On-line Supplementary Material

Multiple effects of changes in Arctic snow cover

Terry V. Callaghan, Margareta Johansson, Ross D. Brown, Pavel Ya. Groisman, Niklas Labba, Vladimir Radionov, Raymond S. Bradley, Sylvie Blangy, Olga N. Bulygina, Torben R. Christensen, Jonathan E. Colman, Richard L.H. Essery, Bruce C. Forbes, Mads C. Forchhammer, Vladimir N. Golubev, Richard E. Honrath*, Glenn P. Juday, Anna V. Meshcherskaya, Gareth K. Phoenix, John Pomeroy, Arja Rautio, David A. Robinson, Niels M. Schmidt, Mark C. Serreze, Vladimir P. Shevchenko, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, Andrey B. Shmakin, Peter Sköld, Matthew Sturm, Ming-ko Woo, Eric F. Wood


On-line Supplementary Material A

Temperature Inversions

Temperature inversions close to the ground surface are characteristic features of Arctic climate, particularly in winter when the ground is snow covered. Stable conditions can persist for weeks, decoupling the surface from atmospheric conditions a few kilometres aloft. They thus affect the surface energy exchange. Studies of inversion characteristics over time show a widespread decline in surface-based inversion depth from the 1950s to the 1980s across Arctic Canada and Alaska (Bradley et al. 1992; Hartmann and Wendler 2005; Bourne 2008). However, over the past 20 years inversion depths have shown no further downward trends at most sites. Circulation changes across the Arctic have contributed significantly to warming (Graversen et al. 2008, and it is likely that such changes have affected the near-surface inversion structure. General circulation models perform poorly at simulating conditions in the near-surface boundary layer and there have been few attempts to use regional models to dynamically downscale GCMs over the Arctic.

On-line Supplementary Material B

Regional and seasonal variability in sources of moisture for precipitation

Within the Arctic drainage basin, maximum monthly precipitation occurs in the summer to autumn period, but the maximum discharge is observed in June, when it primarily originates from snow accumulated over the long (five- to eight-month) cold period (Figure B 1). Long-term averages of precipitable water calculated from the atmospheric moisture budgets of the large Arctic-draining Eurasian watersheds (Ob, Yenisey, Lena, Kolyma-Indigirka) have symmetric annual cycles, with July peaks and winter minima (Serreze and Etringer 2003). This reflects the annual cycle in atmospheric temperature and the ability of the atmosphere to carry water vapor. Precipitation also has a symmetric annual cycle with a summer peak. While effective precipitation-generating mechanisms exist in all seasons, these watersheds are far removed from oceanic moisture sources (‘continentality’). As such, precipitation tends to follow the seasonality in the available column water vapor. During winter, the primary precipitation mechanism is a modest convergence of water vapor; this precipitation is stored in the winter snowpack and released in spring and summer as river discharge.

Fig. B 1. The seasonal cycle of discharge for the four largest rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean. Data from Shiklomanov et al. (2007).

Processes over the major Eurasian catchments contrast sharply with the Atlantic sector of the Arctic, which has a general cold season precipitation maximum. Here, the annual cycle of precipitation is not moisture limited but rather reflects the stronger precipitation-generating mechanisms in the cold season (i.e., vapor flux convergence and uplift associated with eddy activity along the North Atlantic storm track). In this region, the annual cycles of precipitation and column water are in opposition (Serreze and Etringer 2003).

In the Arctic Ocean region, precipitable water has a July peak and winter minimum (Atlas of the Arctic 1985). Similar to the terrestrial watersheds, the vapor flux convergence tends to have a general cold season minimum and summer to early autumn peak (e.g. Walsh et al. 1994; Yang 1999). Here, however, evaporation is always low, limited in winter by low temperatures and in summer by the presence of a melting snow and sea-ice surface. For all seasons, precipitation is primarily related to the horizontal vapor flux convergence.


On-line Supplementary Material C

Contrasting effects of snow cover on the musk ox population at Zackenberg, northeast Greenland

Fig. C 1. Contrasting effects of snow cover on the musk ox population at Zackenberg, northeast Greenland: (a) direct negative effect of early spring snow cover (10 June) on current-year population, and (b) delayed positive effect of increased length of the growing season on the population the following year. The length of the growing season is defined as the period with positive ecosystem assimilation and is closely related to the date of snow melt (r = -0.84, n = 8, p < 0.05). Annual population numbers of musk oxen are given as relative values adjusted for (a) density dependence and (b) density dependence and spring snow cover. Data from Forchhammer et al. (2008).


On-line Supplementary Material D

Snow cover and contaminants

Heavy metals may be deposited in greater quantities over marine areas than terrestrial areas because of the nucleating effects of sea salt, and increased rates of coastal and marine ice-fog formation and fog-related deposition (Garbarino et al. 2002). Conversion of gaseous elemental mercury to halogenated compounds following photochemical reactions in the spring may also contribute to increased levels of mercury over sea ice and water. In areas where snow is not present on the sea ice, the mercury can move more quickly into the seawater through cracks in the ice cover, increasing their influence on biota there and leading to bioaccumulation of the various contaminants in marine mammals.

Concentrations of gases in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer are affected by chemical reactions on ice surfaces in snowpacks. These processes are the result of a combination of factors: snowpacks are permeable, allowing exchange between snowpack interstitial air and the atmosphere (Domine et al. 2008); snowpacks strongly forward-scatter radiation, resulting in sunlight penetration well below the surface (Simpson et al. 2002); and deposition to snowpacks concentrates many compounds. Snowpack reactions affect nitrogen oxides, halogens, ozone, organic compounds, and mercury. Mercury is a particular concern in the Arctic because of its ability to bioaccumulate and biomagnify in food webs and because it can be toxic to biota even in very small quantities. Snow plays a significant role in accumulating and redistributing mercury (Johnson et al. 2008; Steffen et al. 2008).

Snow contains nitrate owing to the deposition of atmospheric nitric acid and particulate nitrate. Exposure of the snowpack to ultraviolet radiation (wavelengths below ~340 nm) results in nitrate photodissociation and the formation of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrite, and hydroxyl radicals (OH) (Honrath et al. 2000; Chu and Anastasio 2003). There is an efflux of nitrogen oxides (NOX, i.e., NO and NO2) from the snowpack (Jones et al. 2001; Beine et al. 2002; Honrath et al. 2002; Oncley et al. 2004). Nitrite is itself photodissociated, forming nitrogen monoxide (NO), and under sufficiently acidic conditions, can also be released in the form of nitrous acid (HNO2) (Zhou et al. 2001; Honrath et al. 2002; Beine et al. 2003, 2005, 2006; Amoroso et al. 2006). OH formed from nitrate photolysis, and in greater amounts by photolysis of hydrogen peroxide (Chu and Anastasio 2005; France et al. 2007), is a strong oxidant of organic compounds. It is expected that OH oxidation of ubiquitous snowpack organic matter (Grannas et al. 2007) occurs and contributes to observed enhancements of carbonyls and carboxylic acids in sunlit snow as well as the processing of anthropogenic organic pollutants that have deposited (Sumner and Shepson 1999; Dibb and Arsenault 2002; Grannas et al. 2004). Furthermore, sunlight absorption by uncharacterized organic compounds is significant and may initiate additional, as yet uncharacterized, photochemical reactions in the snowpack (Anastasio and Robles 2007).

Ozone is destroyed in sunlit snow by a photochemically initiated process (Peterson and Honrath 2001; Albert et al. 2002; Helmig et al. 2007) (and, at a slower rate, in the dark; Albert et al. 2002). The underlying mechanism is not yet clear. However, ice-surface reactions that release bromide ion as Br2 or bromine monochloride (BrCl) are believed to be important sources of the active bromine (Br) that is responsible for Arctic boundary layer ozone depletion (Simpson et al. 2007). It is believed that such ‘bromine explosion’ reactions occur to a significant extent on snowpack surfaces (Simpson et al. 2005; Piot and von Glasow 2008). Br2 has been observed in snowpack interstitial air (Foster et al. 2001), and it has been suggested that Br release into interstitial air may be responsible for snowpack ozone destruction even far from the ocean (Peterson and Honrath 2001). The atmospheric impact of the snowpack ozone destruction has been observed at Summit, Greenland, during summer, where it is the apparent cause of a ~1 ppb diurnal variation in ozone concentration (Helmig et al. 2002).

On-line Supplementary Material E

Water resources and hydropower

Water resources and hydropowerwill be affected by projected changes in snow cover and duration that will affect the capacity and operations of current and future hydroelectric developments and might resolve some of the rising needs (Furgal and Prowse 2008. A more even distribution of water discharge will reduce the need for peak reservoir levels without generating maximum electricity, particularly if precipitation increases (Gode et al. 2007). In areas where winter precipitation is expected to increase (Callaghan et al. 2011a b [this issue]), an increase in runoff is also expected. In Swedish sub-Arctic Suova, the increase in runoff is expected to be as much as 53% (ECHAM4OPYC3 model with A2 emissions scenario) by the end of the 21st century due to increased precipitation (Table E1, Gode et al. 2007).

Table E1. Projected percentage increase in runoff using HadAM3H (the UK Meteorological Office Climate Model) and ECHAM4/OPYC3 (The Max Plank Institute (Germany) Climate Model) for Suova in sub-Arctic Sweden using the A2 and B2 emissions scenarios (Gode et al. 2007).(The A2 emissions scenario is characterised by very strong increase in population, moderate BNP growth, and a very strong increase in emissions of GHG whereas the B2 scenario is less extreme with moderate BNP growth, moderate growth in population until 2040, after which it stagnates, and a small increase in GHG emissions.)

Year / HadAM-A2 / HadAM-B2 / ECHAM-A2 / ECHAM-B2
2011 – 2040 / 5.5 / 3.6 / 24.1 / 15.9
2071 – 2100 / 12 / 8 / 53 / 35

Projected increases in winter rainfall and increased freeze-thaw cycles are expected to lead to an enhanced winter snow melt and a decline in winter storage and, hence, a more even runoff over the year (Gode et al. 2007; Furgal and Prowse 2008). The amount of water available for hydropower is also dependent on glacier runoff and this is projected to increase in some areas and decrease in others during the present decade (Sharp et al. 2011). In Sweden, production from hydropower was projected using the EMPS model to simulate the potential use of power plants with increasing runoff and using knowledge on current facilities and potential expansion, etc. The results suggested that the greatest changes in runoff are expected to occur in winter, although there was a more even distribution throughout the year (Table E2; Gode et al. 2007). The large variation between the results for the two GCMs used provides a challenge for economic forecasting.

Table E2. Changes in runoff and production calculated using the EMPS model (a Multi-Area Powermarket Simulator, that is used in simulating energy for a number of historic weather years, developed by EFI, a Swedish energy research institute) on a seasonal basis in Sweden (Gode et al. 2007).

Reference period
1960 – 1991 / HadAM-B2
2071 – 2100 / ECHAM-B2
2071 – 2100
Winter / Summer / Annual / Winter / Summer / Annual / Winter / Summer / Annual
Runoff (TWh) / 12.5 / 53.5 / 66.0 / 21.5 / 49.9 / 71.3 / 30.4 / 51.2 / 81.6
Production (TWh) / 34.2 / 28.1 / 62.3 / 34.8 / 31.5 / 66.3 / 39.4 / 35.1 / 74.5

Current hydroelectric power plant capacity and design are based on climatological and hydrological statistics, but as the climate changes, conditions for the power plants will alter. For example, in some regions reservoir capacities may need to be expanded to offset changes in runoff, both for seasonal and total annual runoff. In addition, the construction of hydropower dams needs to take into account the different future projections for ice conditions (Prowse et al. 2011a b [this issue]).

On-line Supplementary Material F

Snow cover, insect pests and tree damage

Snow anomalies, as they interact with rising temperatures, also affect the insects that feed on boreal tree species and these can damage millions of cubic metres of timber.

The North American engraver beetle (Ips perturbatus) is a wood-boring species that attacks already weakened trees, primarily white spruce (McCullough et al. 1998). Extensive tree injury from increased forest fires, climatic stress, and extreme snow events of the past few decades have created optimum conditions for engraver beetle outbreaks (Werner et al. 2006). Cumulative tree mortality is now heavy in many parts of Alaska (Werner et al. 2006). The complex interactions of engraver beetle tree host, snow, and temperature were displayed during monitoring of a major outbreak in an experimental forest in central Alaska. Engraver beetle populations initially began to increase in abundant injured trees following a 1983 forest fire (Holsten 1986). During winter 1984/85, heavy snowfall in the early winter broke branches and tops of mature spruce, and the already high engraver beetle populations increased further during spring and summer 1985 (Werner 1993). An abnormally low snowfall followed in winter 1985/86, producing drought-like conditions in spring 1986 that weakened spruce and rendered it susceptible to a very largeengraver beetle outbreak that resulted in a regional episode of high spruce mortality (Holsten 1986). This formerly uncommon sequence of high early (November and December) snowfall followed by snow drought the next winter has become more frequent in central Alaska in recent decades (Callaghan et al. 2011a). A continuation or intensification of these climate trends would reduce the evergreen conifer component of the forest. Because the conifers produce a generally more commercially valuable wood than hardwoods, and because conifer wood is less rapidly decomposed, such a shift has implications for economic return and carbon storage.

The Siberian silkmoth (Dendrolimus superans sibiricus Tschetw.) is one of the major outbreaking insect species in northern Eurasia and has a major control on the establishment and survival of Siberian conifers (Siberian fir, Abies sibirica), Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica), Siberian spruce (Picea obovata), and Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) (Kharuk et al. 2003). The northern border of silkmoth outbreaks was historically represented by a growing degree-day heat sum (10 °C threshold) of 1400 to 1600 °C (Kharuk et al. 2004). During defoliating outbreaks of this insect in northern Eurasia, as many as 4.0 million hectares have been affected (Kharuk et al. 2003; 2004; 2007). The full silkmoth life cycle usually takes two years, but in warmer conditions one generation can develop in a single year, while in colder conditions up to three years may be required. Drought can induce some larvae to shift to the shorter 1-year life cycle, so that the adults of two generations emerge simultaneously, increasing the population sharply (FAO 2009). Historically, outbreaks occurred at 8- to 11-year intervals following a few years of water shortage, and outbreak cycles are now more frequent (FAO 2009). Within outbreak areas, low elevations and warm, dry, steep slopes experience higher levels of tree mortality (Kharuk et al. 2007). Cold climate and sufficient moisture have, so far, limited outbreaks to areas generally south of 60° N (Kharuk et al. 2004). However, in the late 20th century, temperature increases and periodic low snow accumulation years facilitated the movement of the Siberian silkmoth westward in Russia, and the species now represents a serious risk for coniferous forests of Belarus, Baltic nations, and the Nordic countries (Gninenko and Orlinskii 2002).

The European spruce engraver beetle (Ips typographus) takes advantage of weak and injured conifers. The beetle population increased in trees damaged by heavy storm and snow damage in the late 1960s and reached outbreak levels during a series of warm years with an acute shortage of moisture in the early 1970s (Heliövaara and Peltonen 1999). From 1971 to 1981, severe outbreaks of European spruce engraver beetle in southern Norway damaged trees totaling 5 million m3 of timber (Bakke 1989).


References for Online Supplementary Material

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