Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page

The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.

CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RI.3.7-Useinformation gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and thewords in atext to demonstrate understandingof thetext (e.g., where, when, why,and how keyevents occur).
R.CCR.7 Integrateand evaluatecontent presented in diversemedia and formats, includingvisually
and quantitatively,as well as in words. / Questions to FocusLearning
Howdo illustrations and words help a reader understand atext? What information can begained from theillustrations and words ofatext?
Illustrations and words work together to build understandingof informational text.
Student FriendlyObjectives
I can identifytypes of illustrations, such as maps,photographs, diagrams,and graphs.
Iknow that illustrations and words in atext work together togive information about where, when, why, and how important events happen.
Reasoning Targets
I can useillustrations andwords in atext to decide where,when, why,andhow important events happen. I can explain howIusedillustrations and words within a text to betterunderstand the keyevents.
Vocabulary diagrams
illustrations interpret maps photographs

Teacher Tips

Landmarks ofthe World-This lesson usesBen’sDream, apicturebook byChris VanAllsburg, tohighlight ten majorlandmarks oftheworld. Afterreading anddiscussingthe book, students work insmall groups andselect one landmark to research. Toaddress Standard RI.3.7,teachers should adapt this lesson so students explorehow photos help answer thewhat, when, where, and how questions (Source: Read WriteThink,International Reading Association, NCTE).

IncreaseUnderstandingwith Pictures--Picturescan help increasestudents'understandingof thetext, topic, orstory. In this multi-session lesson designed forstrugglingreaders, students areguided throughaviewingof David Wiesner’sTuesday, awordless picturebook. As students view theimages, theyare askedfour different types of questions about thepictures. (Source: Read WriteThink,International ReadingAssociation, NCTE). *SeeNational Geographic sitebelow for other pictureideas.

National Geographic-- TheNational Geographicwebsiteprovides anarrayofphotos that could beusedto help students understand howphotos provide information. Consider havingstudents choose appropriatephotos to clarify text and then provide a rationale fortheir choices.(Source: National Geographic forKids).

QtA Strategy--QtA is acomprehension strategythat asks students to posequeries whilereadingagiven text, helping to solidifytheir knowledgeand challengetheirunderstanding, rather than after reading. QtA is primarilyused with nonfiction texts. (Source: Read Write Think,International Reading Association, NCTE).

Vertical Progression

RI.K.7-With promptingand support, describetherelationship between illustrations and the text inwhich theyappear

(e.g., what person, place,thing, or ideain thetextan illustration depicts). RI.1.7 -Usethe illustrations and details in atext to describeits keyideas.

RI.2.7 -Explain how specific images (e.g., adiagram showinghowamachineworks)contributeto and clarifyatext. RI.4.7 -Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively(e.g., in charts,graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, or interactiveelements on Web pages)and explain how theinformation contributes to anunderstanding

ofthe text in which itappears.

RI.5.7 -Draw on information from multipleprint or digital sources, demonstratingtheabilityto locate an answer to a question quicklyor to solveaproblem efficiently.

RI.6.7 -Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g.,visually, quantitatively)as wellas in words to develop acoherent understandingof atopic orissue.

RI.7.7 -Compareandcontrast a text to an audio, video, ormultimedia version of thetext, analyzingeach medium's portrayal of thesubject (e.g., how thedeliveryofaspeechaffects theimpact of thewords).

RI.8.7 -Evaluatetheadvantages anddisadvantages of usingdifferent mediums (e.g., print or digitaltext, video, multimedia) to present aparticular topic oridea.

RI.9-10.7-Analyzevarious accounts ofasubjecttold in different mediums (e.g., aperson's lifestoryin both print and multimedia), determiningwhich details are emphasized in each account.

RI.11-12.7-Integrate and evaluatemultiple sources of information presented in different media orformats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as wellas in words in order to address a question orsolveaproblem.

The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RI.3.7