Battle of Britain – Summer 1940

Video Questions

  1. Describe Europe in 1940.
  2. How could the Luftwaffe reach any target in Great Britain? Why was all of Great Britain vulnerable to air attack?
  3. What was Churchill’s main message in his “we will fight on the beaches…” speech?
  4. What was done in Great Britain to prepare for the German invasion?
  5. What was “Operation: Sea Lion”?
  1. Who was Herman Goering? Why was he so confident?
  2. Describe the Luftwaffe and the RAF.
  3. Who was “Stuffy”?
  1. Describe the battle plan for the Luftwaffe. What was its purpose?
  2. July 10th 1940, describe it. How does it end?
  1. What was the RAF’s “secret weapon”?
  2. Why were observers necessary?
  3. Describe the communication system of Fighter Command?
  4. What was the goal of the RAF fighters to get in the air?
  5. What was the problem Dowding had?
  6. What problems did RAF fighters experience in attacking the Luftwaffe?
  1. What are G’s (not gangsta’s)? What effects can it have on a pilot?
  2. How can you resist them?
  3. What was the only advantage the spitfires had over the Messerschmitt?
  1. In 3 weeks, how many bombers had the RAF destroyed?
  2. Describe the new battle plan of the Luftwaffe?
  3. Describe the events of August 15th
  4. Bailing out: What was it like?
  1. How did the Luftwaffe change fighter tactics?
  2. How did their fighter pilots feel about it? Why?
  3. Who had the greatest chance of being shot down?
  1. How long was an RAF fighter pilots day?
  2. What was it like?
  3. What was an RAF pilot’s training reduced to during the summer of 1940? What was the result?
  1. What was happening to RAF losses for the first time that summer?
  1. What was September 7th a good time for? What did happen that day?
  2. How many died that night?
  3. What effect did it have on the RAF?
  1. Describe the events of September 15th?
  2. What impact did wind have on the Luftwaffe?
  3. What new tactics did the RAF use?
  4. How long could the Luftwaffe stay in battle? Why?
  5. What happened to the spirit of Luftwaffe pilots in the second wave? Why?
  6. What were the losses that day (for both sides)?
  1. What was the outcome of September 15th?
  2. Why might it not have seemed like a victory for Britain?
  3. How many RAF pilots were lost in the 114 days of the Battle of Britain?For the Luftwaffe?
  4. In what ways did the Battle of Britain change the course of the Second World War?