MINUTES of the Thirty-Fourth Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 22nd November 2012 in St. Alphege Church.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all those present. 19 Friends were present.

  1. Apologies were received from Fr Gareth, Alan and Audrey Norman, Donald and Mary Bartholomew, Carolyn Naylor, Alan Kirkby, Helen and Robert Russell, Ann Hall, Richard Rayner, David Briggs, Fran Halstead, Colin and Pam Price, Jackie Goodman, Carol Southworth, Sue Hawthorne-Slater, David Patterson, Valerie and Philip Tew.
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

These were accepted as a true record.

Proposed: John GoodmanSeconded: Father Tim

  1. Honorary Secretary’s Report

We’ve had quite a busy year with a number of fundraising and social events:

Choirs’ Sunday last November included a ‘bring and share’ lunch in the OBH with entertainment by the choristers. All choirs sang during the day.

In December we sold cakes at coffee/squash and raffled a Christmas Cake which raised a welcome few pounds. The Christmas Concert at Solihull School was thankfully not cancelled due to the weather last year, and the boys, girls and men delighted the audience, not to mention the Surplus Cassocks who closed the concert for us, and featured, with Alice, on Radio 2 for a few secondsthe next morning.

In January we had a concert by the Birmingham Brass Band, giving us a “History of the World as you’ve never heard it before” with Nigel Stark in a starring role as a policeman. It was well attended and much enjoyed by all.

As part of the St. Alphege Fayre we held a stall in the High Street, with a Treasure Hunt organised by Pam and a tombola thanks to Isabel.

In May we had a “Come and Sing” Evensong, for which we provided cakes and tea. Several people came to sing with us, but unfortunately no new permanent members came from it.

In June, as part of the Millennium Celebrations the choir travelled to Canterbury to sing in the Cathedral. A variety of challenging music was sung, and it was agreed that it was very successful, as well as an experience that the singers will never forget.

Later in June, Father Patrick and Laura were kind enough to host a Social for Choir Parents, Men and Ladies. It was held in their garden, and was a most enjoyable occasion. Nigel “interviewed” Immy about the benefits she has derived through being a choir member.

The Gatehouse Supper by Candlelight in July was a great success with Ed Jones from the CBSO playing the trombone and talking about his musical life. The committee pulled together to provide a delicious supper and do the washing up! Thanks to John and Jane again for the use of the Gatehouse and the huge effort they make each year as hosts.

Instead of a Choir Week away we had a weekend at Dunfield House for Boys, Girls and Ladies. In a year of almost constant rain we were lucky to have wonderful weather. Nigel, Geoff and Julie made the weekend great fun, and it was nice to sing some music which was not church service-based. Dunfield looked after us very well, the surroundings were beautiful and there was plenty to do in our time off, including swimming, a treasure hunt, an adventure playground and a campfire! Pam Price was invaluable in her role as Matron and bus driver, although thankfully there were no major issues for her to deal with. The Friends supported the costs of this trip to make it affordable for all.

Shortly after this, John and I represented the Friends at the interviews for the new Director of Music, and were delighted that Joe Cooper was appointed. Until he started the choirs were ably supported by Andrew Fletcher for the month of September. I also represented the Friends at the appointment of our new Assistant Organist, Nicholas Johnson. All the choirs and congregation are appreciating the enthusiasm and new injection of energy they are both bringing to the music in church.

In October ten choristers, and Joe, attended an RSCM workshop day and service at Birmingham Cathedral, singing a service to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible. During the service Jonathan Vining was presented with his Bishop’s Award. FoSAM covered the costs of the books and the entry fees for the children. The next day the Girls, Ladies and Men sang at a Songs of Praise in the OBH for some of the more senior members of the congregation.

Choirs’ Sunday this year happened before the AGM, and all choirs sang during the day. The lunch was very well attended, and the entertainment by Joe and Nicholas was enjoyed by all.

We have a good rota going to provide sandwiches at the Organ Recitals, and thanks to Carol Southworth, Frances Rumball and Fran Halstead(and me!) who all take regular turns.

Continuing the educational purpose of the Friends we have provided

Free or nominal charge for tickets for children at concerts

Subsidies for external courses (although only one chorister requested support this year)

On going general support to the work of the choirs to provide a musical education

FoSAM has purchased a complete set of ties for all choir members, as we had run out of the old style ties. These feature the new logo which you will find on your Agenda, and will be distributed very soon. The children will be given their first tie free – they will have to pay for replacements if and when they lose them, but the men will be asked to contribute towards the cost of theirs.

The Choirs’ Newsletter is still being produced on a regular basis and we have fliers for the Choirs and the Friends of the Music. We continue to send birthday cards to choristers, which seem to be very well received.

Looking ahead – in the near future we will have:-

1) A re-run in church of the Ecumenical Vespers held in June in Canterbury, in which all the choirs will be taking part.

2) The Christmas concert at Solihull school on 20thDecember with refreshments.

3) A trip to Lichfield on Sunday January 6th to sing the services in the Cathedral there.

Looking further forward, we plan a week to sing at the Cathedral in Exeter in August.

We look forward to seeing you at these events and thank you for your continuing support. Thank you to all the committee for their help and hard work over the past year.

Proposed: Isabel BaumberSeconded:Barrie Hall

  1. Honorary Treasurer’s Report

The balance sheet as well as receipts and payment accounts forthe financial year ended 30 June 2012were prepared by treasurer Darion Walters and certified by auditor Roger Derwent on10 October2012.

The balance carried forward 30 June 2011 was £11,525.86

Total income from subscriptions, functions, 100 Club and contribution to major trips for the year ending 30 June 2012 was £9,369.21

Total expenditure in the year on courses, function expenses, marketing / promotion, maintenance and major trips for the same period was £13,384.97

This resulted in a £4,015.76 expenditure above income for the year.

The balance carried forward at 30 June 2012 was £7,510.10 i.e. £6,400,08 in the current account and £1110.02in deposit.

There has been a steady depletion of the funds available to support choir activities over the last four years and the call to action for this yearis to apply for grant and bursary funding in line with the review of our fund raising efforts. Our objective is to ensure that the Friends of St Alphege Musicis able to support thechoir activities and the development of our young choristers for years to come.

Proposed:Barrie HallSeconded: Viv Dobson

  1. Membership Secretary’s Report

This is my first AGM as Membership Secretary, and I feel that this year has been a learning year for me, however I hope to be more productive in the role going forward.

First of all, I would like to report on the year 2011-12, which is of course the business of this AGM. There were a total of 62 members that year, of which nine were honorary (where I am counting as one member either an individual or a family membership). We do have a downward trend in membership, and the current situation with membership for 2012-13 is concerning, with a particular disappointment being the lack of uptake from choristers’ parents.

Costs associated with membership renewal reminders for 2012-13 membership were negligible, thanks to Alison for helping with emails, and Viv for helping with delivering letters. We included a plea for email addresses with membership renewal letters which were hand delivered or posted, so that we can keep in touch with our members on a more regular basis.

Looking ahead, this year, I would like to spend some time, together with the committee, thinking about increasing uptake from choristers’ parents as a matter of urgency, and then developing some more tangible benefits of membership to appeal to our wider potential supporters, so that we can hopefully halt the downward trend in membership numbers. Communication with our supporters is a key element, so I will follow Joan’s example from previous years and ask for your help with keeping the database of ‘Friends of the Music’ up-to-date by letting me know of any changes of details.

Proposed:Bridget WrightSeconded: Audrey Hall

  1. Chairman’s Remarks

One of the great advantages of being Chair of the Friends Committee is that when it comes time for the Chairman’s remarks at the AGM all the events of the past year have been very well covered by the Secretary and others who have gone before. My remarks will therefore be very short.

The Friends committee was formed back in 1978 by a group of choirmen and parents and the basic reason for creating the committee was purely to raise funds to support the choirs (in those days of course only boys and men). This we have done very successfully over the years.

During the last few years (and I must shoulder much of the blame) the committee has found itself involved in running the choirs – which was never the intention – but it was necessary. However I think it is important that we try and revert to our former role of fund raising and I believe that we can now do this with the recent changes that have occurred.

Most of you here tonight will know what I mean when I say that after a number of years in the desert we have come to an oasis. We are absolutely thrilled and delighted at the appointment of Joe as our Musical Director and after only a few weeks in office he has created a tremendous upsurge of confidence and optimism in all the choirs – and standards have already risen considerably – especially in the boys and girls choirs.

His musical abilities and enthusiasm are infectious and I know he will in time bring our choirs back to the very high standard that we once were and place us among the top Parish Church choirs in this country.

However Joe does need the support and help of all of us to achieve his objectives. There is a new Choir Support Group who will help Joe in whatever way he requests – the group is not intended to run the choirs – that is Joe’s job. But we will support him in any other ways possible whether in the administration or otherwise.

As far as the Friends are concerned – how can we help? Obviously by raising funds – this is the prime and very essential part of our brief. But also by spreading the word – I realise that tonight I am preaching to the converted and I sincerely thank all of you here for the wonderful support you have shown to us over the years. If I may single out two people – if only to embarrass them – John and Jackie Goodman have shown huge generosity to us over the years by sponsoring some of our concerts – thus enabling us to maximise the profitability of certain events – I am thinking particularly of some of our annual Gatehouse concerts. I personally am so grateful to them and I know you all would want me to thank them officially for their great support and generosity.

So what can you do – spread the word and try and encourage people within the church who are not members to join – the subscription is very modest – only £10 for and individual or £15 for a family membership – the price of a round of drinks!

Also encourage folk to attend functions – and to buy tickets in good time! As the committee knows this has always been a gripe of mine – that people will not commit themselves until the last minute. Our proposed Puddings evening is a prime example. It was well advertised in the pew slip and in the magazine over the last few months – but when we announced that it was cancelled due to lack of support quite a few have said they didn’t know anything about it.

How else can you help? By encouraging anyone who you know who has a reasonable voice and an interest in the choirs or who may have children or grandchildren who could be suitable to come along and meet Joe to discuss a possible involvement.

Like Joe I joined a parish church choir as a young boy and have been singing ever since – I cannot really imagine life without it. It has been a great privilege since joining this choir in 1977 to sing some wonderful music to the glory of God in some amazing places and to cross paths with some superb musicians along the way. One of my first solos (well not a solo but a duet actually} when I joined this choir was with Nigel Short singing “The Ways of Sion do Mourn” by Michael Wise. Nigel now runs the superb choir Tenebrae – and it is always a source of pride to me to think that I once sang with him here in this place!

We have had many youngsters from our choirs who have gone on to higher things in the musical sense – some to Kings College Cambridge as Choral Scholars, Iain Simcock who became a very fine organist, Nigel Short, Nick Hawker Alice Halstead and even more recently Tom Lilburn and Peter Hodgkinson, to name just a few. It is when you see these successes that you realise just what a valuable service the choir provides to our youngsters.

But without the financial support of the Friends the choirs could not run to such a high standard – the PCC cannot afford to pay for all the necessary expenses, so our task is of paramount importance to ensure the continuance of the choirs and the maintenance of the ancient choral traditions of which we are so proud here at St Alphege’s.

If you feel that you could put on some function to raise a few pounds – a coffee morning or anything which will produce a profit – however modest – it all helps. If you have any suggestions for fund raising please come and see me or discuss it with one of the committee members.

In closing I want to express my thanks to the members of the Friends committee who have worked so hard over the last twelve months – and also a very personal thank you to Jane who as a choir widow of 41 years has always supported my involvement with the choir – almost uncomplaining!

Thanks also to Fr Tim and Fr Patrick and the other clergy who are so supportive and to Sandra for her help throughout the year.

Finally I pledge to Joe my personal support and that of the whole Friends committee in the work that lies ahead.

Thank you all for your support over the years and for coming along tonight.

  1. Director of Music’s Report

Joe thanked the choirs for making him feel so welcome, and Fr Tim, Fr Patrick and Fr Gareth who have been a great support. Also thanks to the Friends for their help and welcome. Congratulations to Tom Lilburn who shows what a great education it is to be in a church choir.

It is going to be a struggle to bring the choirs back to where they should be. Ladies are working harder every week; if standards are raised people will get more out of it. Specialist training is now ongoing for choristers. Joe hopes to help to raise more money, perhaps by putting on fewer, but larger, events. There is a need to emphasise that our music-making should benefit not only the church but also the whole of Solihull; perhaps for example concerts with school choirs, scratch concerts with Choral Societies, and then to try to encourage people who come to these to join the Friends of the Music. Joe would also like to set up an association of former choristers of St Alphege Church to see if we can ask them to help with financial help or to support existing choristers. Joe is also going into schools to recruit new members. But his main priority at the moment is to nurture what we have here, so that when we do go out to recruit we have a strong base to make it attractive to new people. It is important to look to a future which can be stronger than the past, whilst using what we have learned from the past.

Fr Tim added that Joe is invited to Core Staff Meetings so that he is aware of all that is going on, and so that the rest of the team know what is happening with the music. He stressed that this shows what a key part music has in the life of the church.