Name ______

Chapter 15/16 Air Pollution Vocabulary

Please number and identify each term below on a separate sheet of paper, the first column will be your first vocabulary assignment (For those that are *, please illustrate).

Aerosols* Climate Convection Currents*

Greenhouse Effect* Ozone Troposphere*

Acid Precipitation Carbon Monoxide CFCs

Nitrogen Oxides Particulate matter* Sulfur Dioxide

Weather Stratosphere Carbon Dioxide*


Chapter 15 The Atmosphere and Climate

-______-daily temperature and moisture conditions in a given place

-______- long term weather patterns

-Majority of atmosphere is ______, all other gases make up less than 1%

-______- the layer of air adjacent to the surface of the Earth

-______- layer above troposphere where most ozone is found


A.  Climate have changed dramatically throughout history

-Evidence found through ______found in glaciers gives us evidence of ancient volcanic eruptions, and climate in a given year dating back 420,000 years

-Ice samples show that atmospheric temperature and ______correlate

B.  El Nino/La Nina

-El Nino- occurs in late ______, surface trade winds that normally push warm water westward toward Indonesia weaken and allow for storms in the Americas and drought in Asia

-______- occur in intervening years of El Nino, regular weather conditions occur

C.  Human Actions are causing climate change

-1988 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was a group of scientists who concluded that the Earth’s surface temperature has risen ______over the past 100 years

D. Greenhouse gases have many sources

-By altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere, we have increased the ______on Earth causing average temperature to rise

-Humans have increased CO2, CH4, and N20 levels, CO2 is the most important cause of climate change, levels have increased from preindustrial-280 ppm, to a projected ______by the year 2100

-The sources of these gases are burning of ______49%, agriculture 13%, ______14%, industrial processes 24%

E. Evidence of climate change is becoming overwhelming

-20 of the warmest years in the past 150 years have since ______

-Arctic sea ice is ______and has completely melted during summer months, Hudson Bay polar bears have a shorter hunting season leading to a population decline

-______everywhere are retreating leading to less water for irrigation

-sea levels have risen ______(15-20 cm) in the past 100 years

-Biologists have confirmed that some species are migrating further north as climate changes, some amphibian species have disappeared

-______are bleaching due to warmer ocean temperatures

-Storms (hurricanes, cyclones, etc) are increasing in ______

F. The Kyoto Protocol attempts to slow climate change

-This treaty set different limits for individual nations depending on their output before 1990

-Poorer nations were exempt such as ______, wealthy nations were suppose to set emission limits since they were the countries who created the problem, poorer nations argue

-U.S. has less than 5% of the world population but produces ______of all anthropogenic CO2

Chapter 16 Air Pollution

-Over the past 20 years air quality has improved in most developed cities of Western Europe, North America and Japan, air quality in the developing world has been getting much worse

A.  Human Caused Air Pollution

-U.S. ______designated seven major pollutants: sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulates, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, photochemical oxidants, and lead

-______(air around us) is mandated based on pollutant levels

-______- colorless corrosive gas that is directly damaging to plants and animals, forms acid rain in the atmosphere

-Nitrogen oxides- react with sunlight to make photochemical smog

-______- CO2 and CO, carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, inhibits respiration in animals

-______- (aerosols), reduce visibility, leave dirty deposits, examples: asbestos, cigarette smoke, diesel fumes, dust, pollen, spores, lint, soot, etc

-Halogen and metals- metal fumes as of result of mining can be toxic or leaded gasoline (banned in the U.S.)

-______(VOCs)-compounds such as methane, terpenes, formaldehyde, benzene, chloroform, etc. tend to be toxic to life

-Photochemical oxidants- driven by solar energy, such as ozone (O3) which provides a valuable shied in the stratosphere, in the troposphere it damages vegetation, building materials, eyes and lungs

B. Indoor Air is more dangerous than outdoor air

-We spent the majority of our time inside, smoking is without doubt the most important indoor air pollutant causing ______(20% of all deaths in the U.S.)

-Homes- indoor air pollutants from various products include: chloroform, benzene, formaldehyde, etc. which cause various health concerns

C. Stratospheric ozone is declining

-Over ______ozone levels drop dramatically in September and October annually since the 1960s due to the invention of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs invented in the 1930s)

-CFCs, the cause of ozone depletion were used for industrial gases, refrigerators, air conditioners, Styrofoam inflation, aerosol spray

-Ozone is important to absorb ______, which harms plant and animal tissues

1. ______of ozone = 1 million extra human skin cancers cases per year

2. reduces agricultural output

3. reduces populations of phytoplankton, the base of the marine food chain

D. We have made progress in controlling some pollution

-The discovery of ozone layer depletion let to the ______phasing out most CFC uses

-Cited as the most effective international environmental agreement ever established

Effects of Air Pollution

A.  Polluted Air in unhealthy

-the World Health Organization estimates 5-6 million people die prematurely due to air pollution

-One of the biggest threats is from soot or fine particulate matter which can be trapped in lungs causing bronchitis, lung cancer and other health problems

1. soot can come from ______, smoke from wood stoves and fireplaces and industrial activity

B. Acid deposition has many negative effects

-Acidity is described in terms of pH, values below 7 are considered ______, above 7- alkaline

-Unpolluted water has a pH of 5.6, slightly acidic due to ______created by CO2 in the air

-Acid deposition can occur as rain, snow fog, mist and dew

1. Aquatic effects- reproduction is the most sensitive stage, when pH drops to 5, many species are killed, adults die if pH drops below 5

2. Forest damage- forest ______absorb acid deposition depleting it of vital nutrients from trees, very apparent in New England forests

3. Buildings and Monuments- stone buildings and monuments built from ______, marble and sandstone are covered in soot, destroyed by acid at an alarming rate

Air Pollution Control

A.  The most effective strategy for controlling pollution is to minimize production

-______, electricity, insulated houses, taking public transportation, use of alternative energy, the list is endless!!!

B. Clean Air Legislation

-Clean Air Act of 1970 has been modified, updated and amended, if we enforced legislation to its limit, would prevent 6,000 premature deaths and 140,000 asthma attacks