ThirdReport of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
ThirdReport of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural RightsParagraph
Preamble / 1
Article 1 / Progress and development of democracy / 1.1
Article 2 / Progressive realisation of the rights recognised in the Covenant and the exercise of those rights without discrimination
Legislation against racial discrimination / 2.1
Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation / 2.11
Discrimination on the ground of age / 2.22
Protection for same sex cohabitants from violence / 2.23
Protection for persons with disabilities / 2.25
Financial eligibility limit for legal aid / 2.44
Protection for asylum seekers and refugees / 2.46
Human rights institution / 2.50
Equal Opportunities Commission / 2.54
Article 3 / Equal rights of men and women
CEDAW and Women's Commission / 3.1
Review of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance / 3.6
The "Small House Policy" / 3.8
Article 4 / Permissible limitations of Covenant rights / 4.1
Article 5 / Prohibition on destruction of any rights and freedoms recognised in the Covenant / 5.1
Article 6 / Choice of occupation and labour rights / 6.1
Employment services / 6.2
Youth employment services / 6.4
Vocational training / 6.10
Protection of employees against unreasonable dismissal / 6.16
Employment statistics / 6.17
Importation of labour / 6.18
Right to work: concerns about discrimination / 6.20
Article 7 / Right to enjoy just and favourable conditions of work
Statutory Minimum Wage / 7.1
Employment protection: employees’ rights and benefits / 7.7
Imported workers and foreign domestic helpers / 7.17
Employment protection for women / 7.37
Safe and healthy working conditions / 7.44
Prevention of accidents and diseases in the workplace: legal protections / 7.46
Article 8 / Right to trade union membership
Trade Unions Ordinance / 8.1
Legislative protection against anti-union discrimination under the Employment Ordinance / 8.2
Number and membership of trade unions / 8.3
Promotion of effective communication, consultation and voluntary negotiation between employers and employees / 8.4
The right to strike / 8.8
Article 9 / Right to social security
An overview of the social security system in Hong Kong / 9.1
Government expenditure on social security / 9.5
The Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme / 9.7
The Social Security Allowance Scheme / 9.21
Protection of wage payment and statutory rights and benefits / 9.22
Employees’ compensation / 9.28
Retirement benefits and protection / 9.32
Article 10 / Protection of the family
The family / 10.1
Welfare services for families / 10.11
Maternity protection / 10.21
New arrivals from the Mainland of China / 10.36
Single parent families and split families / 10.38
Domestic violence / 10.46
Protection of children and young persons / 10.54
Trafficking in persons and sexual exploitation / 10.83
Care and support for the elderly / 10.90
Article 11 / Right to an adequate standard of living
General / 11.1
The right to continuous improvement of living condition / 11.16
The right to adequate food / 11.25
The right to water / 11.31
The right to adequate housing / 11.39
Article 12 / The right to health
Health and healthcare / 12.1
Prevention of abuse of alcohol / 12.104
Tobacco control / 12.110
Combating drug abuse / 12.116
Food safety / 12.140
Services for persons with disabilities / 12.146
Services for persons with mental health problems / 12.155
Environment and industrial hygiene / 12.166
Occupational health / 12.183
Article 13&14 / Right to education / 13.1
Pre-primary education / 13.3
Primary and secondary education / 13.5
Language policy - biliteracy and trilingualism / 13.13
Medium of instruction / 13.15
Vocational education / 13.20
Private schools / 13.25
Post-secondary education / 13.26
Adult education / 13.35
Quality Education Fund / 13.37
Qualifications Framework / 13.38
Education for non-Chinese speaking students / 13.40
Education for students with disabilities / 13.57
Education of prisons inmates / 13.79
Education for children with no right to stay / 13.81
Education and qualifications assessment for new arrivals from the Mainland of China / 13.82
Education for people of different sexual orientation and gender identities / 13.86
Civic education, human rights education and education against discrimination / 13.87
Cultural identity and national values / 13.101
Public education on the Basic Law / 13.103
Article 15 / Right to cultural life, scientific progress and its application / 15.1
Policy on culture and arts / 15.2
Access to cultural and arts activities and programmes / 15.7
Education and development of culture and arts / 15.31
Policy on heritage conservation / 15.36
Archives / 15.45
Broadcasting / 15.47
Promotion of science and technology / 15.50
Country parks and conservation areas / 15.56
2A / Secretary for Justice v Yau Yuk Lung
6A / Vocational training: enrolments by mode of study in the 2008-09 school year
6B / Employment, unemployment and underemployment statistics
7A / Occupational diseases confirmed in Hong Kong from 2000 to 2009
9A /
Improvements since the previous report:Compensation under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282)
9B / Compensation under the Pneumoconiosis and Mesothelioma (Compensation) Ordinance (Cap. 360)9C / Improvements since the previous report:Occupational Deafness (Compensation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2003
9D / Improvements since the previous report:Occupational Deafness (Compensation)(Amendment) Ordinance 2010
10A / Sexual offence provisions that have extra-territorial effect under Schedule 2 of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200)
12A / Measures adopted to reduce risk of infection spreading from poultry to humans
13A / Educational attainment in Hong Kong
13B / Financial Assistance Schemes administered by the Student Financial Assistance Agency for students pursuing higher education
13C / Definitions of various forms of disability of students requiring additional support services
13D / Support for students with special educational needs in ordinary schools
List of abbreviations
ACQWS / Advisory Committee on Quality of Water Supplies
AI / Avian influenza
AMO / Antiquities and Monuments Office
ArchSD / Architectural Services Department
ASBs / Advisory and statutory bodies
ASCP / After School Care Programme
CCDS / Comprehensive Child Development Service
CCPSAs / Counselling centres for psychotropic substance abusers
CDF / Child Development Fund
CEDAW / United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
CFS / Centre for Food Safety
CHO / Commissioner for Heritage’s Office
CMCs / Chinese medicine clinic
CoE / Certificate of Entitlement
CoP / Commission on Poverty
COSH / Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
COY / Commission of Youth
CPCE / Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education
CPs / Clinical psychologists
CRC / Convention on the Rights of the Child
CRDA / Central Registry of Drug Abuse
CSD / Correctional Services Department
CSSA / Comprehensive Social Security Assistance
DCs / District Councils
DDO / Disability Discrimination Ordinance
DH / Department of Health
DM 1997 / The Design Manual: Barrier Free Access 1997
DM 2008 / The Design Manual: Barrier Free Access 2008
DTRCs / drug treatment and rehabilitation centres
EDB / Education Bureau
EETC / Early Education and Training Centre
eHR / Electronic health record
EOC / Equal Opportunities Commission
EPEV / Equal pay for work of equal value
ERB / Employees Retraining Board
EXITERS / Extending Care Patients Intensive Treatment, Early Diversion and Rehabilitation Stepping Stone
FCTC / Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
FDHs / Foreign domestic helpers
FEHD / Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
FHB / Food and Health Bureau
FHS / Family Health Service
FSDO / Family Status Discrimination Ordinance
GCE / General Certificate in Education
GDP / Gross Domestic Product
GISOU / The Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Unit
GRA / Government’s General Revenue Account
GRS / Government Records Service
HA / Hospital Authority
HAB / Home Affairs Bureau
HAD / Home Affairs Department
HD / Housing Department
HES / Household Expenditure Survey
HI / Hearing impairment
HKADC / Hong Kong Arts Development Council
HKALE / Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination
HKAPA / Hong KongAcademy for Performing Arts
HKCAAVQ / Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
HKCEE / Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
HKDHA / Hong Kong’s Domestic Health Accounts
HKDSE / Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination
HKFDC / Hong Kong Film Development Council
HKSAR / Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
ICCPR / International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights
ICERD / The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
ICH / Intangible cultural heritage
ICHA / The International Classification for Health Accounts
ID / Intellectual disability
IFSCs / Integrated family service centres
IGCSE / International General Certificate of Secondary Education
IP in KG-cum-CCC / Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre
ISCs / Integrated services centres
ITACs / Industry Training Advisory Committees
ITF / Innovation Technology Fund
IVE / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
IVRSC / Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre
JJOs / Judges and Judicial Officers
JUPAS / JointUniversity Programmes Admissions System
LCSD / Leisure and Cultural Services Department
LegCo / The Legislative Council
LWB / Labour and Welfare Bureau
MAW / Minimum Allowable Wage
MCHCs / Maternal and Child Health Centres
MDC / Manpower Development Committee
MHCCCs / Mutual Help Child Care Centres
MOI / Medium of instruction
MPF / Mandatory Provident Fund
NAAP / Neighbourhood Active Ageing Project
NCD / Non-communicable Diseases
NCS / non-Chinese speaking
NGOs / Non-governmental organisations
NSCCP / Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project
NSS / New Senior Secondary
OECD / The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OT / Occupational therapy
PATHS / Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social Programme to Adulthood: A Jockey Club Youth Enhancement Scheme
PCC / Public Complaints Committee
PD / Physically disability
PEVS / Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme
PND / Postnatal depression
Previous Concluding Observations / The Committee’s Concluding Observations of 13 May 2005
PRH / Public rental housing
PT / Physiotherapy
PWDs / Persons with disabilities
PYJ / Project Yi-jin
QF / Hong Kong Qualifications Framework
R&D / Research and development
RAC / Rehabilitation Advisory Committee
RAG / Research Advisory Group
RDO / Race Discrimination Ordinance
RTHK / Radio Television Hong Kong
SACs / Substance abuse clinics
SARS / Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SBI / School of Business and Information Systems
SCCC / Special Child Care Centre
SCS / Specification of Competency Standards
SDO / Sex Discrimination Ordinance
SEN / Special educational needs
SFAA / Student Financial Assistance Agency
SFS Scheme / Support for Self-reliance Scheme
SMW / Statutory minimum wage
SSA / Social Security Allowance
SSAIP / Social Security Assistance Index of Prices
ST / Speech therapy
STI / Sexually Transmitted Infection
SWD / Social Welfare Department
Task Force / Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse
TFP / Task Force on Poverty
The Committee / The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The Covenant / International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The initial report / The initial report of the HKSAR submitted in 1999
the Permit / Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao
the Police / The Hong Kong Police Force
The previous report / The second report of the HKSAR under the Covenant submitted in 2003
The Report / The third report of the HKSAR under the Covenant
TPB / Town Planning Board
TSA / Territory-wide System Assessment
UGC / University Grant Committee
UNCRPD / The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
UNESCO / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR-HK / The Hong Kong Sub-Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
VTC / Vocational Training Council
WHO / World Health Organisation
WIPO / World Intellectual Property Organization
WKCD / West Kowloon Cultural District
WKCDA / West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
WoC / Women’s Commission
WPM / Wage Protection Movement for Cleaning Workers and Security Guards
WSD / Water Supplies Department
YPTP / Youth Pre-employment Training Programme
YTP / Youth Training Programme
YWETS / Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme
Third Report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
of the People’s Republic of China under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
This report (the Report) is the third report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (HKSAR), under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Covenant). It forms part of the second periodic report of China under the Covenant. It updates the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Committee) on developments since the submission of the second report of the HKSAR (the previous report), which formed part of China’s initial report submitted in June2003. It also responds to the Committee’s Concluding Observations of 13 May 2005 (previous Concluding Observations), after the Committee’s hearing in respect of the previous report at its 34thsession held from 27 to 29 April 2005.
Following the issue of the previous Concluding Observations by the Committee in May 2005, we have widely disseminated it among all levels of society, including the Legislative Council (LegCo), relevant Government bureaux and departments, the Judiciary, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other interested parties. It has also been made available to the public through the Government website.
We have undertaken to provide a detailed response to the concerns and recommendations of the Committee expressed in respect of the HKSAR in the Report. In preparing the Report, we have, in accordance with past practice, set out in an outline the broad subject headings and individual topics that we envisaged to be covered in the report. The outline for consultation was widely issued to stakeholders, including the LegCo and members of the Human Rights Forum, Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony, Ethnic Minorities Forum and Children’s Rights Forum (which cover human rights organisations, ethnic minorities groups children and youth groups, and NGOs ), and was available on the Internet. The public were invited to submit during the period from 11 January to 19 February 2010 their views on Government’s implementation of the Covenant in respect of the topics. The public were also invited to suggest additional topics that ought to be included in the Report.
The outline was discussed at two sessions of the Panel on Constitutional Affairs of the LegCo, and representatives of interested NGOs presented their views during one of the sessions. Discussion was also held with members of the Human Rights Forum, Committee on the Promotion of Racial Harmony, and Children’s Rights Forum to seek their views. We have carefully considered the views and comments received in drafting the Report. As with the past practice, issues raised by commentators, together with the respective responses of the HKSAR Government where applicable, have been incorporated in the relevant sections of the Report.
As the initial report of the HKSAR submitted in 1999 (the initial report) and the previous report have already contained detailed information on the laws, policies and practices that are in place to ensure Hong Kong’s compliance with the Covenant and many of them remain unchanged, or have changed only slightly, wehave not repeated descriptions or explanations of such in this Report.
The Report will be made available to stakeholders, including the LegCo, members of the abovementioned forums and interested NGOs, and will be distributed to the public at the Public Enquiry Service Centres of the Home Affairs Department (HAD), public libraries and Government website.
Article 1: Progress and development of democracy
1.1The latest position of Hong Kong’s constitutional development will be addressed in HKSAR’s Third Report in the light of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which is expected to be submitted within 2010.
Article 2: Progressive realisation of the rights recognised in the Covenant and the exercise of those rights without discrimination
Legislation against racial discrimination
2.1As foreshadowed in paragraphs 2.4 and2.5 of the previous report, the HKSAR had reviewed the issue of legislation prohibiting racial discrimination. After gauging the views of the public in a consultation exercise ended in February 2005, the Government had introduced the Race Discrimination Bill and the Bill was passed by the LegCo in July 2008 after detailed scrutiny.
2.2The Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO) (Chapter 602 of the Laws of Hong Kong, hereafter abbreviated as Cap. 602), which came into full operation in July 2009, aims at protecting the rights of individuals against discrimination, harassment and vilification on the ground of race. It renders unlawful both direct and indirect racial discrimination in prescribed areas of activity, including education, employment and the provision of goods, services, facilities and premises. It enshrines the internationally accepted principle of proportionality in determining whether there is indirect discrimination. It also makes racial harassment (i.e. engaging in unwelcome conduct in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have anticipated that the other person would be offended, humiliated or intimidated by that conduct) unlawful in the specified fields. In addition, the RDO prohibits other unlawful acts relating to racial discrimination, including discriminatory practices and advertisements, aiding, instructing or procuring others to discriminate, as well as vilification. While the RDO does not impose an obligation for affirmative actions, special measures designed to meet the special needs of persons of a particular racial group are specifically permitted under the law.
2.3The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), anindependent statutory body, is responsible for the implementation of the RDO. The EOC is entrusted under the RDO with the functions and powers to work towards the elimination of racial discrimination and promote equality of opportunity and harmony between persons of different racial groups. In relation to racial discrimination, it has the power to conduct formal investigations and obtain information in accordance with the RDO. The EOC is empowered to deal with individual complaints and provide legal assistance. In addition, the EOC can make recommendations for changes in policies and procedures to any person, or recommendations to the Government on changes in the law or otherwise, in the light of the findings in its formal investigations.
2.4The Government has provided additional resources to the EOC for undertaking these tasks. The EOC issued a Code of Practice on Employment under the RDO which came into operation in July 2009. It gives practical guidance to prevent racial discrimination and harassment, and to promote racial equality and harmony in employment-related matters.
2.5Some commentators alleged that the RDO does not offer protection to some groups such as new arrivals from the Mainland of China. The Committee has also urged the Government to extend the statutory protection to this particular group. As a matter of fact, the RDO applies equally to all persons in Hong Kong, and safeguards their rights against discrimination on the ground of race. It does not exclude new arrivals from the Mainland from its ambit. New arrivals from the Mainland are equally protected by the RDO against discrimination on the ground of race.