English Language Arts 9


This semester, you will be completing an independent reading assignment. The purposes of this assignment are:

·  to be become a better reader by reading more often

·  to explore a larger range of literature than can be covered in


·  to be able to engage more intensely with a certain piece of literature

The structure of this assignment is very simple. Every Fabulous Friday you will have around half of the class period to read silently (about 45 minutes) and fill out your reading log (about 15 minutes). When you finish your book, you will choose from several project options to complete

Choosing your independent reading book

You may choose your book from the book stacks of our library, bring your own book from home, or check out a book from the public library. The book you choose must be at least 100 pages long. All independent reading books must be in Ms. Robinson’s classroom for all classes until the assignment/presentation is finished.

Reading Logs

Your reading logs will be kept in a section of your class binder. After you read on Fabulous Fridays, you will be given 15 minutes to record the date, the title and author of your book, the page number you are on, a 5-10 sentence summary of what you have read for the day, and one question (or more if you have them) you have at this point in the book. See example below:

February 9, 2007

The Year of the Leopard Song, Eric Campbell

p. 23

So far in the book I have met the main character, Alan Edwards. He is traveling home to his father’s east African coffee plantation. I wonder how he will feel when he sees his father? How long has it been since they have seen each other?

I will check and grade reading logs each Friday. They will count as a homework/classwork grade.



Act-Out-A-Scene Project

*Script (30 points)

Your script should be as long as it needs to be in order to cover a 3-minute performance. To begin this project, pick one scene from your independent book to act out. This could be an important moment for the main character, it could be a conversation between two characters, it could be what a character is thinking to him/herself. For your script, you should NOT simply copy sections from your book and then read it to the class. Based on what is written on the book, how would you act out the scene? What is your character thinking or feeling? SHOW us through your script and your actions why the scene you chose is important to the book. For more help with writing a script, please see Ms. Robinson—it can be tricky to write!

____ Script accurately captures the feeling or meaning from the scene the student is

choosing to act out (15 points).

____ Script is creative and is NOT simply a copy of passages from the book (10 points).

____ Script is neatly presented and has few to none grammatical and spelling errors (5


* Presentation of scene (10 points)

Your presentation must be at least 3 minutes long and follow your script (you may use your script during your presentation if you would like). You may use any props you need to (please prepare or bring them in ahead of time). Feel free to act as many characters as you need to for your scene, and make sure you practice!

____ It is clear that student has practiced his/her presentation before acting out the scene

for the class (5 points).

____ Student is confident and clear while presenting his/her scene from the book (5


* Reflection (10 points)

Your reflection must be at least 300 words and describe or explain why you chose to act out the scene you did. What makes this particular scene stand out or important?

____ Reflection is neat and there are few to no grammar or spelling errors (5 points).

____ Reflection demonstrates student thoughtfulness in choosing his/her scene from the

book (5 points).

Comments for student:

Grade: ____ /50



Write a Song/Rap/Poem Project

*Song/Rap/Poem (35 points)

This project involves exactly what it sounds like. Pick a certain event, character, or theme from your independent reading book and compose a song, rap, or poem about your subject. You must then present your song/rap/poem orally to the class and explain what you are trying to get across to or describe for your audience.

____ Song/rap/poem deals with an important event, character, or theme from the

student’s book. It is clear the subject matter was carefully chosen and demonstrates an understanding of the book read (15 points).

____ Song/rap/poem is creative and neatly presented (10 points).

____ Song/rap/poem is clearly and effectively presented to class (5 points).

____ Student clearly and effectively explains the meaning of his/her project to the class,

and discusses how the project represents a particular aspect of the student’s independent reading book (5 points).

*500 word reflection (20 points)

In your reflection, describe why you chose the subject you did and why your subject reveals or expresses an important aspect of your independent reading book.

____ Reflection is at least one page long and neatly written (5 points).

____ Reflection is thoughtful and well organized. There are few to no grammar or

spelling mistakes (5 points).

____ Reflection successfully explains why the student chose to write about the subject

s/he chose, and how that subject relates to an important aspect of the student’s book (10 points).

Comments for student:

Grade: ____ /55