Craig Sumner :: Software Engineer :: Scientist

700 Steiner St. APT 705, San Francisco, CA 94117 Phone: 415.637.7615 Email:

Online Resume:

Objective: Provide innovative software solutions to challenging scientific problems in a team environment



  • Expert: Java, SQL, and XML
  • Proficient: JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
  • Familiar: PERL, C, and C++


  • Expert: Swing, Applets, Desktop Applications, Web-Start Deployments, Database and Web Connectivity
  • Proficient: ANT, Java2D, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Ibatis, Apache, and Tomcat
  • Familiar: Struts, Oracle, MySQL, and JBoss


  • Windows, Macintosh and Unix


  • Eclipse, SQuirreL SQL, SmartCVS, TextWrangler, and VNC

Self-Directed Development of New Software

  • Gather requirements quickly and effectively and understand the needs of the scientific end-user
  • Consistently design effective user-interfaces
  • Design database schemas and application data models to be powerful and flexible over time
  • Perform extensive alpha, beta, and unit testing, both with and without end-user input
  • Deploy software to desktop, server, applet, web application, and web-start
  • Provide top-level support to end-users and support personnel, dealing directly with bug-fixes and new feature implementation

Skillful Use of Existing Software

  • Continually explore, evaluate, and incorporate open-source and third-party libraries
  • Extend, debug, and maintain applications and code-bases developed elsewhere
  • Study existing documentation, systematically experiment with APIs, consult original developers, and decompile binaries
  • Consistently improve team productivity by serving as a central resource for adopting new tools and technologies

Active Participation in Team Development

  • Complete individual components of larger projects such as LIMS systems and public web applications
  • Integrate larger applications, such as data analysis applications, with other software components of users' workflows
  • Contribute regularly to the team's shared libraries
  • Offer support to team members within my realms of expertise

Proven Record of Laboratory Performance

  • Automate and integrate with complex instrumentation software; troubleshoot and service instrumentation
  • Author and execute standard procedures, train others, and manage small teams of lab scientists
  • Design effective experimentation and troubleshoot evasive, complex procedural issues
  • Work well in large teams that must work together to complete projects and meet deadlines

Employment History:

Software Engineer

Applied Biosystems - Genomic Applications & PANTHER Groups

10.2001 - Present

  • Designed and developed an in-house data analysis application for high-throughput, TaqManTM gene expression profiling with interactive graphing capabilities, dedicated Oracle database, configurable automated analysis, user management, and web-start deployment
  • Designed and developed a component of an in-house LIMS (laboratory information management system) which generates highly customized files that describe containers to lab equipment, integrating LIMS more tightly to lab work
  • Designed and developed the PANTHER Prowler applet for browsing and searching PANTHER protein classifications and pathways using HTTP and database connectivity, JSPs (Java Server Pages) and Servlets, with tight integration to PANTHER scientific web site
  • Provided many immediate, custom software solutions to a wide variety of problems encountered during lab processing and data analysis

Scientist, Team Leader

Applied BiosystemsCelera Genomics - GeneTagTM Production Profiling Group

05.1999 - 04.2002

  • Helped build a high-throughput, production quality GeneTagTM (AFLP - amplified fragment length polymorphism) lab to profile differentially expressed genes in various tissues as a service to external customers
  • Generated revenue for the company by processing production samples and delivering data to customers on time
  • Managed lab space, equipment, and a small team of three scientists for the GeneTagTM production profiling process
  • Established procedures, automation, and organizational tools; trained other scientists in lab procedures
  • Reduced costs for the company by using a variety of methods to analyze data and helping to complete in-house software for automated analysis
  • Provided maintenance and service for the ABI 310 and 3100 Genetic Analyzers

Research Associate

Procter and Gamble - Technology Development

07.1997 - 05.1999

  • Designed and executed technical testing methods to create basic technologies that drive performance of consumer products
  • Developed surfactant, polymer, and bleach technologies in a dishwashing detergent context
  • Managed the daily activities of a full-time laboratory assistant
  • Maintained quality of the project’s common laboratory equipment and water supply
  • Credited with performance benefits and substantial global cost savings for the company by developing a new surfactant technology

Undergraduate Researcher

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Senior Thesis Research Program in Biochemistry

08.1996 - 05.1997

  • Purified high and low density lipoproteins (HDL and LDL) from human blood plasma
  • Prepared reconstituted, high density lipoproteins in vitro
  • Assessed purity of lipoprotein substrates with protein, cholesterol and phosphorus assays, SDS and native PAGE analysis
  • Analyzed the kinetics and binding properties of the enzyme lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) with various lipoprotein substrates

Site Consultant

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Computing and Communications Services Office

08.1995 - 05.1997

  • Provided assistance to a wide variety of student and faculty users in campus computing facilities
  • Solved hardware, software, printing, and networking issues on both Macintosh and Windows computers

Undergraduate Researcher

University of Massachusetts at Amherst - Howard Hughes Chemical Biology Research Experience For Undergraduates Program

06.1996 - 08.1996

  • Synthesized tripeptide complexes with copper and cobalt as part of an ongoing project to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) for the tripeptide-metal complex Cu(II)-glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine
  • Isolated and verified the formation of the complexes by HPLC, UV/Vis spectrophotometry, anion and cation exchange liquid chromatography and IR spectroscopy

Education & Training:

Java Technology Coursework - University of California at Berkeley

08.2001 - 07.2002 - GPA: 3.75

  • Java: Discovering its Power
  • Advanced Java: Developing with APIs
  • Advanced Java: Language, Internals and Techniques
  • Object Oriented Design Using Java

Applied Biosystems Training - Applied Biosystems

05.1999 - 05.2005

  • Service Engineer Certification, 310 Genetic Analyzer
  • Service Engineer Certification, 3100 Genetic Analyzer
  • Project Management
  • PCR Techniques

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

05.1997 - GPA: 3.25

  • Programming-related coursework in C and C++

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