TTH 10:35-11:50, 075 Syn 11619

TTH 12:00-1:15, 097, Syn 11638

Fall 2008

Dr. Dori Wagner

OFFICE: #2271 RVS, Bldg. A OFFICE HOURS: M 11:00 – 1:30

TELEPHONE: 223-6132 TTH 1:30 – 4:15

E-mail: (emergencies only, please) And by appointment



Short Fiction Classic and Contemporary, Bohner & Grant, Prentice Hall, 6th edition

Composition 2 Folder (in bookstore)

A good portable dictionary


Symbolism A Comprehensive Dictionary, McFarland, Steven Olderr (available through A great supplement!

A text that outlines and explains M.L.A. format.

PREREQUISITE: A grade of C for English 1301 or the equivalent is the prerequisite course for English 1302. Without this credit, you must withdraw from English 1302. Students who have taken ENGL 1301 at A.C.C. usually do not need to provide proof. I will let you know if you must bring me proof of prerequisite. If required, you must bring me proof of prerequisite by the 3rd class session.

Unfortunately, printouts from U.T. Direct will not work because your name does not appear.

CLASS FORMAT: Lecture, group discussions and analysis.

GOALS: C.f., Departmental Syllabus

ATTENDANCE AND WITHDRAWALS: Attendance will be monitored throughout the semester. Students are expected to arrive on time and to leave only when class is dismissed. My policy is to give you 4 absences with no questions asked. Upon the fifth absence, you must withdraw yourself from the class. Note that I do not withdraw students. If circumstances warrant, you are responsible for withdrawing yourself.

I do not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences. If you tell me that you went to the doctor, got sick, tended to a sick relative, attended a funeral, had to work, etc., I believe you. Every absence, however, counts as an absence.

Specific paper requirements and changes in class schedule will be made during class. If you miss a class, you are responsible for getting the information and notes. I will jump hoops to be available to you, but I cannot use office time to recap whole lectures.

ACADEMIC FREEDOM: See Departmental Syllabus. It’s about respect.

CLASS CONDUCT: Disruptive conduct of any kind is prohibited. This includes habitually talking, sleeping or laughing at someone during class, using cell phones, or reading printed material unrelated to this class. You may be asked to leave class for the remainder of that particular lecture and may be counted absent if you fail to comply with these guidelines. Please do not disrupt the class by either arriving late or leaving early.


Each paper will be marked "Okay" or "R" (rewrite)

"Okay": The paper fulfills the objectives of the assignment and is free of grammatical and spelling

errors. Note that an "Okay" means that your work is at least "C" quality. If you want to know if you are writing at the "A" or "B" level, make an appointment for a conference with me.

"R" (Rewrite): The paper does not fulfill the objectives of the assignment. I will clearly indicate if

1.  You need to completely rewrite the paper and what you need to fix.

2.  You only need to correct minor errors (grammatical or otherwise). If the corrections are minor, hand write them on the back of the original paper. Do not print out a new copy for minor corrections.

3.  Rewrites must be submitted with the original assignment


No more than two (2) rewrites will be accepted for any one paper. If you receive a 3rd rewrite for a paper, you must WITHDRAW from the course. So proof, think, and write carefully the first time.

GRADES IN A NUTSHELL (c.f., Departmental Syllabus for particulars):


You must receive "Okay" on 4 papers on the seven elements of fiction. These papers must be at least "C" quality in order to receive an "Okay.” One of the papers will involve research.

Several of the papers will have “addends”—additional writings (e.g., “mini-papers”) on separate stories.

You must receive "Okay" on the "C" Test.


You must complete all of the above. You must receive an "Okay" on an additional "B" Paper (a movie analysis). This paper must be at least "B" quality.


You must complete all of the above.

You must receive an "Okay" on an additional "A" Paper. This paper must be at least "A" quality.

Deadlines do not allow time for rewrites on B and A papers, so make certain that they are free of error, well supported, and cohesive when I receive them.


·  Success in this class depends upon your ability to adhere to a schedule. Careful editing and proofreading will keep you on schedule. I expect papers to be virtually free of error. I will not grade carelessly edited work.

·  If you miss a crucial deadline, be prepared to receive a lower grade. This means that business trips, etc., will not excuse you--it simply would not be fair to those students who rearranged their lives in order to meet the deadlines.

·  If you do not have an assignment ready, please come to class anyway, as I will be introducing new material on that day.

·  You may not turn in a paper until the previous paper has been accepted. However, if you participated in your group's sessions, you may turn in notes from those sessions. If thorough enough, the notes can exempt you from writing on the "late" story.

·  I will do my best to return papers as quickly as possible, but please factor in 7 days of grading time. I can not grade a paper on the same day that it is received.

·  If you do not bring substantial notes during workdays, showing that you have read the assignments and addressed the paper, you will not be allowed to join a group.

Paper Format

·  All final drafts typed, double-spaced, with one inch margins.

·  Staple the paper (no paper clips or fancy corner tears, please). No cover sheet.

·  On the top right hand corner of the BACK of each paper put your name, class time, and number and type of paper (this can be handwritten):


COMP II -- TTH 1:25

PAPER #1- Plot/Theme/Character/Conflict

NOTE: Do NOT submit your Comp 2 folder with your papers. However, at all times your folder must contain all course work and the cover of the folder must be up to date.

You must submit your folder when I return your final paper

PLAGIARISM: Scholastic dishonesty will result in an F in the course and will be recorded in your permanent file.


`Dear Ann Landers: Sum won tolled me wee wood knot knead two learn how too spell because computers wood dew it four us. Eye disagree. Dew ewe?

Dear St. Louis Park: Ewe our write. Thank ewe four a good clothes look at what "progress" has dun fore education.