Activity 1.1 – Technological Resources


People, time, materials, these are all things you encounter everyday. But, did you know that they are very important in the development of products and systems? Not only are they important, but there are other resources that are used to help in the invention or innovation of technological artifacts.

Technology uses resources to meet human needs and wants. Resources can be defined as the things necessary for technological development. In other words, without resources, most technological development would not be possible.

In this activity, you will be introduced to technological resources and how they are used in the development of a new product, process, or in the innovation of an existing product or process.


·  Engineering notebook

·  Pencil


Identify six resources you can find in the laboratory-classroom that you believe will help you study technology. List your six resources below:

Consider the school buildings and school area. Mentally walk around the school and identify six more resources that could be used to help you learn more about technology. Do not use any resources you mentioned before. List your six resources below:
You now have a list of twelve (12) resources that can help you learn more about technology. Let’s consider what resources a make believe company may need to use in order to produce a product, such as a car.
Georgette’s Manufacture Company (GMC) needs many resources to make this car before it is shipped to a sales lot for consumers to consider buying. Think about all of the possible resources that GMC would need in order to design and manufacture this sports car. See if you can list fifteen resources. List your resources below:

You have now considered resources that may be used by you in your laboratory-classroom and your school to learn about technology, and by a company to produce a product. You may have begun to see that the list can get rather long. Resources are generally grouped into seven major groups. These groups are:

·  People

·  Information

·  Capital

·  Materials

·  Tools and machines

·  Energy

·  Time

Look at your list of resources that you believe GMC may need to produce the sports car. Group your list of resources under the seven major groups. Next, place an asterisk next to any of the seven major group headings that you identified in your original list.


Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2007

GTT – Design and Modeling Unit – Lesson 1 – Activity 1.1 – Technological Resources – Page 1



1.  Why is understanding about resources important in the development of a technological product or process?

2.  Is it necessary to have at least one resource from each of the seven groups? Why? Why Not?

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2007

GTT – Design and Modeling Unit – Lesson 1 – Activity 1.1 – Technological Resources – Page 1