The regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Woodhull, County of Steuben and State of New York was held at the Town Hall, 1585 Academy Street, Woodhull, New York on the 8th day of July 2015.
PRESENT: Scott E. Grant, Supervisor
Bryan M. Conklin, Councilman
Larry B. Guild, Councilman
Arnold S. Herrington, Councilman
Douglas S. O’Brian, Councilman
L. Todd Housel, Highway Superintendent
Sharon A. Brewer, Town Clerk
OTHERS PRESENT: Kristy Flint, Woodhull Municipal Gas Co.;
Phil Mosolf, Woodhull Municipal Gas Company;
Gary Calkins, Assessor; Jan Calkins, Planning
Board; Robert Mooney, Code Enforcement Officer
Woodhull Municipal Gas Company business was conducted at 6:20 PM. Supervisor Herrington reported that the 811 Dig Safe system was remapped
last week. This should eliminate the problem of WMG getting charged for other towns’ failure to report. He also stated that the 5-year plan for the gas company needs to be updated. Supervisor Herrington met with Jeff Spear of Corning Natural Gas on the Gilbert property on Jasper Street where an addition is being built on the house. Gas lines had to be relocated before construction could begin. CNG recommended that old piping at the back of the house be changed because of rusting. He also met with Chris Wood of Hunt Engineers and discussed what the requirements would be to run new pipeline down County Route 129. Chris will get back to him with a cost estimate.
Phil Mosolf submitted his Monthly Time Sheet, plus a To-Do List dated 7/6/15.
Abstract #007 of the Woodhull Municipal Gas Company in the amount of $8,456.11 was approved for payment. This included vouchers #15-079 thru
Supervisor Grant called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:00 Pm with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He welcomed all who were present.
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On a motion of Councilman Guild and second by Councilman O’Brian, the following resolution was
ADOPTED Ayes 5 Grant, Conklin, Guild, Herrington, O’Brian
Nays 0
RESOLVED that the minutes of the June 10, 2015 Monthly Board Meeting be approved as written.
Dan Draper, DOG CONTROL OFFICER, was not present at the meeting. He did not submit a report, and thus far, a Rabies Clinic has not been scheduled for September.
Bob Mooney, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, discussed permits he had issued. He turned in $228.00 for eight permits written in June.
Gary Calkins, ASSESSOR, reported that the 2015 Final Assessment Roll has been filed, and a copy is on file in the Town Clerk’s office. He is taking a Property Valuation Class in Bath on four days. There are no fees for the class.
Sharon Calkins, TOWN HALL CUSTODIAN, was not present. She sent word via the Town Clerk of high water usage over the past weekend, but no leak was found. A light switch in the hallway was repaired by Gary Gitchell and a water pipe leak in the basement was repaired by Bill Heckman. She is having some problems with the vacuum cleaner, and had to go on line to order bags for it, as the dealer where it was purchased has closed.
Discussion was held on pulling out the hedgerow bushes that are in bad shape and perhaps putting up a vinyl fence and planting a tree with a nice sign listing town offices that are in the building. Todd Housel will check to see where the county right-of-way stops on the Town Hall property. The Town Clerk reminded that the Town Hall flag needs replacing. Todd stated that he would do it tomorrow morning.
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Jan Calkins, PLANNING BOARD, reported that the Planning Board did not meet this month. The Southern Tier Mobile Food Pantry truck served 111 families of 422 people this month. Fifteen volunteers worked. The Town website is up-to-date, and the Aging in Place committee will hold its second Senior Luncheon in Jasper at the Town Hall on July 29th.
Sharon Brewer, TOWN CLERK, reported that her surgery has been postponed
until August 3rd. Crystal Myers, Deputy Town Clerk, worked with her to prepare for this meeting, and will be available most times while Sharon is off when the office is scheduled to be open.
Scott Grant, SUPERVISOR, reported that he had received a phone call from Elise Johnson Schmidt on the designation of the Town Hall as a Historical building. Paperwork has to be filed by July 31st. He had an email response from Chris Wood updating him on the Wastewater project. Bidding is being held up waiting for a response from NYSDEC on their review of the collection system and treatment plant. He will provide Scott with a list of the easements that are still unsigned. The unsigned easements will not hold up the project, but landowners will be advised that if they don’t sign, the lateral service will not be provided to their septic tank, and the landowner will be responsible for the cost of the service connection.
Scott went over correspondence and updates. A NYS retirement seminar is being held, and this information will be provided to Shane Wheaton who will be the first employee in line for retirement. The Teamsters Union contract for the Highway employees was approved, and copies are here tonight from Supervisor Grant to sign. This contract covers a three-year period from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. Scott also discussed the need for getting a Town Hall Custodian to replace Jerry Calkins. He will check with the Steuben County Personnel Office on how to proceed with an ad.
Councilman Guild had invoices from Risley’s Asphalt Sealing for striping of the tennis court and the basketball court.
Todd Housel, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, reported that the final FEMA paperwork has been submitted. The roadside mower is leaking hydraulic fluid. Grading of roads is slow with all of the rain that has been falling.
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A part time worker for the Highway Department started work this week, and will work to sometime in September. He graduated from high school and was recommended from BOCES. Fourteen miles of roads are slated for oil & stone treatment under the CHIPS program at a cost of $150,000. This will be done starting August 3rd.
· Storage area cleanup – Nothing discussed
· Revise Disaster & Emergency Plan – Nothing discussed
· Waste Water Update – Email from Cris Wood, Hunt Engineers, on staus.
On a motion of Councilman Conklin and second by Councilman Herrington, the following resolution was
ADOPTED Ayes 5 Grant, Conklin, Guild, Herrington, O’Brian
Nays 0
RESOLVED that the following transfer of funds be made:
FROM: A1990.40 (Contingent Acct) $500.00
TO: A1460.40 (Records Management)
Abstract #007 of the Highway Fund in the amount of $$39,856.51 was approved for payment. This included vouchers #96 – 108. Abstract #007 of the General Fund in the amount of $6,837.72 was approved for payment. This included vouchers # 136 – 152.
The next Monthly Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall Board Room, with Woodhull Municipal Gas Company business being transacted at 6:00 PM.
On a motion of Councilman O’Brian and second by Councilman Conklin, and all in agreement, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Sharon A. Brewer, Town Clerk