Public Disclosure of Student Learning
Institution / American International College
Academic Business Unit / Business Programs,
Business, Arts and Science
Academic Year / 2015-2016


Accreditation Process Manual March 2010 (Amended March 2011)

Report of Student Learning and Achievement


Name of your Academic Business Unit

For Academic Year: / 2015-2016
Mission of the Name of your Academic Business Unit
Mission Statement
The mission of the AIC Business Programs is to foster academic excellence and student achievement at both the undergraduate and graduate levels within a supportive community of teachers and learners.
Students receive a comprehensive academic foundation in business theory and the application of best practices. This comprehensive approach prepares students to become productive, competent, and ethical professionals and responsible global citizens.
The Business Programs cultivate a highly-interactive, student-oriented learning environment that is characterized by experiential instructional methodologies and the development of leadership and life-long learning skills in its students.
Student Learning Assessment for Program 1
Program Intended Student Learning Outcomes (Program ISLOs)
1.  Students will be able to discuss the contents appropriate to their discipline.
2.  Students will be able to discuss the global dimensions of business.
3.  Students will be able to evaluate the legal and social environment of business.
4.  Students will be able to utilize quantitative methods to make better business financial decisions.
5.  Students will be able to formulate plans using integrated business concepts.
6.  Students will be able to create coherent written forms of communication.
7.  Students will be able to present oral communications in a professional manner.
8.  Students will be able to evaluate Social Responsibility issues in a business context.
9.  Students will be able to interact professionally as members of teams
Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning: / Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Direct Measures:
1.  Comprehensive Busines Exam
Program ISLOs Assessed by this Measure: 1, 2, 3 / Objective (Target/Criterion) for Direct Measure 1
a.  75% of all graduating BSBA students will score at the 35th national percentile for the overall examination.
b.  75% of all graduating BSBA students will score at the 35th percentile for each of the subsections on the Comprehsenive Exam.
c.  75% of all graduating BSBA students in each major will score at the 50th national percentile in the subsection for their fields of study.
2.  Business Plan
Program ISLOs Assessed by this Measure: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 / Objective (Target/Criterion) for Direct Measure 2
a.  75% of all graduating BSBA studdnts will receive a minium of “satisfactory” in each ISLO assessed.
Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning: / Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Indirect Measures:
1.  Undergraduate Business Program Exit Survey
Program ISLOs Assessed by this Measure: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 / Objective (Target/Criterion) for Indirect Measure 1
a.  75% of all graduating seniors will report that they “agree” or “strongly agree” on each ISLO assessed.
Assessment Results: Program 1
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
1.  Summary of Results for Direct Measure 1:
-  Only 15 of the 23 BSBA students who took the exam in the fall met the goal for the entire exam. 17 was required to meet the goal.
-  We had 21 of 23 BSBA students pass the management subsection. The Management area was the only subsection to meet the 75% goal.
-  Students were identified by major and their scores on their matching subsection for their major was evaluated. This included Accounting students for the accounting subsection, Finance students for the finance subsection, International Business Studies students for the global subsection, Marketing students for the marketing subsection, Management students for the management subsection. Alll other majors who do not have a specific subsection [General Business, Healthcare Management, and Sports Recreation Management] were grouped together as Other and evaluated with the management subsection. All majors the target for the subsections in their majors except for the accounting students.
ISLO number who scored at target required 75% given 1 student miss target
-  ISLO 1 Full discipline 15 of 23 for the entire exam 17 fail 17 fail
-  ISLO 2 Global Dimensions 16 of 23 for the global subsection 17 fail 17 fail
-  ISLO 3 Legal Enviornment 14 of 23 for the legal subsection 17 fail 17 fail
-  Accounting students 0 of 3 for the accounting subsection 03 fail 0 of 2 fail
-  Economics/Finance students 2 of 4 for the finance subsection 03 fail 2 of 3 fail
-  International Business students 1 of 1 for the global subsection 01 pass 1 of 1 pass
-  Management Students 4 of 6 for the management subsecton 05 fail 4 of 5 pass
-  Marketing students 2 of 3 for the marketing subsection 03 fail 2 of 2 pass
-  OTHER 4 of 6 for the management subsection 05 fail 4 of 5 pass
2.  Summary of Results for Direct Measure 2:
This is a new assessment that we have not conducted yet. This will be done in Spring 2017.
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Summary of Results for Indirect Measure 1: This is a new assessment that we have not conducted yet. This will be done in Spring 2017
Summary of Achievement of Intended Student Learning Outcomes:
Intended Student Learning Outcomes / Learning Assessment Measures
Program ISLOs / Direct Measure 1 / Direct Measure 2 / Direct Measure 3 / Direct Measure 4 / Indirect Measure 1 / Indirect Measure 2 / Indirect Measure 3 / Indirect Measure 4
Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was…
1.  Program Learning Outcome 1 / Not met / Not met / Not met
2.  Program Learning Outcome 2 / Not met / Not met / Not met
3.  Program Learning Outcome 3 / Not met / Not met / Not met
4.  Program Learning Outcome 4 / Not met / Not met / Not met
5.  Program Learning Outcome 5 / Not met / Not met / Not met
6.  Program learning Outcome 6 / Not met / Not met / Not met
7.  Program Learning Outcome 7 / Not met / Not met / Not met
8.  Program Learning Outcome 8 / Not met / Not met / Not met
9.  Program Learning Outcome 9 / Not met / Not met / Not met
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Learning Outcomes for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Course of Action 1 – We totally revamped the assessment plan in June based on the accreditation visit. We have not had a chance to complete a assessment cycyle based on that new plan. The only part that we have assessed is the Peregrine comprehensive business exam. All other parts of the plan will be completed in the spring cycle.
Course of Action 2 – The business program sought funds in the last budget for this year to purchase the Peregrine comprehensive business exam instead of a locally made form. The administration provided the funds for this year and this was the first time we have used the exam. The students and faculty have seen the exam now and know specifically the types of questions involved. The terms to describe the questions on the exam were too general to help prepare the students for the exam.
Course of Action 3 - Students were not acclimatized to take a computerized exit exam. We have reserved a computer lab to ensure the students are in a controlled environment to finish the exam.
Course of Action 4 – It is my opinion that not all students gave a full faith effort in completing the business exam as noted by the times for completion. We are changing the syllabi of the senior seminar class to discuss the importance of the exit exam. In addition, we are linking each course to the exit exam taken during the senior seminar so that the students are made aware of the exam from day one.
Course of Action 5 – We made a special effort to revise the curriculum in terms of pre-requisites and sequencing of courses. This should allow for a better delivery of information to build on what the the students learn in earlier classes. A full discussion of the curriculum is on-going.
Course of Action 6 – The operationalization of the scoring will be adjusted. With a goal 75% of students required, but only three students for a major, the effect of only one student can lead to a fail. Instead we will use a framework on allowing one student to miss the target per major until more than one student makes up 25%.
Further, the percentiles for the subsection must be estimated. We used having 5 questions correct out of 10 questions for each subsection as the 35th percentile, and 6 questions correct out of 10 to be the 50% percentile. These numbers were chosen based on the number of questions that had to be correct for the entire exam to reach a given percentile.
Student Learning Assessment for Masters of Business Administration
Program Intended Student Learning Outcomes (Program ISLOs)
1.  Students will be able to critique problems in business situations.
2.  Students will be able to formulate plans based on integrated business theory and practice.
3.  Students will be able to apply quantitative techniques to make better financial decisions.
4.  Students will be able to create effective written documents.
5.  Students will be able to compose and deliver clear, compelling oral presentations.
6.  Students will be able to interact professionally as members of teams.
7.  Students will be able to critique social responsibility issues in business contexts.
8.  Students will be able to differentiate plans based on cultural/global differences.
Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning: / Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Direct Measures:
1.  Business Plan
Program ISLOs assessed by this measure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / -  75% of all graduating MBA students will receive a score of satisfactory or better on each ISLO assessed.
Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning: / Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Indirect Measures:
1.  Graduate Business Program Exit Survey
Program ISLO’s assessed by this measure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / -  75% of all graduating MBA students will “agree” or “strongly agree” with each ISLO assessed.
Assessment Results: Program 1
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
This is a new assessment and has not been conducted. This will be done in Spring 17
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
This is a new assessment and has not been conducted. This will be done in Spring 17
Summary of Achievement of Intended Student Learning Outcomes:
Intended Student Learning Outcomes / Learning Assessment Measures
Program ISLOs / Direct Measure 1 / Direct Measure 2 / Direct Measure 3 / Direct Measure 4 / Indirect Measure 1 / Indirect Measure 2 / Indirect Measure 3 / Indirect Measure 4
Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was… / Performance Target Was…
Program Learning Outcome 1 / Not met / Not met
Program Learning Outcome 2 / Not met / Not met
Program Learning Outcome 3 / Not met / Not met
Program Learning Outcome 4 / Not met / Not met
Program Learning Outcome 5 / Not met / Not met
Program Learning Outcome 6 / Not met / Not met
Program Learning Outcome 7 / Not met / Not met
Program Learning Outcome 8 / Not met / Not met
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Learning Outcomes for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
These will be conducted in Spring 17.
Student Learning Assessment for Program 3 Masters of Science for Accounting and Taxation
Program Intended Student Learning Outcomes (Program ISLOs)
1.  Students will be able to critique problems in business situations.
2.  Students will be able to formulate plans based on integrated business theory and practice.
3.  Students will be able to apply quantitative techniques to make better financial decisions.
4.  Students will be able to create effective written documents.
5.  Students will be able to compose and deliver clear, compelling oral presentations.
6.  Students will be able to interact professionally as members of teams.
7.  Students will be able to critique social responsibility issues in business contexts.
8.  Students will be able to differentiate plans based on cultural/global differences.
Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning: / Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Direct Measures:
1.  Business Plan
Program ISLOs assessed by this measure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / -  75% of all graduating MSAT students will receive a score of satisfactory or better on each ISLO assessed.
Assessment Instruments for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning: / Performance Objectives (Targets/Criteria) for Indirect Measures:
1.  Graduate Business Program Exit Survey
Program ISLOs assessed by this measure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / -  75% of all graduating MSAT students will “agree” or “strongly agree” with each ISLO assessed.
Assessment Results: Program 1
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
This is a new assessement. This will be conducted in Spring 17
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
This is a new assessment. This will be conducted in Spring 17
Summary of Achievement of Intended Student Learning Outcomes:
Intended Student Learning Outcomes / Learning Assessment Measures
Program ISLOs / Direct Measure 1 / Direct Measure 2 / Direct Measure 3 / Direct Measure 4 / Indirect Measure 1 / Indirect Measure 2 / Indirect Measure 3 / Indirect Measure 4