Class: Teachers:

Early Childhood (Ages 0-3 years) Parents

Preschool (Ages 4-5 years) Joanna Woodsmall, Debbie Giles

Primary (Grades 2 & 3) Veronika Sukup, Bonnie Beachy

Middler (Grades 4 & 5) Jim Beachy, Doris Weaver

Junior High (Grades 6, 7, & 8) Dana Bumbalough, Matt Pflederer

Youth (Grades 9-12) Evie Shellenberger

Adult Class: A discussion of Money Enough by Douglas Hicks will be led by Wendell Lantz

Call to Worship:

Leader: Lord, we worship you because you are good!

People: You teach us to sustain the weary with a word.

Leader: The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.

People: This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.

Leader: Lord, we give you thanks, for your love is never ending.

People: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.


March 24, 2013

We welcome all persons

to worship, study and fellowship with us as we continually

seek to be faithful disciples of Jesus

Anticipating Resurrection – Palm Sunday

Focus: The Blessed One comes in the name of the Lord

Gathering to Worship

Gathering Song – Hosanna to the Living King

Call to Worship (see back of bulletin)

Welcome and Introductions

Singing our Faith

We cry Hosanna Lord

SS 73 Jesus is coming

Hallelujah, Your love is amazing

Celebrating Shalom: Dana and Wally

Offering - Special offering for March is for the Food Pantry

Hearing the Word

Children’s Time

Scripture: John 12: 12-19

Meditation – The anti-triumphal donkey ride into Jerusalem


Sharing Joys and Concerns / Prayer


Sending Song – How great Thou art


Rebecca Kauffman, Pastor 653-4140

Matt Pflederer, Pastor (574) 606-6727

Marlene Beachy 723-0737

Mica Beauregard 723-4502

Ted Larrison 723-3826


All the congregation


Pastors: Rebecca Kauffman; Office Hours - Tues 9-4, Wed 12-4, Thurs 1-5

Matt Pflederer; Office Hours – Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Secretary: Andrew Blount, office hours on Friday

Phone: (812) 723-2414; Fax: (812) 723-3515 email:

Address: 2589 N. CR 100 W., Paoli, IN 47454


In covenanting together, we affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord. We gratefully acknowledge him as our Lord and accept his teaching as the way to live. We recognize the importance of:

·  Regular Bible study, worship with others, and prayer as a vital part of our Christian life.

·  Taking each other seriously, contributing our gifts and caring for one another in love to strengthen the Christian body.

·  Living and sharing the Good News as Christ has taught us and as the Holy Spirit enables.

TODAY March 24, 2013 (worship at 9:30) / NEXT SUNDAY March 31, 2013 (worship at 10:00)
Lent 6: Palm Sunday / Easter Sunday
Worship Leader: / Jim Beachy / Worship Leader: / Matt Pflederer
Music Leader: / Joanna Woodsmall / Music Leader: / Marlene Beachy
Meditation: / Matt Pflederer / Meditation: / Rebecca Kauffman
Greeters: / Dave & Marlene Beachy / Greeter:
Nursery: / Jamey Sullivan & Trish Moore / Nursery:
A.V.: / Craig Bumbalough / AV: / Larry Lehman


Today we celebrate Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week; the day when the church remembers what, traditionally, has been called “Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem” but more accurately could be called Jesus’ “anti-triumphal donkey ride into Jerusalem.”

12:30 – 1:30 pm – Music Program practice.

Next Sunday

The climax of Holy week is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection! An Easter breakfast will be served at 8:30 am; children may hunt for eggs after breakfast. Worship will begin at 10:00 with pre-service music at 9:50.

There will be no Christian Education hour this week.


Mar. 28, 7:00 pm, Maundy Thursday Service at PMF. This service will be a time to remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. It will include a simple meal, foot washing and communion. Please note that the meal will be part of the service and not a separate event. Come and join us as we remember and worship.

Mar.29, 7:00 pm - Community Good Friday Tenebrae Service at Paoli United Methodist Church.


April 10, 6:30 pm – Large Group


Peacebuilders Camp for youth at Koinonia Farm in GA – Dates set: June 17-22 for ages 13-14; and June 24-29 for ages 11-12. PMF has some campership funds available to assist with registration and transportation. Talk to Ted or Matt if interested.

Our overage amount this year is $5,700. PET is requesting proposals on how to disperse the funds. If you have a proposal please contact a member of PET.

A Sister Care seminar will be held in Bluffton, OH April 26-27. Talk to Rebecca if you are interested in attending.


Remember Brett Ford in prayer this week. On Tuesday at 1:00 in Bloomington he will have spinal surgery (in the neck area). Pray for the medical staff, for a safe and successful surgery, and for Brett as he recovers.

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s peace and power to be with Larry & Trish in their process to obtain rights to see their grandchildren. On Tuesday at 9:30 am the new judge will decide if materials the children’s Guardian Ad Litum has put forth can be used in court later on.

Pray for Dave, Cindy, Lydia and Amos as they grieve the death of their mother and grandmother.

Pray for Deb Giles’ sister and brother-in-law, Luanne and Bill Niggs. Bill recently found out he has Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS). Pray also for their son who is experiencing health problems.

Pray for Audrey Thill and other Goshen College students in their Study-Service term in Cambodia. Pray for safety, openness to learning, and spiritual growth.

Martine Audéoud of Mennonite Mission Network is a seminary professor based in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, who travels widely to teach upper-level theology students. Pray for energy and protection for Martine in her travels, and for her husband, Gary Wittig, also a teacher, and their young son, Samuel, in Martine’s absence.