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Kathleen VanCleve

  1. When Polly’s grandmom died, what sprung up around her body?
  2. Who was Polly’s best friend?
    Harry, the rhubarb
  3. What happens on the farm every Monday at 1PM?
    It rains.
  4. On “Flannery Day” what does the family do to honor grandmom?
    They all go up on the umbrella ride.
  5. What is the family headquarters called?
    The White House
  6. What does the Learning Garden grow besides perfect fruits and vegetables?
  7. What is edible on the rhubarb plant?
    The rhubarb stalks are edible, the leaves are poisonous.
  8. What piece of jewelry do all the girls in the family wear?
    An emerald ring - Polly lost hers in the lake.
  9. Aunt Edith comes every Friday to spend the day with Polly. What special place does she take Polly in the castle?
    Aunt Edith takes Polly to her great grandmother, Enid, library.
  10. In the library, Polly meets a dragonfly and a giant cricket. What is unusual about them?
    They can communicate with Polly.
  11. What book does Aunt Edith give Polly from the library?
    Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  12. What does Polly have wrong with her right index finger?
    It makes a right angle at the top knuckle just like Aunt Edith and Grandmom.
  13. Spark, the dragonfly, spells out “TRY” on the way to the umbrella ride. What happened at the ride?
    The umbrella got stuck 20 stories in the air. The rhubarb plant roots were clogging the motor. Polly stuck her hand it the motor and pulled out the roots. She saved Basford ad the tourists.
  14. When Polly lets Basford meet Harry, the rhubarb plant, what does Harry do to Polly that really upsets her?
    Harry slaps her with his leaves when she tells Harry he was wrong for almost hurting the people on the umbrella ride.
  15. What shocking news did Aunt Edith tell Polly when she came to dinner?
    Aunt Edith told Polly she sold the farm. She was just waiting for Dad to sign the papers. Polly was so angry she goes to Harry and pulls him apart.
  16. What had not happened by 1PM the next Monday?
    The sky was blue, it did not rain.
  17. Where do Spark, the dragonfly, and the Monster cricket tell Polly she needs to go?
    To the silo.
  18. When Polly was so angry at Harry that she pulled off all his leaves and broke his stalk, she felt horrible. What did she do everyday after that?
    She watered the little piece of root that was left and talked to him. He did not respond.
  19. While watering Harry a 2 headed spider talks to Polly. She is frightened of all bugs. The spider keeps repeating the word “seek”. What does Polly figure out the spider is saying?
  20. What happens to Freddy, Polly’s brother, in school right after the spider told Polly someone is sick?
    Freddy collapses in school.
  21. The woman offering to buy the farm is Polly’s grandmom’s sister. What is she offering?
    50 million dollars - $25 million to Edith and $25 million to Polly’s dad.
  22. Polly decides she needs to overcome her fear of the silo and see if she can find out what is happening to the farm there. What happens to Polly before she gets to the silo?
    Following the dirt road to the silo, Polly slips off the road into slugsand. She keeps sinking deeper into the slugsand. As a last try, she dives back toward the road. Beatrice is there to pull Polly out. Beatrice carries Polly back to the house where Mom pulls the slugs off one by one in a warm bath.
  23. What did Polly tell Jongy in a fit of temper?
    Polly screamed at Jongy that the family could sell the farm for $50million if they wanted to. It was supposed to be a family secret.
  24. What does the new buyer, Alessandra and Girard, her assistant, want to do with the farm?
    They want to get rid of the rhubarb and all the buildings to make way for a juice farm.
  25. Ophelia, Mom’s psychic friend, comes to the house with a crystal ball. She tells everyone in the family something except Polly. What happens in Polly’s bedroom later?
    When Ophelia comes to see Polly, she tells Polly she knows the monster Cricket, Lester, and Spark, the dragonfly. Ophelia tells Polly she needs to find her emerald ring. She says Polly’s “friends” will help her find it.
  26. When Polly’s class comes to the farm for a trip, Beatrice sends Polly to find Freddy. Where did Polly find him?
    Freddy was on the rope bridge outside his window. He was pale and sickly. When Polly tried to grab him and bring him back in, the both fell with Polly’s class watching.
  27. When Polly and Freddy fell, they fell into the lake. How did things turn out?
    Polly was OK, Freddy was stable in the hospital, and Patricia, Polly’s sister, got 15 stitches running to them when they fell.
  28. Polly wakes up and 2AM wide awake. She knows she must go to Grandmom’s bench outside the Dark House. She is so frightened, who is on the bench when she gets there?
    Aunt Edith
  29. What are the 3 reasons Aunt Edith wants to sell the farm?
  1. She needs the money.
  2. She wants to return to her job in NY
  3. For Polly – Polly shouldn’t be stuck on the farm all her life.
  1. What did Aunt Edith do to push Polly’s father to sell the farm?
    Aunt Edith got Polly’s father research money dropped from the Dunbar Company.
  2. Polly’s crooked finger is burning while she’s sitting on Grandmom’s bench. In fact it hurts so much she shakes it and flings the booklight she was using as a flashlight into the slugsand. What does she see in the slugsand?
    She sees something green. She puts her hand in the slugsand and pulls out her emerald ring.
  3. What secret does Beatrice tell Polly about hurting bugs?
    Beatrice tells Polly every time a bug on the farm gets hurt or dies, Beatrice feels it.
  4. What does Polly figure out about her crooked finger and water vapor?
    When Polly puts her finger in the lake water, it gets so hot, it forms water vapor.
  5. What does Mom ask Polly to do to see if it helps Freddy get better?
    Mom asks Polly to call Aunt Edith to see if she will help Freddy. She said tell Edith they will do anything she wants.
  6. What does Lester, the Monster Cricket, help Polly realize?
    Lester gets Polly to put her emerald ring on her crooked finger to make a larger water vapor – a cloud.
  7. When Polly goes back to the library, what do her “friends” tell her she needs to do?
    She needs to go to the silo.
  8. When Polly comes downstairs to go to the silo, what does Beatrice tell her?
    Beatrice tells Polly that Freddy is in a coma.
  9. What were the giant rhubarb plants doing when Polly entered the silo?
    They were clapping for her.
  10. While in the silo, Polly places her ring in a socket. When she does the floor opens up to reveal water. What happens when she puts her hand in the water?
    Polly makes a rain cloud that rises from the silo.
  11. Lester comes to get Polly o go to the turret of the castle, what happens there?
    The bugs and Polly have a party. They show Polly The Book of Secrets.Polly realizes that all the women with a crooked finger make it rain on the farm everyday.
  12. Why does it only drizzle instead of rain when Polly makes a cloud?
    Polly is not 18 yet. When she matures, she will be able to make it rain.