4a.3.1 Unit Plan Rubric
Lesson PlansAssignment Title / Lesson Plans
Assessor(s) / Sharon Clark
Description / Instructional Plan (Daily, Block, and Unit)
An instructional plan is your “bread and butter” in teaching. It is your map for the day, week, month, semester, and year.
It shows you, if you should get sidetracked by a student question, school delay, etc., where you intended to guide the students’ learning and what you planned to do. It provides a format for consistency in routines and procedures, and in moving from one day of instruction to the next. It provides a record, from one year to the next, of what was successful with students and what needs to be changed. It is a wise idea to provide a copy of your plan to any observer, upon entry, so s/he will know: 1) that you had a plan; and, 2) what to expect to see next.
- Each daily lesson should fit within the context of a block (ie, week) of instruction; each block should fit within the context of a unit of instruction; each unit should fit within a year of instruction.
- Each daily lesson, each block, and each unit should be written with goals, objectives, activities, and assessments. Maryland State Standards should be included at each level of planning. (Ask your CST about this if you do not understand.) Be sure to write titles for each unit, block, and daily plan, and include those titles on each plan. Date each plan. Maintaining plans on a computer will make it easier to make adjustments for the next time and avoid the need to rewrite much of the original plan. (Be sure to maintain a backup copy!) Plans submitted for these assignments should be typed/word processed.
- It is a professionally-building activity for you, the teacher, to write a written reflection after each lesson (on the lesson plan itself), so you will do an even better job during the next session of instruction. If you receive feedback from your CST and/or your US, it is wise to write a summation of that on the plan as well.
Senior Seminar Lesson Plan (Unit and Daily Plans) Rubric
Interns are expected to create effective unit and daily instructional lesson plans.
Criterion / Performance Rating
Excellent / Good / Adequate / Poor / Score
Goals are stated for the unit. / 4 The teacher's unit plans are based on education standards and linked to special education students' IEPs. Goals are developmentally appropriate, clear and exhibit high student expectations. / 3 The teacher's unit plans are based on education standards and mostly linked to special education students' IEPs. Goals are develop-mentally appropriate, clear and exhibit high student expectations. / 2 The teacher's unit plans are based on education standards and somewhat linked to special education students' IEPs. Goals are partially clear. / 1 The teacher's unit plans are not clearly based on education standards and not clearly linked to special education students' IEPs. Goals are not clear.
Goals exhibit variety, learning challenge, and significance. / 4 Goals exhibit varied learning levels and high student expectations. / 3 Goals exhibit some varied learning levels and high student expectations. / 2 Goals exhibit some varied learning levels for students. / 1 Goals exhibit just one learning level for students.
Goals show clarity. / 4 Goals are clearly stated with measurable student learning benchmarks. / 3 Several goals are clearly stated as student learning outcomes. / 2 Some goals are clearly stated as student learning outcomes. / 1 Goals are not clearly stated and not clearly related to student learning outcomes.
Goals are aligned with instruction. / 4 Lesson activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals and IEP objectives. / 3 Several lesson activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals and IEP objectives. / 2 Some lesson activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals and IEP objectives. / 1 Few lesson activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals and IEP objectives.
Structure is in unit and lessons. / 4 Structure is evident in the unit and lesson activities and assignments, and show promise for student achievement, including students with IEP accommodations. / 3 Structure is evident in the unit and lesson activities and assignments, and show promise for student achievement. / 2 Structure is somewhat evident in the unit and several lesson activities and assignments, and seem to be useful for student achievement. / 1 Structure is not evident in the unit and lesson activities and assignments.
Content is accurate in lesson representation. / 4 Content is accurate, and as is appropriate, links content to other parts of the content or content areas. / 3 Content seems to be accurate and in keeping with the big ideas or structure of the discipline. / 2 Content seems to be mostly accurate, and indicates awareness of the big ideas or structure of the discipline. / 1 Content is not completely accurate, and does not link content to other content or content areas.
Instruction, activities, assignments and resources are varied in unit and lessons. / 4 The unit plan provides variety in activities, assignments and resources, and reflects IEP goals and accommodations. / 3 The unit plan provides variety in activities, assignments and resources. / 2 The unit plan provides some variety in activities, assignments and some resources. / 1 The unit plan does not provide variety in activities, assignments and resources.
Use of technology. / 4 Appropriate technology is integrated in the plan and enhances teaching and learning. / 3 Technology is included in the plan. / 2 Appropriate technology is integrated in the instructional plan but not in student learning activities. / 1 Appropriate technology is not included in the plan, or the technology used is not appropriate for student learning.
Assessment plan is aligned with instruction and learning goals. / 4 The assessment plan is aligned with instruction and student learning goals, including those in the IEPs. / 3 The assessment plan is aligned with instruction and most student learning goals, and are congruent in content and cognitive complexity. / 2 The assessment plan is aligned with instruction and some student learning goals but are not congruent in content and cognitive complexity. / 1 The assessment plan lacks congruence with student learning goals and/or lacks cognitive complexity.
Assessment approaches and modes are multiple. / 4 The assessment plan indicates use of multiple approaches and modes, such as performance assessments, assistive technologies, lab reports, and research projects, throughout instruction, including adaptations appropriate for students' needs. / 3 The assessment plan indicates use of varied approaches and modes, including adaptations appropriate for students' needs. / 2 The assessment plan indicates use merely of pencil and paper assessments, and adaptations for some students' needs. / 1 The assessment plan indicates use of one mode, and does not include assessment before, throughout and after instruction.
Total Score