TAFE Libraries Management Interest Group
Minutes of meeting 3/2002 of the TAFE Libraries Management Interest Group held on Friday 26th July at Swinburne University, Hawthorn Campus.
The meeting commenced with a presentation by Stan Rodski and Lesley Brown from Rodski Research. Stan and Lesley spoke about the company, the surveys they had done for CAUL and the use of surveys to benchmark again other similar libraries.
- Attendance:
Luanne Thornton (Gordon), Helen Reid (Box Hill), Doreen Parker (Vic Uni), Anne Callahan (NMIT), Suzanne Poulter (Central Gippsland), Annette Sullivan (RMIT), Cathy Smith (East Gippsland), Anna Carroll (Gordon), Anna Gemmell (William Angliss), Laraine Impey (Chisholm), Marian Drake (Holmesglen)
Leonie Pope (Box Hill), Bea Donkin (Swinburne), Robet Hornett (Holmesglen), Adrian Shaw (Chisholm), Helen Newton (Melb Uni), Lesley Morgan (East Gippsland), Wendi Greenaway (William Angliss), Chris Satzke (South West),
- Minutes of last meeting
Minutes accepted as is
Moved Ann Callahan, Seconded Luanne Thornton
- Business arising from the previous minutes
Draft Strategic Plan. Discussion centred on allocated members for responsibility for certain sections of the plan. They were suggested as follows:
5.5 – Robet Hornett – to form a working party to set their own timelines
5.1.1 Website – Wendi to co-ordinate and set her own timelines and milestones
5.1.2 Executive
5.2 MIG and TRIG – Chair and convenor of these groups to take on
5.3 Look at possible grants from various bodies – Executive to co ordinate
5.4.1 Waiting for report from Stephen Barnett, need mechanism for evaluating offers, a database co-ordinators list, suggested Bea might be able to compile this list
5.4.2 Luanne
5.4.3 Executive is meeting with Leonie and Adrian – leave with Adrian at this time.
Suggested extra items not currently in the Strategic Plan were copyright and the possibility of a Victorian TAFE conference. Discussion re a TAFE copyright guide followed including contacting Trevor Gerdson and looking at material from the AVCC. With ALIA not running a TAFE conference the idea has been raised about a Vic conference.
- VATL Executive Report
Working on Strategic Plan, approached CAVAL re their managing the TAFE VC. The Stats sheet has been slightly changed/ clarified and will be distributed fairly soon for completion end of September. Bea is co-ordinating an offer from xreferplus for approximate cost of $1100 each.
- Members reports
Central Gippsland
Moving from their portable back into a fully refurbished library
Victoria University
Have a new Deputy Vice Chancellor, Richard Carter. Working on strategic plans for the Institute and the Library followed by library operational plans. Space planning continues with requests for funding being sought. Unfortunately the new Multimedia Lab at St Albans has nothing to do with the library but the Premier opened it, which was the first time he had been at the Uni since being elected.
New director of Library Service being sought and a restructure of the library management has been done. The Rodski survey is to be done in September. There is lots of investigating being done to tie in with strategic planning.
East Gippsland
Facilities master plan is complete. Working on AQTF and managing laptops, cameras, projectors etc for teachers. Trialing the library survey with off campus and other students who don’t usually use the library to find out why.
Northern Melbourne
PD day for library staff held during the break with training on student enrolment and the bookshop system
Talks continue with the architects re the city campus. Bullying legislation training going on across the Institute
Stocktake of all campuses just finished. It was well done with just cleanup continuing. Branch librarians visited William Angliss and RMIT. Talked to RMIT re troubles with Monitor system in regard to black and white and colour printing and photocopying from the same machine. Marian raised issue of new USB storage devices that were being encouraged. Cost ranges from $50 - $700.
William Angliss
Gone to Unicorn and changeover running quite smoothly
Box Hill
Discussions with architect on changes to the Elgar Library with the building of a walkway from the new Elgar East building to the library floor in the Elgar building.
Institute and consequently Library strategic planning underway, action plans being developed
Just completed a review of staff titles and changes have been finalised
PD of cross culture communication and a tutorial on evaluation of webpages done recently. Web 2 catalogue should be implemented by the end of the year. 3 staff are doing Cert IV in Workplace training and assessment
- Other business
- Next Meeting 27th September, Suggested venue, William Angliss. To Be Confirmed. Possible speaker: Graeme Murphy on interior library design.