





Rotary International Fosters:

  • High Ethical standards of business and professions.
  • Service to personal, business and community life.
  • Advancement of international understanding, good will and peace through fellowship.


First – Is it the TRUTH?

Second - Is it FAIR to all concerned?

Third – Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER Friendships?

Fourth – Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary Club of Flushing Michigan

P.O. Box 377
Flushing, MI48433

Rotary graphics courtesy of

Tord Elfwendahl, PHF

Past President, Rotary Club of Stockholm Strand, RI Dist 2350
The Rotary Club of Flushing, Michigan

District 6330

Invites You to Join Us

7 A.M. Thursday mornings


Sorrento’s Food & Spirits

6395 W Pierson Rd

Flushing, MI48433

Chartered in 1991,

The Rotary Club of Flushing is a community service club for involved business and professional people of Flushing and surrounding communities. You are such a person. This is your invitation to join us in a tradition of involvement, service leadership and fun. Flushing Rotary, part of District 6330 and Rotary International, has 51 members.

You are being asked to make a commitment to Rotary, to the area where you live and/or work and to yourself. You should not take this decision lightly. As a business or professional person, you must ask yourself two basic questions: “What can I do for Rotary?” and “What can Rotary do for me?”


Flushing Rotarians, through direct involvement and fundraising efforts, help many people in our community, nationally and internationally. You have an opportunity to be a part of that involvement.


Flushing Rotary Club participates in several community activities: we provide S’mores and coffee at the Candle Walk Festival, host a Duckie Race Fundraiser during Summer Festival, and our Scarecrow Contestants decorate Main Street during the Harvest Festival. In addition, our club has made a commitment to support the new Flushing River Trail, building and installing rustic benches along the trail in 2005.

Another focus is on youth. Two $1,000 college scholarships are awarded annually, and each month we recognize a FlushingHigh School student who demonstrates both academic and service related initiative. In 2005, we offered our first Ethics Forum for interested students.


Flushing Rotary meets weekly on Thursday at 7:00 A.M. at the Sorrentos Restaurant. Effective April 2009 quarterly dues increase from $105 to $125 (which covers breakfast), and there is a one-time initiation fee of $75. All members must make an annual minimum contribution of $25 to Rotary International Foundation. Weekly meetings are an important part of the Rotary tradition and all members are expected to attend regularly. If a meeting must be missed because of other commitments, members are encouraged to attend another club meeting in the area at a time that is convenient. Fellowship is the key to a cohesive club and members and their partners are encouraged to participate in the Euchre parties, progressive dinners, golf outings and other social events.


As a Rotary member, you will meet and dine with your community, government, and educational and religious leaders. You will not only be kept informed on issues that affect your business and life, but also will have the opportunity to give your personal input to decisions related to those important issues.


Periodically, meetings feature speakers who enlighten and educate us on social, scientific, medical and legal topics that have direct impact on our lives. A monthly Rotarian magazine carries informative news from clubs all over the world. Club, District and International websites offer up-to-date local and international Rotary news.


Rotarians have always helped youth and the disadvantaged at home and abroad. As members will tell you, we always get more than we give through our activities.

Besides direct local help, such as our support of the Flushing Food Pantry, efforts go to improving literacy, providing dental and eye care in third world countries and eradicating Polio (thanks to thousands of Rotarians world-wide this goal is very close to being realized).


Rotary International is the largest volunteer service organization in the world. As a Rotarian you may travel anywhere and know that you will be recognized and accepted as a friend. Rotarians who travel, always tell stories of warmth, hospitality and help they received from their fellow Rotary members.


Rotary members are selected for club membership and must be sponsored to join. Since 1905 Rotary has prided itself in selecting only the most involved and influential members of the communities it services. To be a Rotarian is an honor and recognition of your value.