NUCLEAR – 2018


instructions for authors

the tITLE FONT is times new roman, 14 pt, bold, all caps

a.b. author, B.C. author* and c.d. author** (12 pt, italics, all caps)

Organisation, City, Country, e-mail address (12 pt, italics)

*Other organisation, City, Country, e-mail address (12 pt, italics)

**Other organisation, City, Country, e-mail address (12 pt, italics)

abstract (12 pt, all caps)

Please, copy this file and use it for the preparation of your manuscript. Use styles defined in this file and font Times New Roman only (do not use additional styles and fonts). Please, help us to avoid receiving hundreds of files named nuclear.doc choosing file name according to your family name (nicolae.doc, stanescu.doc). Your manuscript should start with a short abstract of 150 words maximum, describing the key elements of your contribution and its conclusions. This paragraph should be typeset in block mode, Times New Roman, 10 pt, with left and right indents of 1.5cm.

Key words: (Times New Roman, 10 pt, bold, max 5 key words)

  1. Introduction (12 pt, bold)

Official language of the International Conference will be English and therefore all the papers prepared for the presentation should be written in English. Please, type your manuscript in MS Word text processor. Do not redefine existing page setup of this file: paper size DIN A4; all margins (top, bottom, left and right) 2.5cm. Do not change given header and footer.

After the abstract, your manuscript should continue on the same page with an introduction. The typeface throughout the text is Times New Roman. For those main sections the size is 11 pt, single line spacing, and the lines are justified in block mode.

Do not indent first line of paragraph. Insert one blank line before each new paragraph.

Additional sections should follow on the experimental set-up, results, their discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements and references.

  1. Page numbering

Please do not number the pages of your manuscript. All pages will be renumbered by the conference secretariat for insertion in the Proceedings.

  1. Tables and figures

Tables and figures (black & white or colour) should be inserted into the text at the appropriate place and with preserved print quality. They should be uniquely identified with the corresponding captions above tables and under figures (italic 10 pt). You can insert your figures digitally from a picture file.

Fig. 1. Caption for figure one.

  1. Manuscript Length

The length of the manuscript should not exceed eight pages; this includes the title page, all the tables and figures, as well as the list of references. Author may go beyond this length only after getting an approval from the Organizing Committee.

  1. References

Please number your references and cite them in brackets [1]. The list of references should be at the very end of your manuscript under the section heading “References”.

[1] J. Smith, Trans. Intl. Conf. Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM’98), Bruges, Belgium, March 29-31, 1998, p. 99

  1. Deadline

Electronic version of your manuscript has to be e-mailed to the conference secretariat at: , by April 30, 2018. Please, do not exceed 10Mb of your Word file.


