Okay, so you missed FLAME class. It happens! And we understand that you’re busy, so we allow every student one grace period each semester. But because you’ve missed this additional lesson, we’ll need you to submit make-up work to cover what you’ve missed. We need to make sure you have a solid understanding of the Catholic faith before Confirmation... So here are a few options for you to make up the material.
Here’s what we need you to do:
- Watch the digital Chosen lessons from the class you missed. (Lesson8)
You can access the lessons you missed digitally at the following website: You’ll need to fill in your e-mail address, name, and the Chosen Confirmation study invite code: J7Y4ZX . You’ll then be asked to confirm the study information and log in/create an account to access the online materials, and then you’ll be good to go. - Then, choose ONE option below to complete:
- Respond to the following discussion questions, based on the video segments. Responses to each question should be 1 paragraph in length.
- Pretend that I have never heard of grace. Tell me what it is in your own words.
- Why do people need the sacraments? Why do you think God game them to us?
- How do the sacraments help you fulfill your purpose in life? Which sacrament has had particular meaning and value for you?
- Why do you think it is important to take advantage of the grace Jesus offers in the sacraments? What can happen if we do not?
- Choose one Challenge of the Week for the week you missed and do it! Write a 1-page reflection on your experience. (Challenges can be found on p. 71.)
- Do something small for God. Do a small act of love (like reading a Bible story to a child or picking up trash, doing an extra chore, etc.) & describe what you did and how it felt.
- Ask God to help you sincerely forgive someone who has hurt you, and offer something extra to God for this person’s well-being. Write about what you did and how it felt.
- Take advantage of the sacraments! In addition to Sunday Mass, try going to daily Mass or Adoration during the week, and write about the impact it had on your day (or week!).
- Turn this assignment in(either a hard copy or attached via e-mail) to the Parish Office by February 6th, 2018.
Please contact uswith any questions or concerns! Thank you so much for your attention to this – we look
forward to continuing to support you on your Confirmation journey!