Systems & ProceduresCO Quick Reference

1.1.Getting to CO in AISystem

Click on FIS – Purchasing – Change Order in the AISystem main menu. CO search page is displayed. Default action is New/Add.


This document allows the user to change Purchase Order details once the PO/TO has been completed. This is a completely separate document from the PO. Therefore, Document Inquiry will always display the detail that was originally entered on the Purchase Order. Document Inquiry will only display the items that were changed or added for the Change Order. Users can see merging to the two documents or the total effect of the two documents in AP Vendor Documents.

1.3.Rules for Line Item Purchase Orders

Purchase Order must be in a complete status

Can change anything except the vendor or any item(s) that have been invoiced

Change Order cannot be entered if

  • on the same day that an invoice was entered against the PO by the Accounts Payable Central Area Office
  • if an INVCO (invoice change order) is in process
  • if a Computer Assisted Invoice has been entered by the Accounts Payable Central Area Office
  • If an EM (Encumbrance Maintenance) has been entered by the Accounts Payable Central Area Office

Separation of duties is applied – if you enter or change the Change Order, you cannot approve.

Users have the ability to decide if they want a copy of the Change Order to go to the Vendor. Click the Notify Vendor flag if the vendor needs to have a copy of the Change Order.

1.4.Creating a new CO

Enter the web 8-digit encumbrance number in the Enc ID field.

Click Go in the CO search page with action New/Add.

Populate the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).

Click on Save to save the CO document.

Clicking on Save As Is saves the document in Incomplete status. No approval routings will be generated for an incomplete change order.

1.5.Required fields in aCO for Line item PO’s

Action and Reason for Change

1.6.CO document statuses for Line Item PO’s

Open – Document awaiting approvals

Incomplete – Document with incomplete information

Approved – Approvals are complete; CO awaiting print process.

Complete – CO processing is complete.

Purged – Deleted document

Disapproved – Disapproved document

Hold – Document on hold

1.7.Changing a CO for a Line Item PO

In the CO search page, select action Change.

Enter the document number and click Go

Alternately, enter the department number and click Go to get a list of all documents that can be changed. Select the document by clicking on the document number.

Purged /Approved / Complete documents cannot be changed.

The displayed CO is in Change mode.

Change the document and click on Save.

All existing approvals will be removed when a CO is changed.

1.8.Deleting a CO

In the CO search page, select action Delete.

Enter the document number and click Go.

Alternately, enter the dept number and click Go to get a list of all documents that can be deleted.

The document is displayed in Delete mode. No changes are allowed.

Click on Savein the CO document to delete it.

Click OK in the confirmation message.

Document is deleted and the status is changed to Purged.

Complete documents cannot be deleted.

1.9.“Action” field on a Line Item CO

The latest accounts and amounts on the encumbrance is displayed in the Action field marked with a Current value.

This value needs to be changed to Change or Delete to save the change order in Open status.

If the Change action is selected, a new “After” row is added to the Change Order that lets you change the item / account / amount details.

If you wish to revert back to the original values at any point, select the “Undo” action in the “After” action row.

1.10.Encumbrance Summary

This page lists all accounts on the PO and the available encumbrance on each account for you to spend.

1.11.Available actions in the Line Item Change Order

There are four (4) options actions available for the user at the item level. When selecting an option the action changes colors to make it easier to determine which option was used in Document inquiry. The actions and descriptions are listed below:

Note: If the item has already been invoiced, the only action available will be current. You cannot change an item if Accounts Payable has entered an invoice for that item. Use the AP Vendor Document component to research.

  • Change – allows the user to change any part of the item, (description, qty, unit, cost, accounts).
  • Delete – allows the user to delete the item
  • Add – use the plus sign at the bottom of the PO detail to add another item
  • Undo – this option displays once you have selected one of the options, and will undo the selected option.
  • Current – displays if the item has already been invoiced. Use AP Vendor document to research

1.12. Changing/deleting items to a Line Item CO

Create a new CO by entering the PO number in the CO search page.

Click Search or Go

Take the appropriate action on the Notify Vendor flag

Enter the reason for change and go to the item that needs to be changed

Use the drop-down box and select action the appropriate action.

If changing the item, change the unit price and the account amounts so that the Unit price matches the amount total. Save.

1.13.Deleting an item from your line Item PO

Create a new CO by entering the PO number in the CO search page.

Click Search or Go

Take the appropriate action on the Notify Vendor flag

Enter the reason for change and go to the item that needs to be changed

Use the drop-down box and select action the action of Delete.


1.14.Undoing changes already entered

Use this option to restore the item back to what it looked like before you started the current change order. You can use the Undo option as long as the Change Order is not completed.

Go to the item that you want to Undo

Select the Undo option


1.15.Document blocking

Change Orders cannot be entered the PO is blocked. The PO will be blocked if:

  • on the same day that an invoice was entered against the PO by the Accounts Payable Central Area Office
  • if an INVCO (invoice change order) is in process
  • if a Computer Assisted Invoice has been entered by the Accounts Payable Central Area Office
  • If an EM (Encumbrance Maintenance) has been entered by the Accounts Payable Central Area Office

When a change order is in process, you cannot process the related invoices.

Auto mode does not display the blocked encumbrance’s invoices.

AP VENDOR DOCUMENT shows the status of the PO as “Blocked”

1.16.Approving aLine Item Change Order

The Change Order is one of the five documents that have separation of duties enforced. (CR, TA, TR, PO being the other four) So you cannot approve a CO if you had created or changed it.

Select FIS – Approve documents from AISystem main menu.

Enter the approval area (6-digit dept or central area approval code), four-digit Fiscal year and Doc Code CO.

Click Search to list all COs awaiting approval for the area entered.

Add more criteria to narrow your search results. Click on a record to display it in Approval mode.

Click on theSummary and Approval tab.

Enter the approval code in the text box for the approval area you are authorized.

Click Save. The approval is recorded with the time and name.

When all approvals are complete, the status changes to Approved or Complete.

Clicking on Return to Search takes you back to the Approve Documents Search Page.

Clicking on Return takes you to the COSearch page.

If displayed, Next in list and Previous in list buttons open up the next /previous documents in the approval stream.

1.17.Send-to Button

This button needs to be used only if you need to add an additional approval routing to the document.

To add this extra manual approval routing, click on the Send To button and enter the manual send-to department in the Area field and click on the Add button.

Click on Return to Document to get back to the CO.

You DO NOT have to click on this button to send the document to your approver. Once the CO is saved in Open status, it will automatically appear in your approver(s)’ approval stream.

1.18.Trailing documents

Trail docs can be added to COs in any status.

Click on the Trailing Docs button to add a trail doc.

Enter required fields (subject with minimum 8 characters and the trailing document).

Cross references can be added by entering the document code and document number in the Shared Docs section.

Be sure to save after you have entered the Trailing Doc.

Any number of trailing docs can be added to a CO.

“Trailing Doc exists” appear in the document under the document mode.

Once saved, you cannot change / add content / delete a trailing document.

If your document has more than one trailing document, a summary list is displayed with all the attached trail docs.


Worklist departments need to be set up by the user to be able to view problem documents.

Set up the worklist departments by clicking on FIS – User Maintenance – Worklist document depts.

Add the departments for which you would like to view the problem docs and save.

Click on Worklist – Worklist to view the problem docs.

Problem docs that were created AFTER you set up your worklist are listed.

Incomplete, disapprovedand stale (open for more than 14 days) documents are listed in the worklist.

Click on the document to view it in Inquiry mode.

Once the document status is changed, it is removed from the worklist.

1.20.Document Inquiry

Doc Inquiry search page is displayed by clicking FIS-Documents-Doc Inquiryin AISystem main menu.

Fiscal year, department are required field for document inquiry.

If a document number is entered, doc code is required.

Documents are displayed in Inquiry mode.

Click on the Go to Change mode buttonin the Summary and Approval page to switch the mode and make changes.

Trail docs can be added to aPO from Document Inquiry.

Purged documents are not displayed in the search results unless specifically entered in the Status field as “P”

1.21.Doc Print

Select FIS – Documents – Document Print in the AISystem main menu.

Enter search criteria and click on Search.

Select required documents from search results and click on Print document button.

Click on Refresh button to find the print status. The View Report link will be displayed next to the Refresh button after the report is generated.

Click on the link to view the report in pdf format.

Print or save the pdf document for future reference.


Legacy FIS’ AP VENDOR DOCUMENT function can be used to view web encumbrance documents.

Enter the 8-digit web encumbrance number in AP VENDOR DOCUMENT’s Enc ID field and press Enter.

The originating web PO and all its invoices and change orders are displayed.

1.23.Encumbrance Inquiry

To view web encumbrance details, click on Accounts Payable – Encumbrance Inquiry in AISystem main menu.

Enter the 8-digit web Encumbrance number and click Search.

AP Encumbrance Detail page lists the PO and all its invoices and change orders.

AP Encumbrance Documents page lists the details by account.

AP Encumbrance Summary page provides a summary of the encumbrance with the net available amount on the PO.

Web encumbrance details cannot be viewed in legacy APENC function.

1.24.What’s new?

A new field “Vendor Instructions” has been added to the Change Order document to add specific instructions for the vendor. This will be printed on the PO that is printed / faxed and sent out to the vendor.

The “Reason for change” field will also be printed and sent out to the vendor if the “Notify vendor” flag is checked.

Ship-to field cannot be overridden to enter new addresses. If you need to ship the goods to a different address from the one on file, contact the Purchasing Department at 314-935-5016.

If the Notify Vendor field is not checked, the document status will change to Complete on the last approval. No overnight processing is required to set the status Complete.

For printed Change orders, the status is set to Complete immediately after the CO is printed and sent out. The encumbrance is immediately adjusted after the status changes to Complete, so you can process your invoices, if any.

Doc Change History lists persons who changed the CO.

Production Website address:

FIS Help desk: 314-935-5707

Systems & ProceduresCO Quick Reference