XFACTOR Hydro.com

ABC28 (Aeroponic Bucket Cloner)

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Setup Instructions

  1. Screw in the Xfactor manifold on the pump.
  2. Fill your ABC28 about halfway with water (distilled or filtered water is highly recommended.)
  3. Place the pump directly in the center of your reservoir (the water helps the suction cups create a stronger hold.) The aeroponic360 degree sprayer ensures 100% coverage.
  4. Finish filling your ABC28 with water. DO NOT COVER THE SPRAYER WITH WATER. Keep the water level below the sprayer at all times.
  5. Route the pump plug through the notched hole in the lid.
  6. Cover the reservoir with the lid & do 1 last check to ensure the pump is centered.
  7. Plug in the pump.

When placing cloning inserts in the lid for the 1st time, they may be a little snug but will quickly take shape of the hole and become easier to insert.

Start cloning the Xfactor way!

Cloning Instructions

Many growers will have different opinions on cloning. This is how I clone:

Take cuttings from your Donor plant. On the average, I take 3 to 5 inch cuttings and leave 2 to 4 leaves on the top. If the leaves are small, I don’t trim them. If they are medium to large, I will trim half of each leaf off. The reason for this is because the cutting only requires a small leaf area to absorb a sufficient amount of light to keep it alive. Also, because the cutting does not have a root structure yet, the leaves are sustained by the amount of moisture that is held in the stem. If the leaves are smaller, the cutting does not have to work as hard to supply moisture to the leaves, which allows the cutting to focus its energy on “producing roots”. It also has the added benefit of reducing the overall amount of leaf area on the top of the cloner, especially if you clone more than 1 plant per insert.

As I take each cutting, I will cut it from the donor plant with either a sharp razor blade or a quality pair of trimming shears. Make sure the cutting utensil is clean. It can be sterilized with isopropyl alcohol, a lighter, or both. I have heard multiple times that it’s necessary for the cutting to be taken at a 45 degree angle. This is completely false. It does not matter. Just make sure the cut is clean and the bottom of the cutting is not mangled. Roots will form along the wall of the stem. DO NOT SCRAPE OR SPLIT THE STEM OF YOUR CUTTING. It will be much harder to root, if it roots at all. Place your cutting in the insert, leaving 2-3 inches of stem hanging below the insert. You can place up to 6 cuttings in 1 insert. Your cuttings are focused on producing roots, not growing foliage, so don’t worry about leaves covering each other.

Water Temperatures

Water Temps:68 - 72 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal results.

Up to 80 degrees may work but will produce slower roots. Anything over 80 will start to produce harmful bacteria that will stop root production & kill your cuttings. It is much better to have your cuttings in too cool an environment than too hot.


Cuttings NEVER need strong lighting. The recommended lighting is a 2 or 4 foot dual fluorescent fixture. The 40 watt fluorescent bulbs work great and is a sufficient amount of light for the delicate cuttings. The light should be securely suspended over the unit and should be placed about 8-12 inches above the top of the cuttings. Use 18-24 hours of light a day. We’ve found 18 - 20 hours of light works great for developing roots. There is something called the ‘Krebs Cycle’ that shows how root production increases in darkness, so providing your cuttings a dark cycle actually helps.

Cleaning your ABC28

Prepare a mixture of 10% bleach or hydrogen peroxide and 90% water. Fill your ABC28 just below the sprayer & run for at least 20 minutes. Pour the mixture out & run pure water for a few minutes to rinse any residue. If you have clogged sprayer, you can clean it with a toothpick, safety pin, twisty tie, etc. Be sure to wipe the inside & under the lid of the ABC28. For a deep clean, take the manifold apart. It’s press fit together, not glued, so you can quickly pull it apart & clean with a toothbrush.

Tips, Tricks, & FAQs

  1. My temperatures are too hot. What can I do?

Place frozen water bottles or ice packs inside the reservoir.

  1. My clones aren’t rooting?

Many plant varieties are difficult to clone and some are nearly impossible however, do not be discouraged. Most varieties will root in 12-17 days but as long as the clones appear healthy, and the cut endshave not become soft, slimy and brown, they are likely slow rooting varieties. Be patient and vigilant.

  1. The cut ends of my clones look brown and slimy. What can I do?

Use up to 6ml of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide or 60ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide daily. If the plants do not improve, start over with new cuttings.

Tips for greater success:

We only recommend this area to growers that are having difficulty cloning.

  1. Use up to 6ml of 35% Hydrogen Peroxide every 4 days. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide can be used also at a rate of 60ml or approximately 4 tablespoons
  1. We recommend adding a very dilute B vitamin supplement to your reservoir as we have found that it increased overall vigor and viability of the clones produced. There are several products available at your local garden center and it is our recommendation that in a cloning application, most of these amendments are effective at 1/6 of their recommended concentration.
  1. Add a small aquarium air pump & run the airline inside the chamber. The airline does not have to be submerged in water, although you can add an airstone & submerge it if desired. The purpose is to pump fresh oxygen from the atmosphere inside the reservoir.

Lastly, you may notice that some sites spray more water than others. Don’t worry. As long as the underside of the cloning insert gets wet, water will drip down on the plant stem, cloning your plant. Our ABC28 is guaranteed 100% coverage.