Supplementary material

A metagenome of a full-scale microbial community carrying out Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal

Mads Albertsen, Lea Benedicte Skov Hansen, Aaron Marc Saunders, Per Halkjær Nielsen, and Kåre Lehmann Nielsen

Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Aalborg University, Sohngaardsholmsvej 49, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark

Supplementary Text 1 of 1.

An investigation of the reads mapping to the ppk1 gene of Accumulibacter was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the reference assembly against the Accumulibacter genome. 87 ppk1 sequences were obtained from NCBI and five ppk1 genes of closely related species were included.

All ppk1 sequences were trimmed to the length of the smallest ppk1 fragments (1073 bp) and clustered using cdhit-est v.4.2.1 (Li and Godzik, 2006) with the following parameters; -c 0.99 –r 1. A BLAST database was created from the resulting 68 non-redundantsequences. The ppk1 sequences were assigned to different nodes in the phylogenetic tree using MEGAN. As MEGAN assigns reads to nodes based on the species information in the BLAST hits, the header of the individual ppk1 sequences were changed to reflect the topology of the phylogenetic tree.

The metagenomic reads that matched the extracted region of the ppk1 gene in the Accumulibacter genome in the original reference assembly, were extracted to investigate the specificity of the reference mapping (inclusion of other bacteria in the mapping). These sequences were matched to the ppk1 database using BLASTn with default parameters except –word_size = 7, –outfmt 5 and –evalue 1e-5. The output was analysed in MEGAN.

In order to investigate the sensitivity (inclusion of most Accumulibacter clades in the mapping) a reference assembly was conducted against the 68 Accumulibacter ppk1 genes using CLCs reference mapping function requiring min. 85% identity over 70% of the read length. Only reads with a minimum length of 60 bp were used. Otherwise the analysis was conducted as the specificity analysis.

The high resolution of the diversity within the genus using the ppk1 gene was used as a test case to validate the specificity (false positive matches) and the sensitivity (ability to recruit reads from other Accumulibacter species) of the reference mapping. A total of 138 ppk1 genes were used to construct a phylogenetic tree (Figure S5) and the phylogenetic position of each sequence was mimicked in MEGAN for the assignment of individual reads to different nodes on the tree. The specificity analysis showed that only 10 of the 268 ppk1 reads assigned to the Accumulibacter IIA str. UW-1 ppk1 gene had a better match to non-Accumulibacter ppk1 sequences (Figure S7A). However, the sensitivity analysis showed that although we were able to recruit most clade IIA ppk1 reads using the clade IIA str. UW-1 ppk1 gene, we were not able to recruit more than approximately 30-50% of the reads from other Accumulibacter species (Figure S7C).

Supplementary Figure 1 of 7.

Supplementary Figure 1.Histogram of length distribution of the denovo assembled contigs. Contigs ≥ 300 bp were used for further analysis (blue bars).

Supplementary Figure 2 of 7.

Supplementary Figure 2. Histogram of the length distribution of ORFs with a significant BLAST hit (e-value ≤ 1e-5) compared to ORFs where no significant hit could be found. The “double curved” plots are due to the minimum contig size of 300 bp (100 amino acids).

Supplementary Figure 3 of 7.

Supplementary Figure 3. A) Species abundance curve. “Best hit” represent species assignment based on best BLASTP hit. “10% Bitscore filter” represent species assignment if the best BLASTP hit had a bitscore that is >10% higher than the second best BLASTP hit. The graph only shows species with more than 100 ORFs assigned (100 ORFs ≈ 0.05% of all ORFs). B) Species abundance chart. The 20 most abundant species are shown in the legend in decreasing abundance. ORFs were assigned based on best BLASTP hit. C) Rarefaction curves. The rarefaction function of MEGAN was used to create rarefaction curves at different phylogenetic levels. The assignment is based on a 10% bitscore filter and minimum 5 ORFs assigned.

Supplementary Figure 4 of 7.

Supplementary Figure 4. Annotation of ORFs in the largest contig (32884 bp). A yellow ORF denote a significant blast hit (e-value ≤ 1e-5) whereas brown denotes no significant hit.

Supplementary Figure 5 of 7.

Supplementary Figure 5.Phylogenetic tree of ppk1 sequences. Sequences from Aalborg East have been marked in red and the ppk1 sequence from “Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis” clade IIA str. UW-1 has been marked in blue. In addition clade assignments have been added. A putative new clade has been marked as IIx. The tree was first created on the basis of 87 general ppk1 genes and only selected representative sequences are shown in the final tree. The outgroup sequences (not shown on the tree) were Ralstonia eutropha YP_300029,Ralstonia eutropha YP_729175 and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279a CAQ44540.

Supplementary Figure 6 of 7.

Supplementary Figure 6.Comparison of genes prevalent in the different read pools based on a reference mapping to the Accumulibacter genome. The percent read length covered was used to compare presence or absence of genes. High identity reads (>95% identical at nt level, x-axis) was compared with the rest of the read pool (≤95% identical at nt level, y-axis). Each dot represents one gene. In order to compare which genes that differed between the high (>95%) and low (≤95%) identity read pools, the read pool size of the low-identity group was normalized (by subsampling) to the same size (179 741 reads) as the high-identity read pool, thereby effectively comparing the prevalent genes in both read pools.

Supplementary Figure 7 of 7.

Supplementary Figure 7. Investigation of the specificity and sensitivity of the mapping of metagenome reads to the genome of Accumulibacter clade IIA (NC_013194). MEGAN was used to visualize the BLASTn results. A 10% bitscore difference was used to assign reads to nodes. A) Investigation of the specificity of the mapping of the metagenome reads to the Accumulibacter clade IIA ppk1 gene. The metagenome reads mapping to the clade IIA ppk1 gene were extracted and mapped to 68 non-redundant accumulibacter ppk1 genes and 5 ppk1 genes from closely related species. Few reads had best match to other species than Accumulibacter. B) Investigation of the ability to include other Accumulibacter clades by the use of the Accumulibacter clade IIA genome. The metagenome reads were mapped to 68 non-redundant Accumulibacter ppk1 genes and the extracted read pool was searched (BLASTn) against all 68+5 ppk1 genes and visualised using MEGAN. C) The combination of panel A and B reveals that most clade IIA reads are extractable using the clade IIA genome, however only approximately 30% of reads matching other clades are extracted.

Supplementary Table 1 of 2.

Supplementary references for Table S1.

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Supplementary Table 2 of 2

Table S2 Selected reference genomes from Dinsdale et al., (2008b) used for comparison with the metagenome obtained in the current study. In addition a metagenome from a non-EPBR wastewater treatment plant was included (Sanapareddy et al., 2009).

Metagenome Name / Environment / MG-RAST ID / Reference
Soudan Red Stuff / Subterranean / 4440281 / Edwards et al., 2006
Soudan Black Stuff / Subterranean / 4440282 / Edwards et al., 2006
Low Saltern microbes / Hyper-Saline / 4440437 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Medium Saltern Microbes (MB1110) / Hyper-Saline / 4440435 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Medium saltern microbes(MB1111) / Hyper-Saline / 4440434 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Low saltern pond plasmids (TT) / Hyper-Saline / 4440090 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
High saltern microbial (HB1128) / Hyper-Saline / 4440419 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Salton Sea Bacteria 1 / Hyper-Saline / 4440329 / Swan et al., 2010
Medium salinity microbial (MB1116) / Hyper-Saline / 4440425 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Low salinity microbial (LB1128) / Hyper-Saline / 4440426 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Line Islands Kingman Reef B2 bacteria / Marine / 4440037 / Dinsdale et al., 2008a
Line Islands Christmas Reef B3 bacteria / Marine / 4440041 / Dinsdale et al., 2008a
Line Islands Palmyra F8 Bacteria / Marine / 4440039 / Dinsdale et al., 2008a
DMSP 1 (MAM.1) / Marine / 4440364 / Mou et al., 2008
DMSP 2 (MAM.2) / Marine / 4440360 / Mou et al., 2008
VAN 2 (MAM 4) / Marine / 4440363 / Mou et al., 2008
Tilapia pond microbes / Freshwater / 4440440 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Healthy Tilapia pond microbes / Freshwater / 4440413 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Healthy Prebead tank microbes / Freshwater / 4440411 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Tpond microbe 3 / Freshwater / 4440422 / Rodriguez-Brito et al 2009
Rios Mesquites Stromatolites bacteria / Microbialites / 4440060 / Breitbart et al., 2009
Pozas Azule II stromatolite microbes / Microbialites / 4440067 / Desnues et al., 2008
Healthy slime bacteria / Fish / 4440059 / Angly et al., 2009
Morbid slime bacteria / Fish / 4440066 / Angly et al., 2009
Healthy gut bacteria / Fish / 4440055 / Angly et al., 2009
Morbid gut bacteria / Fish / 4440056 / Angly et al., 2009
Non-EBPR wastewater treatment plant / WWTP / N/A / Sanapareddy et al., 2009

Supplementary references for Table S1.

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