New urban world: 27 October - 2 November
For the first time in human history, the majority of the global population live in cities. Nearly 100,000 people move into urban slums every day. Conditions are hard, but they are also home to hope, dignity and progress.
Sunday 27 October
Many move to slums in search of a better life, but find that they are ill-equipped for life in the city, lacking the necessary education or skills to get a job. Pray they will know the reality of Psalm 34:18: ‘The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.’
Monday 28 October
Jaya and Chiti (names changed) grew up in a slum in India, but are now teachers in Discipleship Centre, run by Tearfund partners in Delhi. Praise God for Jaya and Chiti and people like them serving the poor in urban areas. Pray for strength, wisdom and resources so their work can flourish.
Tuesday 29 October
The lack of adequate sanitation facilities is a serious problem in urban areas, where the high population density increases the risk of disease. Pray that local governments will create and implement sanitation policies that ensure provision for the whole community.
Wednesday 30 October
‘Life on the street is tough but the worst time is at night - you have nowhere to go. It’s hard to believe that there is a God when you are eating from the garbage,’ says Caleb Rukundo, a former street child. Pray for Caleb, now a Tearfund Inspired Individual, and for the children he works with in Uganda, who live on city streets.
Thursday 31 October
Pray for strength, wisdom and resources for Pastor William, who leads a church in Los Lotes, a suburb of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. Working with Tearfund partner Paz y Esperanza, Pastor William’s church delivers much-needed training to promote healthy family relationships in the community.
Friday 1 November
More are moving into urban areas because they cannot support themselves in rural communities and go in search of better opportunities for themselves and their families. Pray that more churches in rural places will be mobilised to transform their communities, and reduce the need for economic migration to cities.
Saturday 2 November
Dear Lord, we ask you to inspire us to reach out with love to our neighbours, the people we know by name and the ones whose names are known by no one. Please break our hearts for our urban world. Let our churches be salt and light in this new urban world. Amen.
Welcome to the weekend - what you can do
Use our online prayer guide to pray and reflect individually, in small groups or at church. Visit and click on the ‘resources’ tab to access the guide.
Ending trafficking in India: 3-9 November
‘I have a dream,’ says Aneeta, ‘to end trafficking in India.’ These are the words of one lady working to restore women rescued from Mumbai’s sex industry. This week we lift our voices to our Heavenly Father, who knows every one of his children experiencing such horrors.
Names of children trafficked have been changed. India is a source, destination and transit country for child trafficking, which Tearfund partners are working to prevent.
Sunday 3 November
‘I met with 11 young women, all rescued from Mumbai’s sex industry by a Tearfund partner. Girls who have been used as prostitutes from as young as nine,’ explains Jamie Fyleman, Tearfund’s Head of UK Church Relationships. ‘It’s time for us, the UK church, to play our part in bringing an end to this appalling abuse and to pray today that this will end.’
Monday 4 November
Eight-year-old Ravi was abducted from his village. His father is disabled, his mother is uneducated and the family are extremely poor. They know who abducted Ravi and they know he’s been put to work in an unsafe rice factory. Today, lift your voice to our Heavenly Father and pray for Ravi’s return.
Tuesday 5 November
‘The answer to the problem of trafficking is the local church. The church is in many of the communities we visited: it knows the people responsible and those affected. At the moment, it’s only just beginning to discover its role in meeting both the practical and the spiritual needs of those living in poverty. Pray today that the church will be bold to rise up and speak out,’ says Jamie Fyleman.
Wednesday 6 November
‘Please pray for those engaged in prevention, rescue and rehabilitation work. Some of them face severe risk as they encounter resistance from the well organised mafia which controls the trafficking trade,’ says SudarshanSathianathan, our Head of Asia Region.
Thursday 7 November
Gyan is an example of a lady rescued from the sex industry who has been through a Self-Help Group, received a loan and set up a fishing business. Because she has a choice, her children are safe. ‘I will never sell my children,’Gyan smiles, ‘I keep them close to me. Because of the business, I have become self-reliant.’ Praise God.
Friday 8 November
Tearfund’s partners are working to bring people from different communities together to prevent trafficking. ‘We are finding a voice,’ says one local leader. ‘We have found a community of friends who can stand together to deal with the issues. We are united.’ Pray that such groups will stay strong and united against trafficking.
Saturday 9 November
‘In the midst of hopelessness, there is hope. When we help people realise their own potential and ignite the entrepreneurial spirit, then suddenly these communities could be transformed,’ says Jamie Fyleman. Praise God that more and more dedicated people are working together to end trafficking.
Welcome to the weekend - creative prayer idea
Trafficking is a massive issue, but everything is possible with God. Today, will you choose to join with us and dream big? Choose a colourful cotton thread and make yourself a simple bracelet. Tie it around your wrist and make a decision today to commit to pray for people being trafficked.
When faith lives on:10-16 November
Gifts made through supporter's wills play a huge part in sustaining Tearfund’s work. This week, let’s give thanks for those who make sure their faith, beliefs and passions live on, enabling the light of Jesus to shine in some of the world’s poorest places.
Sunday 10 November
Betty Solly from London dedicated her life to serving others in her home church of St Stephen’s, Putney, as well as through her role as Mayoress of Wandsworth. By leaving a legacy to Tearfund, she ensured her resources would continue to serve others far into the future. Praise God for those like Betty with a servant heart.
Monday 11 November
‘Mum and Dad gave great thought to the distribution of their legacy, taking care that the family were all cared for, as well as looking to care for the worldwide church family through their donations to Tearfund,’ says Angela Wheeler of her parents, Diana and Eric. Praise God for making us one family, with him our wonderful Father.
Tuesday 12 November
Madge Aldridge from Worthing was unable to have children, but dedicated much of her life to caring for young people, for example fostering and leading a Girls' Brigade group. In her will, she left a gift to support Tearfund’s work with vulnerable children, ensuring this good work continued. Praise God for those who are passionate about caring for vulnerable people.
Wednesday 13 November
Eileen and Fred Welch worked in Kenya for many years before retiring to Hampshire. Fred was a teacher and church leader, and Eileen taught at the first secondary school in Kenya for African girls. They were passionate about tackling poverty, and to this end they left a gift to Tearfund in their will. Thank God for lives lived so generously.
Thursday 14 November
‘For me, leaving money to Tearfund is leaving a real legacy. To leave it to people who have absolutely nothing is a huge privilege,’ says Hilary Field, who decided to pledge a legacy. Pray that more people will come to see what a privilege it is to help others.
Friday 15 November
‘Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.’ (Proverbs 19:17) This week, we’ve read about some inspiring people who’ve made significant contributions to Tearfund’s work by pledging or leaving gifts in their will, and there are many thousands more. Today, let’s remember and praise God for them.
Saturday 16 November
Dear Lord, thank you for your amazing gift of life. Please teach us to live it well, in a way that enriches the lives of others. Help us remember that the resources we have on this earth are yours, and show us how to use them wisely. In Jesus' name, amen.
Welcome to the weekend - what you can do
Join our Tearfund legacy-pledgers, to bring hope to future generations in the greatest need. If you are considering or have already chosen to leave a gift in your will to Tearfund, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Clare Norman either by emailing or calling 0845 355 8355.
Amazing IF: 17-23 November
God has given us a world that produces enough food for everyone, but every day one person in eight goes hungry. This year Tearfund helped lead the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign to challenge that injustice.
Sunday 17 November
‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.’ (Proverbs 31:8) Give thanks that the church stood up to be counted. Give thanks for united, powerful IF campaign services in London and Enniskillen, for good media coverage of them, and for churches that were full to overflowing.
Monday 18 November
Give thanks for churches around the country taking part in the campaign. New Life Christian Fellowship, Beccles, held an IF church service and had a good conversation with their MP at their church lunch. Give thanks too that we are free in the UK to speak up.
Tuesday 19 November
Praise God for a big and diverse coalition of more than 200 different groups that joined together as part of the IFcoalition. Pray that politicians, public and the media remember that so many of us want this to be a generous country.
Wednesday 20 November
Give thanks for the IF campaign’s successes so far. The UK government increased the aid budget and the G8 summit of world leaders agreed to make it harder to avoid paying taxes in poor countries. Pray that these promises are kept and the extra money released serves hungry people well.
Thursday 21 November
‘The climate has changed drastically,’ says FolominaFombe, a 47-year-old farmer from Malawi. ‘Farming is extremely difficult.’ The G8 restated rich countries' promise to tackle climate change and provide $100 billion a year to help poor countries adapt to it. But they didn’t agree on where the money would come from. Pray that poor people, who are least responsible for climate change, will get the assistance they need.
Friday 22 November
Give thanks for victory in Tearfund’s Unearth the Truth campaign. In June, the EU voted to make oil, gas and mining companies publish what they pay to governments, as we’d asked. Making these payments public instead of secret makes corruption harder and means poor communities are more likely to benefit. Give thanks again that David Cameron backed it, the US has passed a similar law, and Canada promised to follow suit.
Saturday 23 November
Pray that the church in the UK will continue to hear ‘God’s summons to become his Agents of Change by the power of the Holy Spirit’, as John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, put it at the IF campaign’s G8 service in Enniskillen. Pray that, as we live this out, we’ll show the rest of society that we follow a God of love and justice.
Welcome to the weekend - what you can do
The IF campaign has been amazing. Visit be inspired by our celebration video, be informed about what the campaign achieved to serve hungry people and discover what’s left to do.
Peace and healing in DRC: 24-30 November
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a vast country, the size of Western Europe. It’s rich in natural resources yet broken by poverty and conflict. DRC remains in crisis after being at the centre of what has been called ‘Africa’s World War’, where millions died. The country’s eastern regions remain volatile, and more than 3 million people have fled their homes.
Sunday 24 November
Rape is used as a weapon of war in DRC: estimates suggest 48 women are raped every hour. Pray for Tearfund partner Heal Africa, providing medical care, trauma therapy and prayer support to people who have experienced sexual violence. Pray that God will comfort and heal survivors.
Monday 25 November
There are an estimated 2.7 million people currently displaced in the DRC. With armed conflict getting closer to his village, BiamunguKipenduka knew there was just one option for his family - to run. ‘We took nothing, we just ... ran.’ Pray for displaced families, and particularly for their children, growing up amid such instability.
Tuesday 26 November
‘If we have peace, we can continue and get on with our lives,’ says Ibrahim, a farmer from Tukutuku. Pray that lasting peace and security will reign in DRC and that people won’t be tempted to take justice into their own hands.
Wednesday 27 November
‘O God, loving parent of all, comfort your children - displaced, wounded, lost or orphaned by conflict in the DRC - and give the people of that country courage to seek enduring peace with justice and freedom, that their children might grow up without fear. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.’Adapted from the Anglican Swahili prayer books: Tanzania (1995) and Congo (1998).
Thursday 28 November
Tearfund supports 11 partners in DRC, as well as working directly on the ground through a Tearfund team. Together, they provide assistance with water and sanitation, and work on issues around sexual violence, church and community mobilisation, health education and food security. Pray that God will give them wisdom, protection and good health.
Friday 29 November
Habiba’s family had to live in the bush to escape the conflict, and she had to watch her children suffering from malnutrition. ‘Life is slowly returning to normal,’ says Habiba. ‘Thanks to Tearfund we are now eating three meals a day again and I don’t have to worry about how to feed my children.’ Praise God that hope has been restored.
Saturday 30 November
DRC’s relationships with its neighbours over the years have been strained; many of them have fought over resources, land and other, political issues. Pray for the leaders of DRC’s neighbours, such as Rwanda and Uganda; pray that they will promote peace and understanding with DRC.
Welcome to the weekend - creative prayer idea
Some people call DRC ‘the forgotten conflict’. Make sure you remember Congolese people this week: visit download our DRC prayer guide, or re-read this page over the weekend.
Tearfund Prayer Diary November2013