Welcome to CSMA 2015!!
I am honored to accept the position of CSMA President! This will be a year of change and growth. I believe everything happens for a reason, and sometime doors close so that others may open. The key is to jump in when the opportunity appears! Every single California member is important and can make a difference within CSMA. Please join me on this journey, take the opportunity to educate others about what we do, volunteer and represent the Medical Assistant profession and CSMA. Word of mouth is a powerful tool, and our success depends on our members!
Please visit the CSMA website and Facebook page periodically for updates. We are working hard to make this a place of information and resources. There are three CEU and Networking opportunities every year which rotate yearly. The Annual CSMA meeting in April, Southwest Regional Meeting in July and the National AAMA Meeting in September which will take place in Oregon this year. Our current local chapters; Glendale and Centinela in Southern California conduct regular meetings and also offer CEU and networking opportunities.
Membership and retention can be a challenge. We live in a busy world and prefer to obtain our CEU’s on the go. Although we would all love to have our Annual Meetings in our back yard, the reality is that it takes an enormous amount of time, energy and most importantly members. So jump on board and see where we end up. Our door is always open!
Best Regards,
Virginia Marquette,CMA (AAMA)
President CSMA 2015-2016
“Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is a success.”
Henry Ford
In 2015, CSMA Certification Committee contacted hundreds of members via emails and sent congratulatory letters to acknowledge the accomplishments of certification to our new CMA (AAMA). We were very fortunate to have several members of the Executive Committee serve as Delegates, at the 59th American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) National Conference in Portland, Oregon. CSMA President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary participated in the House of Delegates (HOD) and attended various networking functions. Reports from the conference will be posted to the CSMA website, and you may also visit to view the AAMA reports from the Conference.
Currently, our 2016 spring meeting committee is diligently confirming speakers and making final arrangements for our April meeting in El Segundo, CA. Registration details will be updated on the CSMA Website, and Facebook page. Please check the sites periodically.
The goal of CSMA for 2016 is to continue to reach out to more members, employers and the community to create a strong foundation to support the medical assisting profession.
The President of CSMA would like to commend the Executive Committee for their service, support and dedication while juggling their home life, work and CSMA duties. It is greatly appreciated!
Welcome 2016!
Virginia Marquette, CMA (AAMA)
President CSMA 2015-201
AsCSMA President, I welcome members and those interested
in the profession of Medical Assisting to attend our 34th Annual Spring meeting in
El Segundo, California.
Join Medical Assistants from throughout California to gain continuing education units (CEU’s), network with others in your profession and learn about your state society and opportunities that are available to you.
We are honored to have an outstanding group of speakers for this meeting. You will find the registration form and Agenda on the “Calendar” toolbar of this web page.
Looking forward to a great meeting!
Virginia A. Marquette, CMA (AAMA)
President CSMA 2015-2016