The Reading and Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies for Grade 11 will be incorporated into Social Studies III throughout the 2014-2015 school year.
Academic Expectation – 2.20 – Students understand, analyze, and interpret historical events, conditions, trends, and issues to develop historical perspective.
Date / Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/AssessmentsAugust 11-September 8 / The Gilded Age
SS-HS-5.2.2 Students will explain how the rise of big business, factories, mechanized farming, and the labor movement impacted the lives of Americans. DOK 2
ACT Quality Core
C.2.A / Explain the causes and effects of the following: rise of big business, growth of factories, mechanized farming, and labor movement.
Analyze the conflict and resolutions between the following groups: Native Americans and white frontier settlers, Robber Barons and labor unions, and mechanized farm machinery and human laborers / - Great Plains
- Homestead Act
- Exodusters
- assimilation
- homesteader
- soddy
- Wounded Knee
- Battle of Little
- Sand Creek
- culture
- Grange/Grangers
- Populism
- bimetallism
- Bessemer process
- transcontinental
- Munn v. Illinois
- Social Darwinism
- monopoly
- trust
- Sherman Anti-
Trust Act
- socialism
- collective
- Robber Barons / Reading Study Guides (RD)
The Americans: Workbook (RD)
-Interactive Student Notebook
Discuss mechanization/effect on careers and workplace (PLCS)
Discuss Labor Laws/Effect of Labor Unions on workplace (PLCS)
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
History Alive: The Factory
Native American Culture mosaics and Adaptations on the Great Plains mosaics (A/H)
Native American mascots: Insult or Honor? Article
-Persuasive Essay (Writing for Publication)
- Wizard of Oz
- Carnegie video clip (Bessemer
-Greed Video Clip
-Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
-America; The Story of Us: Heartland
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
-ACT Reading-“Robber Barons” (RD)
Gilded Age (Continued)
SS-HS-5.2.3 Students will explain the impact of massive immigration (e.g., new social patterns, conflicts in ideas about national unity amid growing cultural diversity) after the Civil War. DOK 2ACT Quality Core
C.1.D / Examine the impact of immigration on society and industry
Analyze the cultural clashes between immigrant groups and “native” Americans / - Ellis Island
- Angel Island
- culture shock
- melting pot
- Chinese
Exclusion Act
- Gentlemen’s
- urbanization
- Americanization
- settlement house
- Jane Addams
- political machine
- graft
- kickback
- Tammany Hall
- Tweed Ring
- Thomas Nast
- patronage
- civil service
- Stalwarts
- Pendleton Act / Reading Study Guides (RD)
The Americans: Workbook (RD)
-Interactive Student Notebook
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
Collaborative group presentations and bioboards
Ellis Island Webquest
Immigration statistics bar graph activity
Immigration push/pull factor illustration
Immigration political cartoon interpretation (RD)
Creation of Political Cartoon (A/H)
-America: The Story of Us
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
-ACT Reading-“How the Other Half Lives” (RD)
Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/Assessments
September 8-October 2 /
Progressive Movement/Imperialism
SS-HS-5.2.4a Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political, and economic changes (e.g., industrial capitalism, urbanization, political corruption, initiation of reforms) during the Progressive Movement. DOK 3ACT Quality Core
C.2.F / Evaluate the impact of journalism and public opinion on the Progressive Movement
Examine how political institutions evolved during the Progressive Movement
Analyze the impact of the Progressive Movement on American society in the 20th century as it pertains to society, culture, and politics / - Progressive
- prohibition
- muckraker
- scientific
- 17th Amendment
- suffrage
- The Jungle
- Square Deal
- Meat Inspection
- Pure Food and
Drug Act
- conservation
- Bull Moose Party
- Federal Reserve
- Clayton Anti-
Trust Act
- 19th Amendment
- 20th Amendment
- Federal Trade
- imperialism
- Spanish-American
- yellow journalism / Reading Study Guides (RD)
The Americans: Workbook (RD)
-Interactive Student Notebook
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
Read the play “America’s Crusading Journalists” (A/H)
Construct progressive magazine cover that reflects the issues during the Progressive Movement (A/H)
-America: The Story of Us
Geography worksheet – Movement Toward Women’s Suffrage
Read small portion of The Jungle (RD) – watch current meat-packing industry video
Video – Iron-Jawed Angels
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
- map interpretation skills
- Constructed response (Writing)
Date / Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/Assessments
October 13-24 /
World War I
SS-HS-5.2.4b Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political, and economic changes during World War I (e.g. imperialism to isolationism, nationalism). DOK 3ACT Quality Core
D.1.A / Analyze the four main causes of World War I and the impact each had on the eventual execution and outcome of the war
Examine the role propaganda played in World War I
Evaluate the new military practices, strategies, and technologies during World War I / - nationalism
- militarism
- imperialism
- alliance
- Allies
- Central Powers
- trench warfare
- Lusitania
- Zimmerman Note
- Selective Service
- convoy system
- conscientious
- mechanized
- War Industries
- Espionage/
Sedition Act
- Fourteen Points
- League of
Nations / Reading Study Guides (RD)
The Americans: Workbook (RD)
-Interactive Student Notebook
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
Posters – the four long-term causes of World War I
- World War I propaganda
- World War I recruitment
-trench art
History Alive: Trench warfare simulation, “Letters in the Trenches” activity (WTL)
World War I vocabulary crossword
- Sergeant York
- All Quiet on the Western Front
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
-WW I Video Projects
Date / Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/Assessments
October 27-November 14 /
The Twenties
SS-HS-5.2.4c Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political, and economic changes during the Twenties (e.g. economic prosperity, consumerism, women’s suffrage). DOK 3ACT Quality Core
D.1.D / Analyze the impact of communism on 1920s American society
Examine the new technologies that came about during the 1920s and the impact each had on American society
Examine the role organized crime played during the prohibition era
Evaluate the spending practices found in 1920s American society and long-term ramifications of these practices / - Communism
- anarchist
- Isolationism
- isolationist
- Quota System
- Teapot Dome
- urban sprawl
- installment plan
- credit
- 18th Amendment
- prohibition
- speakeasies
- bootlegger
- organized crime
- Fundamentalism
- Scopes Monkey
- Flapper
- Harlem
- assembly line
- Model T, A
- fad
- materialism
- Stock Market
Crash / Reading Study Guides (RD)
-The Americans: Workbook (RD
-Interactive Student Notebook
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
Collaborative group presentations and bioboards (A/H)
1920’s Skits (A/H)
Collages (A/H)
- Yesteryears 1927
- The Untouchables
-America: The Story of Us
- Prohibition Political Cartoon
- Distribution of Personal
Income by Americans in 1929
1920s Slang Writing Activity
1920s Crossword Puzzle
Jeopardy Review Activity
-1920’sConstructed Response (Writing)
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
Date / Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/Assessments
November 17-December 12
Review-December 15-19 /
The Great Depression
SS-HS-5.2.5a Students will evaluate how the Great Depression and New Deal policies transformed America socially and politically at home and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., stock market crash, relief, recovery, reform initiatives, increased role of government in business).DOK 3
ACT Quality Core
D.1.G / Evaluate the spending practices found in 1920s American society and long-term ramifications of these practices
Evaluate the response of the American government to the Great Depression (Hoover and Roosevelt)
Analyze the impact the Great Depression had on American citizens
Examine the long-term impact of the New Deal policies on American society / - credit
- speculation
- buying on the
- Black Tuesday
- Great Depression
- Dow Jones
- Dust Bowl
- Shantytown
- soup kitchen
- bread line
- direct relief
- Bonus Army
- New Deal
- alphabet soup
- Okies
- Dorothea Lange’s
Migrant Mother / Reading Study Guides (RD)
-The Americans: Workbook (RD
-Interactive Student Notebook
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
History Alive: Graphing Indicators of the Great Depression – Questions
Compare/Contrast: Okies and Hurricane Katrina evacuees
Read Selections from
“Out of the Dust” (RD)
- The History Channel – Great
- The Grapes of Wrath
- United Streaming – The New
-Cinderella Man
-America: The Story of Us
New Deal posters
Alphabet Soup Book
Dust Bowl Geography
Great Depression crossword
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
Date / Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/Assessments
January 5-23 /
World War II
SS-HS-5.2.5b Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationingemergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower). DOK 3ACT Quality Core / Compare/
contrast the various forms of government present before WWII and how each governed its people
Examine the multiple cause and effect relationships that impacted the events of World War II
Evaluate the American homefront as it supported the war effort during WWII / - totalitarian
- fascism
- Nazism
- Neutrality Acts
- appeasement
- blitzkrieg
- Holocaust
- genocide
- concentration
- Allies
- Axis Powers
- Lend-Lease Act
- Atlantic Charter
- rationing
- Office of Price
- War Production
- D-Day
- Battle of the Bulge
- V-E Day
- kamikaze
- Manhattan Project
- Hiroshima
- Nagasaki
- Yalta Conference
- United Nations
- Nuremberg Trials / Reading Study Guides (RD)
-The Americans: Workbook (RD
-Interactive Student Notebook
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
Collage: American Support for WWII on the Homefront (A/H)
- United Streaming – WWII
Leaders – Video Profiles
- The Fighting Sullivans
- Saving Private Ryan
- Tuskegee Airmen
- Escaping the Final Solution
- Band of Brothers
-America: The Story of Us
Analysis: WWII propaganda
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
Date / Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/Assessments
January 26-April 2
EOC Review-Colonial America-Modern America
April 13-EOC Test Date (TBA) /
Post-WWII Social, Political, and Economic Changes
SS-HS-5.2.6 Students will explain an give examples of how after WWII, America experience economic growth (e.g., suburban growth), struggles for racial and gender equality (e.g., Civil Rights Movement), the extension of civil liberties (e.g. desegregation, Civil Rights Acts), and conflict over political issues (e.g., McCarthyism, U.S. involvement in Vietnam). DOK 3 / Examine the impact the Cold War had on American foreign policy, society, and cultureExamine the societal and cultural changes that occurred in the United States from the end of WWII to the end of the Vietnam War
Analyze the Civil Rights Movement as it applies to society, politics, law and culture
Examine the evolution of the courts during the Warren era
Analyze the successes and failures of the Vietnam War and both the short-term and long-term impacts of the conflict on American society / - Cold War
- containment
- Truman Doctrine
- Marshall Plan
- Berlin Airlift
- 38th parallel
- Korean War
- Hollywood Ten
- blacklist
- McCarthyism
- H-bomb
- brinkmanship
- Warsaw Pact
- U-2 incident
- suburbanization
- GI Bill of Rights
- baby boom
- beat movement
- flexible response
- Limited Test Ban Treaty
- New Frontier
- mandate
- Warren Commission
- Great Society
- Warren Court
- Miranda Rights
- Brown v. Board of Education
- Freedom Riders
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Voting Rights Act of 1965
- Black Panthers
- affirmative action
- Vietcong
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution
- credibility gap
- New Left
- Tet Offensive
- Vietnamization
- Pentagon Papers
- War Powers Act
- feminism
- counterculture / Reading Study Guides (RD)
-The Americans: Workbook (RD
-Interactive Student Notebook
Flipchart, lecture, discussion
Dr Seuss – The Butter Battle Book (RD)
1950s skit (A/H)
1950;s Interviews
Bomb shelter plans
Cold War Illustrated Timeline (A.H)
Mosaics: Space Race, Counterculture, and Vietnam War (A/H)
History Alive: U.S. vs. U.S.S.R. vocabulary – Cold War
- Atomic Cafe
- Eyes on the Prize
- Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam
- We Were Soldiers
- Yesteryears 1969
- 1960s
-America: The Story of Us
Mock Protest and Protest Posters
Protest Song Analysis
Map Skills: Warsaw Pact and NATO
Marshall Plan Geography Application
Civil Rights Movement Illustrated Timeline and bioboards
Career Changes for Women (PLCS)
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary
Date / Content / Skills / Vocabulary / Activities/Assessments
SS-HS-5.2.7 Students will analyze how the United States participates with the global community to maintain and restore world peace (e.g., League of Nations, United Nations, Cold War politics, Persian Gulf War), and evaluate the impact of these efforts. DOK 3ACT Quality Core
E.2.F / Examine the impact the Cold War had on American foreign policy, society, and culture throughout the 20th century
Evaluate the Cold War policies of both the United States and the Soviet Union, and how these policies eventually led to the end of the Cold War
Examine the credibility issues surrounding American presidents in the latter half of the 20th century
Analyze the impact of technology on the United States as it pertains to society, the military, business, and personal endeavors / - New Federalism
- stagflation
- realpolitik
- detente
- SALT I Treaty
- Watergate
- National Energy Act
- human rights
- Camp David Accords
- environmentalist
- New Right
- reverse discrimination
- Reaganomics
- supply-side economics
- Strategic Defense Initiative
- trade imbalance
- affirmative action
- INF treaty
- glasnost
- perestroika
- Tiananmen Square
- Sandinista
- Contras
- Iran-Contra Affair
- Operation Desert Storm
- 27th Amendment
- Internet
- gun control
- terrorism
- entitlements / Reading Study Guides (RD)
-The Americans: Workbook (RD
-Interactive Student Notebook
Power Point, lecture, discussion
Collaborative groups presentations and bioboards (A/H)
- United Streaming – United Nations
- Black Hawk Down
-21 Days to Baghdad
United Nations/League of Nations Chart
Cold War Conflicts Chart
United Nations Webquest
Compare/Contrast Persian Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom
-Core Content Assessment
-Visual Vocabulary