MLA 7th ed. Format for Citing a NEWSPAPER ARTICLE

Author (LastName, FirstName). ______.

“Article Title.” ______.

Title of Periodical ______

Date: day______Mon .______year_____ , edition, ______, sec #: ______: Page(s) ___ __.

Medium: Print.

Name of Website or Database. ______.

Medium of publication. Web. Date of access. day______Mon.______year______.

(save URL for notes only) <http://______>.

Sample Citations

[newspaper with article on non-consecutive pages]

Muirragui, Rich. “At Long Last, Rocker Elton John Will Take the Stage at Nissan.” Potomac News 3 September 1998: D1+. Print.

McKay, Peter A. “Stocks Feel the Dollar’s Weight.” Wall Street Journal 4 Dec. 2006: C1+. Print

[newspaper with edition and sections}

Hennenberger, Melinda. “The Leonardo Cover-Up.” New York Times 21 Apr. 2002, late ed., sec.6: 12. Print.

Dwyer, Jim. “Yeats Meets the Digital Age.” New York Times 20 July 2008, early ed., Arts and Leisure sec.: 1+. Print.

[from online database]

Pegoraro, Rob. “With Cell Plans, It’s the Coverage, Not the Phone, That Counts.” Washington Post 13 May 2005, Final ed., Financial sec.: H7. eLibrary. Web. 23 Aug. 2009.

MLA 7th ed. Format for Citing a NEWSPAPER ARTICLE

Author (LastName, FirstName). ______.

“Article Title.” ______.

Title of Periodical ______

Date: day______Mon .______year_____ , edition, ______, sec #: ______: Page(s) ___ __.

Medium: Print.

Name of Website or Database. ______.

Medium of publication. Web. Date of access. day______Mon.______year______(save URL for notes only) <http://______>.

Sample Citations

[newspaper with article on non-consecutive pages]

Muirragui, Rich. “At Long Last, Rocker Elton John Will Take the Stage at Nissan.” Potomac News 3 September 1998: D1+. Print.

McKay, Peter A. “Stocks Feel the Dollar’s Weight.” Wall Street Journal 4 Dec. 2006: C1+. Print

[newspaper with edition and sections}

Hennenberger, Melinda. “The Leonardo Cover-Up.” New York Times 21 Apr. 2002, late ed., sec.6: 12. Print.

Dwyer, Jim. “Yeats Meets the Digital Age.” New York Times 20 July 2008, early ed., Arts and Leisure sec.: 1+. Print.

[from online database]

Pegoraro, Rob. “With Cell Plans, It’s the Coverage, Not the Phone, That Counts.” Washington Post 13 May 2005, Final ed., Financial sec.: H7. eLibrary. Web. 23 Aug. 2009.