
(1) From FukuokaInternationalAirport to Kumamoto

Please take a shuttle bus for Kumamoto at Bus Stop 3. Please see the following URL. The ticket of 2,000 JPY should be bought in the airport lobby or prepare 2,000 JPY by cash. The 10,000 and 5,000 JPY bills are not available in the bus. Get off at the bus stop “Tori Cho Suji ()” in front of a big department store “Tsuruya ().”Hotel Nikko Kumamoto() and Toyoko-Inn Kumamoto Suido-cho Denteimae() are just across the road.

(2) From KumamotoAirport to downtown Kumamoto

If you arrive atKumamotoDomesticAirport, please see the following URL. Please buy a ticket to “Tori Cho Suji ()” at the bus ticket vending machine just outside the building (Mark 7 on the first floor). The fee is around 600 JPY. The 10,000 and 5,000 JPY bills are not available in the bus. Please take a shuttle bus for Kumamoto and get off at the bus stop “Tori Cho Suji ()” in front of a big department store “Tsuruya ().” Kumamoto Nikko Hotel () and Toyoko-Inn Kumamoto Suido-cho Denteimae() are just across the road.

If you arrive at InternationalAirport,please see the following URL. When you go out of the airport building, please go right to the domestic airport and get on a shuttle bus for downtown Kumamoto.

(3) From “Tori Cho Suji ()” to KumamotoUniversity (Kurokami Campus)

Please take a taxi to KumamotoUniversity. It takes about 10-15 minutes. Please say “Kurokami ().”to the driver. There are several campuses in KumamotoUniversity. You can see Kurokami campus map in the following URL. The symposium is held on the second floor of Building 34 in Kurokami South Campus.

Hotel Reservation

The organizing committee recommends Hotel Nikko Kumamoto (city hotel) or Toyoko-InnKumamoto Suido-cho Denteimae (cheap hotel) for foreign delegates. Please see the following URL:

If you want to reserve rooms atToyoko-InnKumamoto Suido-cho Denteimae, you can reserve rooms from the Homepage directly. If you want to reserve rooms at Hotel Nikko Kumamoto, KKR Hotel Kumamoto(banquet), Kumamoto University Guest House or other requests,please contact Dr. Kawai ().

Reception, Meeting Rooms and Guest House

The reception is on the ground floor of Ichi Go Kan Building (Building 34 in Kurokami South Campus). Meeting Rooms B and C are for presentation and Meeting Room D is for coffee break. Kumamoto University Guest House is the building No. 3 and 4 in Kurokami north campus. Please see the following URL.


13:00November 3, LeaveKumamotoUniversity for Mt.Aso, 40 km east from Kumamoto, by a bus. Sightseeing of Aso caldera and Shirakawa fountain. Return to the hotels at around 18:00. If you want to join the excursion, please contact Dr. Kawai (). If the participants are few, it may be canceled.