Manual: Emergency Management File Under: EM.102

Original Date: 3/2013 Revision Date:

Review Date:

Administrative Approval:

Emergency Management Committee Chairman Date

SCOPE All employees, employee’s families and domesticated pets. Arrangements for larger pets/animals will be made at nearby veterinary clinics when/where possible.

PURPOSE To provide a plan for the care and shelter for the families and pets of employees of HOSPITAL in the event there is a prolonged disaster or internal/external Code Triage. During disasters, people and animals are often displaced with no clear course of action. Employees may lack the normal means of taking care of their families and pets, which may prevent them from coming to work during a crisis.



a.  This plan is to be utilized under authority of the Incident Commander and/or Administrator on-call ONLY. Employees will be reminded to utilize all other services available, if possible.

b.  The Incident Commander of the event will, if not already done so, activate the Family Care Unit Leader portion of the HICS Organizational Command to oversee the implementation of this Plan.

c.  Employees will be instructed to communicate with their family members to arrange for them to come to the hospital and give them directions to the designated family entry point of the facility.

d.  Housekeeping staff will post signs to assist family members to the designated family entry point of the facility.

e.  The employee will complete the Employee Family Log (Attachment A) and (if applicable) Pet Log (Attachment B) for those family members and pets they are expecting to arrive at the facility.

f.  The supervisor will collect all of the Family and Pet Logs and deliver to the Labor Pool. (Runners may be utilized for this purpose).

g.  Upon arrival, family members will be escorted by a Runner to the Bash Auditorium to be checked in. Pets will be escorted to the pet shelter by the owner if in place.

h.  The employee will be notified by the check-in staff that their family has arrived.

i.  A logbook will be utilized to log in family members. The log in procedure will be done based upon the employee’s last name – see Family/Pet Check-In Sheet (Attachment D).

j.  Pets will be given a tracking number and identification tag along with their owner to appropriately match pet to owner as soon as possible.

k.  The family will be asked if they have any special needs including urgent medical needs, special allergies, special dietary requirements, etc.

l.  Family members will be given name tags with the employee’s last name as a reference. Additionally, they will be given a map and instructed not to exit the designated family area without checking out. (Nametags can be obtained from the security department).

m.  Nutritional services will provide needed nutrition via Food Services Unit Leader.

n.  Food will be set up in the Bash Annex.

o.  Environmental Services will assist with blankets, pillows, toiletries, etc. via the Family Care Unit Leader.

p.  Communications will set up additional telephones and a FAX machine in the back of the Bash Auditorium for staff use, if needed and available.

q.  Child Life Specialists can assist with age appropriate activities. See Support Branch Director for assistance.


a.  Types of pets that may be allowed:

1.  Dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, birds, small mammals (guinea pigs, hamsters, hedgehogs, etc.).

b.  Types of pets that may NOT be allowed

1.  Insects of any type, reptiles, any animal with known behavioral problems.

c.  Pets must arrive in appropriate pet carrier, cage, airline kennel or other suitable habitat and should stay confined in the unit throughout their time in our facility. No pet should be allowed out of the cage without a leash and proper identification. Dogs that arrive without a carrier should only be housed in a separate confined area if one is available.

d.  Proof of vaccinations (rabies and other required) for dogs, cats, and ferrets should be provided by the owner upon entry to the facility. All vaccines should be current.


f.  Pet supplies to be requested by pet owned when bringing their pets. Additional supplies will be made available to those families and pets without necessary supplies:

1. Carriers, cages, cardboard boxes

2. Leash, collar, harness

3. Muzzles

4. Medications

5. Food and water dish

6. Foods and opener (can)

7. Sheets, blankets and towels

8. Flea spray

9. Cat litter and boxes

10.  Grooming supplies and toys (If available)

11.  First aid kits


a.  Before setup of pet shelter, confirm locations of nearest county pet chelters. Consider requesting the County to set up a location near or on hospital grounds and to provide necessary staffing.

1.  Outpatient Surgery Parking Lot - consider for setup of pet shelter:

b.  Staffing for pet area will be done by volunteers overseen by the Family Care Unit Leader

c.  Pets should be sheltered in an area of the building separate from the general population to avoid exposing people with allergies to animals.

d.  Cats may be housed in the same area as dogs but should be avoided if at all possible. Small mammals and birds should be kept away from drafty locations.

e.  The animal relief area should be close to the dog care location. This may be indoors or out, depending on the weather and other conditions. If outdoors, it is preferable the area is secure.

f.  Owners are responsible for cleaning, feeding, exercising, and the relief of their pet(s).

g.  Personnel overseeing Pet Care will ensure pet owners have the required supplies and identification needed to care for their animal while sheltered at the facility. This person should assess if any pets appear ill, injured, have infectious diseases and/or aggressive attitude; owners of such pets should be advised to seek alternate shelter for their pet at a veterinary hospital or county disaster shelter as such conditions would be beyond the scope of this type of shelter.


a.  The pet owner must remain on campus in order to utilize the services of the hospital pet shelter. Any unaccompanied pets will be deemed to have been abandoned and will be requested for pick up by the County.

b.  Visitation Hours – During designated visiting hours, owners are responsible for providing all care for their own animals.

c.  The shelter’s designated pet areas may be closed at the times determined by the hospital. All animals must be in their cages or assigned locations at these times.

d.  Medication – Owners shall provide their own food and medicine for their pet(s). Owners re responsible for administering all medications to pets. The owner should keep a record of medications administered to their pet in case a medical emergency happens. No medication will be kept with the animal.

e.  Sanitation – it is expected of owners to be the primary caretakers of their pet’s cleanliness and sanitation needs. Outdoor relief area should be cleaned after each use. Indoor relief areas should be changed at least twice daily. Although frequent visits with pets are encouraged, the Family Unit Care Leader or designated Shelter Manager reserves the right to limit visitation to the pet area at any time for any reason. No children shall be permitted in the pet shelter areas. Owners must ensure their pet’s area is left clean prior to leaving the shelter.


Attachment A – Family Log

Attachment B – Pet Log

Attachment C – Pet Owner Sheltering Agreement

Attachment D – Family & Pet Check In Log

Attachment E – Veterinary Clinics List

For any incidents, an event report and/or security report shall be taken.


The Joint Commission Emergency Management Standards

Bash Auditorium / Main Check-in Area
Housing / Staff required for check-in, sitting, and monitoring.
Runners required for escorts.
EVS for environmental upkeep.
Bash Annex / Food Station / Will require staff to assist with setup and monitor
Outpatient Burn Area / Copy Machine, Phones, Fax / May be utilized by staff
Respiratory Conference Room / Care for Family members of any age and small pets / Small, long & narrow room could be utilized as a staging area
PT/OT/ST Offices / Care for Family members of any age and small pets / Multiple enclosed areas to separate special populations if needed. Restrooms available (Handicap accessible)
Cardiac Rehab / Activity & Exam Room / May be utilized as an activity and exam area
Visitor Restrooms (Bash) / Main toilet area for families / Increased EVS in this area may be required
Cages outside MRI Trailer & Outpatient Surgery Parking Lot / Pet Area / Ideal area for pet holding

Attachment A

Employee Family & Pet Care Plan



1.  Please write legibly or type.

2.  Provide as much detailed information as possible.

3.  Use 1 form per employee.



Family Member Name / Relationship / Age / Allergies / Medications / Language / Comments / ID Number

Attachment B

Employee Family & Pet Care Plan



4.  Please write legibly or type.

5.  Provide as much detailed information as possible.

6.  Use 1 form per employee.



Pet Name / Breed/Species / Sex / Allergies / Vaccinations / Contact # / Time In / Time Out / ID Number

Attachment C

Employee Family & Pet Care Plan


I, ______, the owner of (pet name) ______(breed)______understand that emergencies exist and that limited arrangements have been made to allow myself, family, and pet to remain in the shelter facility. I understand and agree to abide by the pet care rules contained in this agreement and I have explained them to my other family members accompanying me and my pet.

1.  I must remain at the shelter in order to utilize the services of the pet shelter. I understand any unaccompanied pets will be deemed abandoned and reported.

2.  My pet will remain contained in its approved carrier or location except at scheduled times. During scheduled relief times, my pet will be properly confined with leash, harness and muzzle (if necessary). Scheduled times will be strictly adhered to.

3.  I agree to properly feed, water, and care for ONLY my pet(s) as instructed by the Family Care Unit Leader or his/her designee.

4.  I agree to properly sanitize and keep clean the area used for my pet, including proper waste disposal and disinfecting.

5.  I certify that my pet is current on rabies and all other required and recommended vaccinations.

6.  I will not permit other shelter occupants to handle or approach my pet either while it is in its assigned space or carrier or during exercise time. My pet and I will maintain a safe distance from any other animal or person that may be present.

7.  I will maintain proper identification on myself, family members, pet and pet carrier at all times.

8.  I permit my pet to be examined by shelter personnel as needed.

9.  I acknowledge that my failure to follow these rules may result in the removal of my pet from the shelter. I further understand that if my pet becomes unruly, aggressive, show signs of contagious disease, is infested with parasites or begins to show signs of a stress-related condition, my pet may be removed to a remote location. I understand that any decision concerning the care and welfare of my pet and shelter population as a whole are within the sole discretion of the Family Unit Care Leader or their designee, whose decision is final.

10.  I certify that my pet has no history of aggressive behavior and has not been diagnosed with any contagious diseases for which it has hos received successful treatment.

I hereby agree to release and hold harmless all persons, organizations, corporations, or government agencies involved in the care and sheltering of my animal(s). I further agree to indemnify any persons or entities which may have suffered any loss or damage as a result of the care and sheltering of my animal(s).


Pet Owners Signature Pet Owners Printed Name Date

Attachment D

Employee Family & Pet Care Plan



11.  Please write legibly or type.

12.  Provide as much detailed information as possible.

13.  Use 1 form per employee.



Family Member Name / Check In Time / Age / Request Log? / Pet Name / Breed / Pet Location / Time Out / Comments

Total Number of Family Members Checked in:

Total Number of Pets Checked in:

Attachment E

Employee Family & Pet Care Plan