Brochure Rubric

Writing / Sentencing and Paragraphing / The student has no clear topic or closing sentences.
The supporting sentences are confusing and do not really help to answer the question. Information is severely lacking.
There are no transition words used, or attempted, to help with the flow of the paragraphs.
The student has many grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in their paragraphs. / Topic and closing sentences are present, however, they do not help to introduce and conclude the main idea of the paragraph well.
The supporting sentences somewhat answer the question, but are lacking information and detail, and may be a bit difficult to follow.
Transition words are present. However, many are forced and/or used incorrectly.
The student has some grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in their paragraphs. / Topic and closing sentences are present and help to introduce and conclude the main idea of the paragraph.
The supporting sentences help to answer the question and have an appropriate amount of information and detail.
Most transition words have been used appropriately to help with the flow of the paragraphs.
The student has only a few grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in their paragraphs. / Topic and closing sentences are present and clearly and thoroughly introduce the main idea of the paragraph.
They have many well developed and well-written supporting sentences that are full of information and help to completely answer the question.
Transition words have been used carefully and accurately, making the paragraphs very easy to read and understand.
The student has no grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in their paragraphs.
Reading / Text Features / The student used no or few text features appropriately to help communicate and enhance their information. / Text features were used ineffectively to help communicate and enhance the information presented. / Text features were used appropriately to help communicate and enhance the information presented. / Text features were very effectively used to help communicate and enhance the information presented.
Media Literacy / Producing Media Texts
(Brochure) / Uses planning skills to organize the contents of their brochure with limited logic.
Uses the elements of an effective brochure discussed in class to convey their information with limited effectiveness. / Uses planning skills to organize the contents of their brochure with some logic.
Uses the elements of an effective brochure discussed in class to convey their information with some effectiveness. / Uses planning skills to organize the contents of their brochure with considerable logic.
Uses the elements of an effective brochure discussed in class to convey their information with considerable effectiveness. / Uses planning skills to organize the contents of their brochure with a high degree of logic.
Uses the elements of an effective brochure discussed in class to convey their information with a high degree of effectiveness.
Science / Habitats and
Communities / Uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology from the unit with limited effectiveness.
Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with limited effectiveness. / Uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology from the unit with some effectiveness.
Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with some effectiveness. / Uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology from the unit with considerable effectiveness.
Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with considerable effectiveness. / Uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology from the unit with a high degree of effectiveness.
Transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness.