Liberty Middle School Music Dept.

The Pride of Marion County

Leslie C. Bruce 4773 SW 95th St.

Director of Instrumental and Vocal Music Ocala, Fl. 34476

(352) 291-7930

Guitar Class Requirements and Rules

Welcome to guitar class. I am excited about teaching you how to make music on your acoustic guitar and how to read music. Supplies may be purchased from any music store you choose. Please make sure your child has the book, tuner and guitar by Monday, Aug. 21. If you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me at .

Requirements & rules for the class:

1. All students must use a 6 string acoustic or acoustic electric guitar with case. Steel or nylon string will be fine. No electric guitars will be allowed. If you have trouble finding a guitar see me as I have information as to where to get a good quality guitar. Guitars must be brought to school in a case. Please put childs name on the case (luggage tags are fine)

2. All students should have an extra set of strings for their guitar. Strings sometimes break and students are required to participate in class. Therefore, extra strings should be kept with the guitar in case a string breaks.

3. Students should purchase their own book and bring to class everyday. The book is Essential Elements for Guitar Book 1 and comes with a CD. The cost is $17.95. There is also a version of the book without the CD for a cheaper price.

4. Students should have guitar and book in class everyday. Points are deducted from their participation grade for not having supplies and participating in class. If guitar is in shop being repaired a note from the parent is required for it to be excused.

5. Grades are given for playing tests and quizzes, participation, and written work. Tests receive 50%, quizzes and classwork 40%, participation 10%.

6. Guitar bins are provided for guitar storage during the day. These are open in the room and students should not store valuables in their guitar case. Students are not to sit on guitar bins. Soft cases and hard cases are to be separated for the safety of your guitar. The school and teacher are not responsible for any damage to guitars or cases or items left in the case.

7. Guitars may be dropped off in the morning when you arrive in school and picked up immediately following school for you to practice at home. Only students enrolled in the class may come into the hallway when dropping off or getting guitars. I encourage you to practice at home.

8. Students are not to touch another students’ guitar.

9. No horseplay of any kind is allowed in the room.

10. Treat all equipment with care and respect.

11. No food, drink, candy or gum allowed in the room.

12. No playing when teacher is talking.

13. No cell phones allowed out in class. They should be turned off and in backpacks.

14. Students breaking any of the rules may result in:

1. Warning

2. Written assignment or removal from class activity

3. Call home or note home

4. Referral

15. Students will perform a concert after school hours which will be for a grade. Transportation for the performances is the responsibility of the parents. Concert dates are Dec. 7 and May 3. Concerts begin at 6:00 p.m. Students report at 5:30.

Thank you for your support. I look forward to a great school year.

Leslie Bruce

Parent Information Sheet for Music Dept.

Please print

Student name (first & last) ______grade ______

Address______Home phone ______

Parents email address ______

Parent/Guardian first & last name ______

Mother’s Daytime phone ______Cell phone ______

Father’s Daytime phone ______Cell phone ______

My child is in _____Chorus


I have read the class rules and requirements and understand the responsibilities of participating in the music program.

Parent signature ______Date ______

Student signature ______Date ______

Please fill out the following information.

Check one or more of the following areas where you can help if needed:

___During school hours (fundraiser activity-sorting and handing out)

___After school hours (concerts)