2017-2018 – Regents ChemistryMrs. Hanellin

Room 366

Supply list- items needed for class everyday:

- Scientific calculator (not a graphing calculator)

- 1.5” binder with dividers OR a folder and spiral/composition notebook

- Pen and pencil

- NYS Reference Tables in Chemistry (provided by Mrs. Hanellin)


The Regents Chemistry course prepares students for college-level sciences. It is a rigorous course, requiring strong math skills, logical reasoning skills, and a commitment to hard work. The course culminates in the NYS Regents Exam in June. On nights when no written homework or lab reports are assigned, students should spend some time reviewing their class notes and assignments. The classwork and exams in Chemistry are cumulative, as the nature of this subject requires us to build on prior knowledge throughout the year. Consequently, there is always “homework” in the form of studying. You will be well prepared for the June exam.

Laboratory Requirements:Missed lab experiments must be made up. No exceptions. Please make an appointment as soon as possible while lab supplies and equipment are readily accessible.An important aspect of laboratory work in Chemistry is developing the ability to record observations and data, draw conclusions, and complete laboratory reports accurately. In addition, you will practice appropriate safety procedures and become familiar with basic science equipment and lab techniques. Each lab report must be turned in by the announced due date to earn the maximum points for the lab. If you are absent on the due date, you may hand it in without penalty on the day you return to school.

New York State requires a minimum of 1200 laboratory minutes in Chemistry including satisfactory lab reports. Please be sure to review and sign the Lab Requirement Letter (blue sheet). In addition, Laboratory guidelines and safety will also be discussed in class during the first week of school. Please review and sign the Laboratory Safety Agreement (yellow sheet). Both of these forms also require a parent/guardian signature as well.

Behavior Expectations and Class Procedures:

All school rules will be adhered to in class. Our expectation at Sutherland is that you will:

Respect yourself and others. Respect school property. Follow all teacher instructions.

Be responsible for what you say anddo.

School-focused cell phone use will be limited to specific times at teacher discretion.

Class starts when the bell rings. All backpacks and purses are off of the tables. Begin the warm-up (“Do Now”) as soon as possible. Our 40 minute period will pass very quickly and we will efficiently make the most out of our class time together.

Absence Policy

Any tests, labs or assignments due on a day you are absent may be completed and/or turned in without penalty on the day you return to school. Special circumstances or extended absences may be discussed. As this is a challenging science class, please be aware that it is easy to fall behind if you are frequently absent. Please remember to make up any missed work in a timely manner. Do not wait until the end of the quarter… time passes quickly! If you are absent, I will place any missed work and assignments in the ABSENT bin located at the front of the classroom. It is your responsibility to look for your name and pick up your missed work. As noted above, missed lab experiments must be made up as soon as possible.


There are many opportunities to show me how you are doing in Chemistry class. My goal is for you to be successful. You will be graded on a point system- you will earn points on classwork, lab reports, quizzes and exams. Homework grades may be recorded in Infinite Campus, but will not calculate. A simple calculation results in your grade:

Total points earned_ x 100 =

Total points possible

Teacher contact:

In addition to posting assignments on the classroom whiteboard, I willalso maintain a webpage on the school’s website. You (and your parent/guardian) can also contact me via this site. My email address is nd my direct phone line is 585-267-3827. I will return your email or phone call as soon as possible.

Late Assignments (Past Due Work) and Extra Help:

Failure to complete work will negatively impact your learning and success in Chemistry. Late assignments will be accepted upon discussion and permission from Mrs. Hanellin. I am available to help you if you need tutoring or assistance with completing an assignment. Be proactive! My schedule is posted in several places- both in the classroom and on my website.

Please understand that I am committed to providing all of my students with as many opportunities as necessary to help you achieve success in my class. You must take responsibility for your learning and make a commitment to “stick with it” or persevere even when the material in class seems difficult. You can achieve mastery in Regents Chemistry!

Topics in NYS RegentsChemistry:

Introduction (math skills, lab equipment and safety)

Atomic Theory

Periodic Table

Language of Chemistry


Matter and Energy

Kinetics and Equilibrium

Organic Chemistry


Acid Base Theory

Nuclear Chemistry

Please sign below stating that you have read and understand this course overview, and have your parent or guardian read and sign this as well.

Student signature: ______Parent/guardian signature: ______

Parent preferred method of contact:email or telephone

Parent e-mail: ______Parent phone #: ______Please return one signed copy. Keep the second copy in your binder.

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