Define Independent Variable

/ Define Dependent Variable / What axis is the independent variable graphed on?
The variable that the scientist changes in an experiment / The variable that changes because of the independent variable / x-axis
What axis is the dependent variable graphed on? / What is a control variable? / Define hypothesis
y-axis / A variable that always remains the same / An educated guess that can be tested

Which object is losing speed? / Which object is gaining speed at a slow rate? / Which object is gaining speed quickly?
A / D / B
Which object is moving at a constant speed? / How do you find the acceleration from a velocity-time graph? / How do you find the displacement from a velocity-time graph?
C / slope / Area under the curve
How do you find the velocity from a postion-time graph? / A car travels 3 meters the first second, 3 meters the second second, 3 meters the third second,…. Its acceleration is ______. / A car starts from rest and after 5 seconds is moving at 30 m/s. What is its acceleration?
slope / zero / 6 m/s2
A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down. In the absence of air resistance, the speed of the ball when caught would be / You make a trip of 100 km in 2 hours. What is your speed? / A pencil lies on your desk. If the Earth is moving around the sun at a speed of 30 km/s, how fast is the pencil moving relative to the desk? How fast is the pencil moving relative to the sun?
the same as the speed it had when thrown upwards. / 50 km/hr / 0 km/s; 30 km/s
Friction acts ______an object’s motion. / After a cannonball is fired into frictionless space, the amount of force needed to keep it going equals ______. / A sheet of paper can be withdrawn from under a container of milk without toppling it if the paper is jerked quickly. The reason this can be done is that the milk carton has ______.
opposite / zero / inertia
When a woman stands with two feet on a scale, the scale reads 300 N. When she lifts one foot, how much does the scale read? / A girl pulls a 5 kg wagon with a force 10N. What is the wagon’s acceleration? / If the force acting on a cart doubles, what happens to the cart's acceleration?
300 N / 2 m/s2 / It doubles.
You pull horizontally on a 50-kg crate with a force of 300 N and the friction force on the crate is 100N. The acceleration of the crate is / A player catches a ball. Consider the action force to be the impact of the ball against the player's glove. What is the reaction to this force? / An unfortunate bug splatters against the windshield of a moving car. Compared to the force of the car on the bug, the force of the bug on the car is
4 m/s2 / The force the glove exerts on the ball / the same.
An unfortunate bug splatters against the windshield of a moving car. Compared to the deceleration of the car, the deceleration of the bug is / Potential energy is the energy an object has because of its / An arrow in a bow has 50 J of potential energy. Assuming no loss of energy to heat, how much kinetic energy will it have after it has been shot?
larger. / position. / 50 J
A job is done slowly, and an identical job is done quickly. Both jobs require the same amount of work but different amounts of / A ball is thrown into the air with 50 J of kinetic energy, which is transformed to gravitational potential energy at the top of its trajectory. When it returns to its original level after encountering air resistance, its kinetic energy is / How many joules of work are done on box when a force of 10 N pushes it 2 m?
power / Less than 50 J / 20 J
How much power is required to do 100 J of work on an object in 5 seconds? / Which has more momentum, a large truck moving at 30 miles per hour or a small truck moving at 30 miles per hour? / The reason padded dashboards are used in cars is that they
20 watts / The large truck / increase the time of impact in a collision.
A 5-kg ball is thrown at 4 m/s. What is the ball's momentum? / The color of an object we see is determined by the / The three primary colors of pigments are
20 kg m/s / colors of light reflected by the object; frequencies of light absorbed by the object; .colors of light shining on the object; and frequencies of light reflected by the object. / magenta, cyan, and yellow.
If sunlight were green instead of white, the most comfortable color to wear on a hot day would be / The three primary colors of light are_____. / When a wave passes through an opening, some of the wave is bent. This phenomenon is called
green. / red, green, and blue. / diffraction.
Constructive interference occurs when / Destructive interference occurs when / A convex lens
the crests of two waves overlap. / the crest of one wave meets the trough of another wave. / converges parallel rays of light; refracts parallel rays of light; is thicker in the center than at the edges; bends parallel rays of light so they cross at a single point.
An image formed by a concave lens / All lenses rely on light having a / Electromagnetic waves are
is virtual. / slower speed in the lens. / transverse waves.
Electromagnetic waves
Can travel ______. / Which of these electromagnetic waves has the shortest wavelength?
A.Infrared waves
B.Light waves
E.Ultraviolet waves
C.Radio waves / Compared to the wavelength of ultraviolet waves, the wavelength of infrared waves is
can travel through a vacuum. / x-rays / longer
The source of all electromagnetic waves is ______/ Which of the following are fundamentally different from the others?
A.Gamma rays
D.Light waves
B.Radio waves
C.Sound waves / Compared to its speed in air, the speed of light in water is
Vibrating charges / sound / slower
Light does not pass through what kind of materials? / When you throw a ball at the floor at an angle of 37º to the normal, you observe that its movement follows the law of reflection. This means that the ball bounces away at an angle of ______to the normal. / Compared to the speed of light, sound travels
opaque / 37o / slower
Sound waves are produced by / Which of the following would be most likely to transmit sound with the highest speed?
Steel in a bridge, Water in a swimming pool, Wood in a cabinet, Air in your classroom, Water in the ocean / Sound waves cannot travel in
Vibrating objects / Steel in a bridge / vacuum
The speed of a sound wave depends on / A singer shattering crystal glass with her voice is a demonstration of / Noise-canceling earphones are an example of
the air temperature. / resonance / destructive interference.
The distance between successive identical parts of a wave is called its / When two or more waves are at the same place at the same time, the resulting effect is called / As the sound of a car's horn passes and recedes from you, the pitch of the horn seems to
wavelength / interference / decrease
The Doppler effect is the change in observed frequency due to / The amplitude of a particular wave is 3 m. The top-to-bottom distance of the disturbance is / The period of an ocean wave is2 seconds. What is the wave’s frequency?
the motion of the source or observer. / 6 m / 0.5 hz
A certain ocean wave has a frequency of 10 hertz and a wavelength of 2meters. What is the wave’s speed?
20 m/s