The Best Little Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror Convention in Arizona

November 9th - 11th, 2018 at the Sheraton Tucson Hotel & Suites in Tucson, Arizona.

Art Show Registration Form

Artist ______Agent ______




Brief description of your artwork (genre, media)


Return Registration form with signatures and fees included prior to shipping any artwork.

If paying by PayPal Please send copy of receipt to:

Liz Vela at

(With subject of TusCon 45 Art Show)

#_____4’x4’ panels @$15.00 each Total panels Fees

☐ Print Shop – maximum of 25 pieces per Artist (no charge with 1 or more panels)

☐ Please use PayPal for any payment due to me at this address: ______

The Artist assumes responsibility and agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless TusCon, Baja Arizona Science Fiction Association (BASFA) and their agents and SheratonTucson Hotel & Suites and their employees and agents, against all claims, losses and damages to persons and property, charges or fines by legal authorities and legal expenses arising from or caused by Artist’s installation, removal, maintenance, or part thereof, excluding any much liability caused by the sole negligence of TusCon, BASFA or and SheratonTucson Hotel & Suites.

The Artist acknowledges that TusCon, BASFA, and SheratonTucson Hotel & Suites do not maintain insurance covering the

Artist’s property or liability. It is the sole responsibility of the Artist to obtain any property damage, liability, business interruption insurance covering any and all losses by the Artist

The Art Show Director has final authority in interpretation of the Art Show Rules and in determining whether or not any artwork is in violation of copyright or trademark laws.

I (we) hereby accept the conditions set forth above. I (we) have read the TusCon Art Show Rules and I (we) will abide by those rules for the duration of TusCon 45.

I (we) retain all copyrights to my work. A sale of original artwork and reproduced artwork does not include reproduction rights to my work.


(Print Name) (Agent) (Signature) (Date)