: 45K deer/car collisions per year REPORTED (true number is prob twice that!)

Mortality Factors for Waterfowl

Major factors include:

-loss of habitat

-oil and chemical pollution


-lead poisoning


-acid rain

àloss of habitat


Loss of habitat is a major threat to migratory birds

Fowl breed in wetland areas, small ponds, lakes

(1/2 have been lost to farming/development)

3.8 million acres have been destroyed in LA, Miss, AR in the last 25 years

Wetland losses seriously affects migratory birds


Duck factory: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Dakotas, W. Mn, NW Iowa

Produces ½ the nations waterfowl

Ducks raised in potholes (1.25-2.5 acres) density of potholes 125 per square mile

(10 million potholes! In Canada alone!)

US potholes are drained by farmers

Subsidized by USDA to produce more corn, soybeans, and wheat

Iowa: potholes reduced by 94% since the 1930’s

Ducks count: in NA from 15 million to 5 million per year


drought destroys potholes and wetlands!

1 million potholes were dry in the summer of 1988

Total duck population was 66 million, 8 million less than 1987


Destroy waterfowl habitat

Eradicates duck foods: coontail, pondweed, water milfoil

Lake Koshkonong:

was once blanketed with rafts of canvasbacks (wild celery, pondweed nuts)

19th century: carp introduced

Fish uprooted choice plants: ducks left

Young carp compete with young ducklings for protein rich crustaceans

àOil and chemical pollution

100,000 fowl are killed annually by oil pollution

Why does oil kill ducks?

·  Oil mats the feathers, reduces ducks ability to stay warm

·  Birds start to death because they cannot swim or fly

·  Kidney and liver failure from swallowing oil/water

Chemical Pollution

·  Farm chemical runoff pollutes wetlands

·  Keterson National Wildlife Refuge: adjacent to San Joaquin Valley

·  Toxic selenium causes birth defects in birds


14 million ducks killed by hunters each year (US and Canada)

12.7 US

Hunters deposited 3000 tons of lead into our nations lakes, rivers, streams, marshes annually

280 pellets/#6 shot

Average hunter takes 6 shots to kill one duck

1400 pellets for each bird taken

CA: 600,000 pellets per acre Wi: 120,000 pellets per acre

à lead poisoning

Ducks eating shot: killed 2-3% of waterfowl each year (equivalent to all ducks raised in the Dakotas)

Eagles get poisoned from eating the ducks

Heaviest duck mortality along the Mississippi (IL, IN, MO, AR)

US Fish and Wildlife service phased out lead shot starting in 1987

1991 season: lead shot banned in US

1999 season: lead shot illegal in Canada


Steel shot saves the lives of 2 million ducks a year


More expensive

Does not kill at a distance of more than 125 feet

Ruins old guns


·  Botulism

Caused by the toxic wastes of an anerobic bacteria

Most prevalent in the west, has been seen elsewhere

Kills 100K waterfowl in CA and UT

·  Clostridium

Thrives in stagnant alkaline mudflats (dead stuff, high temperatures)

Late summer. Extended drought

Ducks eat the contaminated material and become ill

Kills by paralyzing their breathing muscles (limp necks)

·  BUGS!

Avian Cholera: Bacterial

Aspergillosis: fungal

Enteritis: viral

àacid rain

The Black DUCK (highly prized along the Atlantic coast)

·  NE US, So Canada: plagues by acid rain issues

·  Mayfly larva, very important for black ducks, is highly sensitive to Ph

·  (mayfly is wiped out) young ducks have no food can they adapt?